Awoken From Nightmares. Kai x Reader.

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2:04 AM.
It's 2 in the morning and I've awoken from a terrible dream! Ohmigosh it felt so real!
Kai: there, there. Relax.
Must.. write to.. take mind off.. fear!
Kai: uh, you readers Enjoy!

"Shh! It's okay, (y/n)! You're okay!"
I had been woken up by my girlfriend screaming in her sleep. This has happened a few times and I understand why.
"Shhh~ it's okay.., It's okay."
I turned on the lamp on my nightstand and I began to stroke her hair softly as I held her close in my arms. She hugged me tightly and buried her face in my chest softly crying.

When (y/n) was a little girl, her childhood wasn't the brightest. Her father became a heavy drinker after (y/n) turned at the age of one and her mother was the best she had. She didn't have any siblings or close to any relatives.
Her mother told her her father said he didn't want to watch her and take care of her because it was too much.
I remember her telling about how her parents would sometimes fight. And her mother would try to take her and leave but her father used to become violent and attack her mother in front of her.
I believe and so does she, that's where she gets her nightmares from.

"I'm right here."
She let out a long exhale in my chest and loosened her tight grip around me. I assumed she's calmed down.
"You okay?" I ask kindly placing a kiss on the top of her head. She looked up at me and nodded.
"You wanna talk about it?"
She nodded 'no' in response, in just hugged her and rubbed her back to keep her calm and comforted.

She never did like talking about her nightmares. She only told me about her past when she started living with me and had her first nightmare here.
"Kai," her gentle voice muttered in my chest
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"I'm scared to go back to sleep."
Aww, I couldn't help but pity her.
I pulled her out of the embrace and caressed her face, slightly tilting her head back to look at her.
"It's okay. I'll stay awake with you until you fall asleep. We can talk until you get sleepy." I said looking at her in her teary eyes.
"Okay..." she agreed with a weak smile. I wiped away her tears and gave her a peck on the lips.

I laid on my back and let her cuddle up close to me and rest her head on my chest.
"What would you like to talk about? How about the time when we found Reita acting unusual during the camping trip?" I began with questioning. I heard a quiet chuckle come from her.
"Remember when we were walking and talking about Reita on the way back from collecting firewood, and then the next moment he was walking our way? He had his head down and walked right past us." I began with a small smile.
"We called out his name but, he acted like he didn't hear us and kept on walking. Then Ruki & Uruha came out of the camper laughing like idiots." I let out some laughs, and so did (y/n)
I wrapped my arm around her and held her close.

"Later that day, when all ate dinner, Reita, Ruki & Uruha were acting differently..," I rubbed (y/n)'s shoulder in a comforting way.
"Ruki & Uruha kept giggling and Reita kept blushing and faced opposite from everyone."
I could feel (y/n) feeling more comfortable and calm as if nothing happened. So I kept the story going until hopefully she falls asleep.

"We later found out that Reita had walked in on Ruki & Uruha doing something he wishes he hadn't seen." I began to laugh softly, almost wanting to burst into laughter. (y/n) let out some laughs and had a smile on her face of joy. I couldn't help but smile. She's so cute and beautiful when she smiles.

"Ruki & Uruha ended up turning into laughing hyenas that night while Reita took off by the nearby lake to let off some feelings. That was a strange day."
I finished with a exhale.
"The night trying to sleep was worse." (y/n) quietly said. I looked down at her and saw her eye's flutter close and her breathing was soft.
"It was. Heheh! Ruki & Uruha giggled literally all night and Reita kept hitting them with his pillow."
"Aoi had to get up and give all three of them a hit with his pillow to stop them."
(y/n) said with her eyes closed and a smile on her lips.
"Goodnight, Kai." She said letting out an exhale at cuddling up next to me. I turned off the lamp and kissed the top of her head.

"Goodnight, (y/n). I love you."

3:07 AM.
I feel much better. Sorry this sucked. I was just trying to comfort myself. I hope you liked it, my writing lately has been bleh! Sorry for any misspellings.
Any way, please vote & comment!

Bye-bye! (For now) (˘ ω˘)
(Sweet dreams!)

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