Midnight Confession. Aoi x Reader.

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Just a quickie from being Aoi obsessed!
Enjoy! (*^。^*)

Half past midnight. (y/n) (l/n) laid in her bed half asleep.
The stress she has been going through the past days has been keeping her awake, and asleep.

"Need... sleep..." the (h/c) haired girl said half asleep looking out her half opened , bedroom window half asleep, almost asleep.
'What are you going to do about tomorrow?'
She thought, waking her up. She groaned and turned over, throwing the blankets over her head.

The cool breeze coming through window sent a cooling sensation in the room relaxed the restless girl. Making her feel peaceful and sleepy.
(y/n)began to slowly close her eye's, but then, a noise was heard. The sound of the window sliding open.

(y/n) was now fully awake, fully alerted.
She slowly reached her hand out to her nightstand and quietly grabbed her Super Mario Nintendo 3DS holder figurine. Her console wasn't in the holder at the moment, giving her a good chance to be quiet.
A male voice whispered as he -what it sounded like, knocking something off the miniature shelf she had next to the window.
(y/n) held a tight grip on the heavy and solid Mario figurine and was prepared for a self-defense strike she may need to do.

Soft, quiet footsteps approached closer to her bed, she was fully focused, not a single fearing thought in head.
The footsteps stopped at the foot of her bed. She could feel whoever it was had eyes on her, and the presence of their hands preparing to grab her.

(y/n) shot up from under the blanket and swung the heavy solid figurine at the intruder, hitting him right in the head.
She saw the face of the intruder and widened her eye's.
"Aoi! What the hell!?" The (h/c) hair female whisper yelled at the dark haired male.
She didn't get an answer from him as he was too busy suppressing his screams of pain. He curled up on the foot of her bed and clutched his head in pain.
"I'm so sorry!" (y/n) apologized, carefully touching the hurt male.
"Mario! This is your fault!" She blamed the lifeless figurine and threw it in the laundry basket.

"What was that for!?" Aoi yelled
"I thought it was an intruder!"
(y/n) replied, trying to be quiet as possible. He groaned in pain and just laid on her bed bearing it.
"I'm really sorry, Aoi! I really am!"
"Don't be.. it was my fault for trying to play a trick on you..."
(y/n) hugged Aoi and kissed his shoulder blade.
"What was it that you wanted?"
"I just wanted to see you."
The two were silent for some time. For almost 10 minutes.
Aoi laid curled up on her bed while she embraced him from behind.
"You know," (y/n) began.
"You're the best person in my life." She softly whispered in Aoi's ear. He sat up with his hand on his head where he was struck and grabbed (y/n)'s chin, kissing her unexpectedly. She wasn't shocked or surprised, she didn't try to stop him, she just instantly melted into the sweet kiss.
"I came here to tell you I love."
Aoi said after he broke the kiss.
"I love you too." She said back confidently and pecked him on the lips.

"Well, it's getting late... I should be going-"
"Wait." (y/n) stopped Aoi as he got up off her bed getting ready to leave.
"Stay the night here. With me."
Aoi let out a soft laugh and said, "Are you sure Reita won't kill me?" Aoi asked
"No. Yes he's my big brother but he needs to mind his own business." She said. Aoi curled his lips and looked at the ground, unsure if he should stay. He wouldn't want to get (y/n) in trouble with Reita. He was the last of her family and Reita was very concerned for her since their parents passed.

"Come on Aoi, stay with me." (y/n) begged opening her blankets and patting the space next to her.
"Alright." Aoi gave in. He took his shoes and jacket off and climbed into bed with her.
"Good night, Aoi."
"Good night, (y/n)."
They gave each other a good night kiss and cuddled and went to sleep.
I hope you liked it. I just threw it together. My hand in numb.
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Bye-bye! (For now) ˘ω˘

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