Hate Me, Love Me. Uruha x Reader

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It's not a sad one.

"Come on! Let me explain!"
Your boyfriend Uruha begged sitting at the edge of the couch.
"Why?! So I have to hear the whole sick story again?! No!"

You were mad at your boyfriend because just about every night he was out with his stylist.
Now, at first you were cool about it because his other band members were there with their stylists and staff celebrating and having a good time after a rocking live, but you soon grew jealous and then mad. Reason? The stylist did nothing talk and hang out with Uruha. While the other stylists were talking to everyone there. But her, she loved being and talking to your Uru.

And you were officially mad now after catching them hugging.

"(Y/N)! You need to let me explain every detail!"
"I don't want to hear it! If you love her! You should leave me and be with her!"
You storm up stairs to your room and slammed the door shut.
You broke down crying as you slid down the door with your back against it. You had no control, you were heartbroken.

Uruha sighed and tears began to fall from his eyes. He got from the couch and walked up stairs and leaned his head against your bedroom door.
Your only response was crying.
Uruha reached into his pocket and pulled out a box then set out front of your door.
"(Y/N).., I got you something..."
He stepped back and leaned against the wall out front of your room.

You cracked the door opened and saw a small velvet blue box on the floor. You reached down for it and opened it, finding a silver ring with diamonds surrounding a big diamond.
You looked up at Uruha and saw his teary face.
"(Y/N).., will you marry me?"
Your heart stopped for a moment as his words reached your ears. Your frown and tears of heartbreak turned into a smile and tears of joy.

"Yes, Uruha. I will marry you."
You went up to him and hugged him tightly; and so did he.

"You were asking her for advice weren't you?"
"Yes. I was."
"I'm sorry."
Uruha pulled you out your embrace and kisses your soft cold lips.

"It's ok. I love you."
"I love you too, Uru."
You kissed him passionately and you guys curled up in bed like two ducks keeping warm.

I just finished my phys. & chm. Exam and wrote this.
Hope y'all like it.
Oh, and uh,
Happy holidays!!!

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