Loving Hearts. Aoi x Reader

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Ruki's my favorite out of the band, but there are days where I love another member more then Ruki, and these past days have been nothing but 'Aoi, Aoi, Aoi! I love you, I love you, I love you!'. And I didn't know what kind of title to put.
Enjoy! ˘ω˘

"That was a good movie. Thanks for the nice time together, Aoi-kun." (y/n) said sweetly as she walked her way home with her boyfriend, Aoi.
"Glad you enjoyed it." Aoi replied smiling at her.
The love birds walked their way to (y/n)'s apartment from the movies after watching (choice of movie). (y/n) really enjoyed it and so did Aoi, but what he enjoyed the most, was being with (y/n), the girl he loved.

"So, what are you doing tomorrow?" Aoi asked
"Hm, well... all I have is some school work to do, I'll be getting my diploma in about two months."
(y/n) answered looking up at the starry sky.
"Finally" Aoi teased. (y/n) laughed and playfully punched him in the shoulder.
"Ow!" Aoi laughed out. (y/n) smirked and pressed her lips against Aoi's shoulder, giving it a kiss to take the pain away.
"Will you be going to college after you get your diploma?"
(y/n) exhaled and pondered for a moment.
"Well," she began looking at the ground
"I don't know what I want to do."
She said keeping her gaze down.
Aoi grabbed the girl's chin and lifted her head up for him to look at her.
"Remember how we used to talk about what we wanted to do when we grow up when we were in middle school?" Aoi asked,
(y/n) only nodded in response.
"You used to tell me how you always wanted to be a nurse" he smiled at the (e/c) eyed girl.
"Do you still want to be one?"
(y/n) averted her eye's from Aoi's and thought about it before answering.
"Y-yes... yes I do" she answered positive, looking into Aoi's eyes. He smiled and pecked a kiss on her lips.

"S-so, hows your job in management going?" (y/n) asked
"Pretty good. I could be getting promoted sometime next month." Aoi answered with a proud smile.
(y/n) wrapped her arms around herself and shivered as a cool breeze blew in.
"N-no. I-I'm fine"
Aoi took his jacket off and wrapped it around the shivering girl. (y/n) was going to protest but backed down as she felt the warmth from Aoi's jacket as he wrapped it around her.
"T-thanks." she said shyly and kindly with a blush. Aoi smiled at her and kissed her on the forehead
"Come on, let's get you home where it's warm."

The couple walked their way to (y/n)'s apartment. They had a few laughs on their way up to stairs, telling a few jokes and talking about fun things in life.
A few minutes later, they arrived at her apartment and stopped at the doorstep.
"Are you sure you don't want me to stay for a few minutes? Make you a cup coffee or tea?" Aoi asked sweetly as he held (y/n)'s hands in his, making the girl smile with a blush.
"N-no. It's a little late. You better get on home before it gets too late." She replied.
"You're so cute when you blush, do you know that?" Aoi said making her blush darker.
"And you only blush when you're with me!" Aoi pointed out, chuckling with a grin.
"Well, that's because I love you and everything you do!" (y/n) stood up on her tip toes and gave him a kiss on the lips.
"I love you, Aoi" she said gently
"I love you too, (y/n)" Aoi gave her a kiss.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow?"
Aoi asked, caressing (y/n)'s cheek
"Yeah, definitely will."
"Alright, good night babe!" Aoi gave the girl another kiss.
"Good night sweetie!"
With that, it was called a night. Aoi waved at (y/n) as he walked down the hall.
(y/n) turned around, unlocking the door then heard a voice just before she turned the knob.
"Yes, Aoi-kun!!?"
He ran up to her and then asked, "Where do you see yourself in 20 years?"
The (e/c) eyed girl nervously chuckled and blushed before answering
"I-I see myself m-married, with a w-wonderful h-husband with a good job a-a-and we have t-two b-b-beautiful c-children" (y/n) stuttered shyly with a blush.
"What kind of guy do you hope to marry?"
She blushed even more with that question, because the kind of guy she would marry, was standing right in front of her. He had everything she wanted in a guy.
"I-I-I would m-mary someone l-l-like y-you."
Aoi chuckled at how cute and shy she was. He stepped closer to her and caressed her face, then began kissing her passionately.
"I love you, (y/n)"
Aoi whispered after they parted their lips from the loving kiss.
"I love you too, Aoi" (y/n) whispered back, pecking Aoi on the lips.
"Good night, (y/n)."
"Good night, Aoi."

The two officially called it a night. Aoi went home, (y/n) went into her house, preparing for bedtime, also realizing she still had Aoi's jacket.
'Oh, Aoi's jacket... he forgot it.. well, he can get it tomorrow.'
She thought, setting it on the arm of her couch. She walked to her room and got ready for bed...
'Oh I'm sure Aoi wouldn't mind!'
(y/n) dashed back into the living room and grabbed Aoi's jacket.
She got her pajamas on and curled up in bed with Aoi's jacket.

I hope you liked it. I was bored and was thinking of Aoi. (≧ω≦)
Sorry any mistakes.
Well, please vote & comment!
Bye-bye! (For now) >ω<

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