Our New Personal Assistant. the GazettE x Reader

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This is just going to be a cheesy one that is mostly going to be line written.
(h/l) = hair length

"Admit it!" Uruha yelled at Ruki
"Admit what!? I have nothing to admit!"
"That you're cute and tiny!!!!" Uruha squealed teasingly as he hugged the short blonde off the ground.
"U-Uru... stop that..." Ruki said annoyed.
"Reitaaaaa!!! Give me back my PS Vita!!!!" Aoi yelled at the blonde, chasing him around the living room.
"I thought this was a Gameboy Advance!?"
Uruha dropped poor Ruki on the ground and whipped his around in Reita's direction.
"Oi! That's my Gameboy Advance!" Uruha pounced on the blonde and fought for his Gameboy Advance, not realizing it is AOI'S PS VITA.
"Owww!!! Stop pulling my hair! I just got it styled!!" Reita shouted at the brown haired male.
"Reita, give it to me!"
"Reita, give it to ME! It's my PS Vita!"
The three piled onto each other like fighting children. Ruki just laid face down on the floor in pain.

"Kai..." Ruki lowly shouted out.
"Kaiiii!" He shouted louder
Kai came busting through the door. He looked around the chaotic room and let out a long sigh. Ruki, however, was the non-troubling one. It was Uruha, Reita, and Aoi who were troublesome.
"alright... ALL THREE OF YOU STOP RIGHT NOW!" Kai yelled at the children.
Uruha and Aoi jumped off Reita and started talking at once, trying to explain the situation but was only making things worse. They said things about each other while explaining the problem, which they started bickering, Reita was crawling to Kai and hugged his legs when he got to him with the PS Vita still in his hands.
Ruki was still on the floor, except he rolled over on his back, Reita's whining while hugging Kai's legs, Aoi and Uruha bickered on and on, they started pulling each other's hair and Kai was just standing in the middle of all of it, pinching the bridge of his nose and nodding his head.

Uruha gasped loudly and grabbed around Aoi's neck, trying to choke him
"STOPPPPPP!!!!" Kai yelled loudly as possible, making the bickering two stop, making Reita hug Kai's legs tighter, almost making him fall over, and Ruki sat up and looked at Kai.
"We... have a new... personal assistant coming to meet us." Kai announced. All the guys shot up on their feet- except for Ruki- and straightened themselves up.
"Is it a girl this time?" Reita asked grinning.
"No. I don't know."
"What's her name?"
"Our manager didn't say."
Reita groaned and flopped down on the chair. Aoi and Uruha were ignoring each other.
"Guys," Kai began
"They're going to be here any minute. Look around yourselves."
They all looked around and didn't realize anything, but Ruki did.
"Ohh noo! This house is a mess!"
Ruki said standing up and limping.
"Whoa, you okay Ruki-san?" Kai noticed.
"Oh I'm just fine! Couldn't be better!" He sarcastically replied with a glare. Kai opened his mouth to say something, but then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!"
Walked in, was their manager, with a young beautiful woman with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eye's that sparked beautifully.
Reita's eye's scanned her figure. Thinking things he shouldn't be thinking.
"Konnichiwa guys! This is (y/n)
(l/n). She'll be your guy's new assistant. She's great with a lot of things." Their manager cheerfully introduced the band to her.
"I'm sorry I must go so quick, please introduce yourselves to her and treat her kindly. See you guys later!" Their manager left. Leaving the beauty with the chaotic five alone.

"I'm Reita! I hear you're great at a lot of things! I have a few things you could mess with that I'm sure you'd be great at!" Reita introduced himself in a flirtatious way.
Kai gritted his teeth and turned away.
"I'm Aoi! The greatest super star!" Aoi introduced himself proudly with a hair flip, trying to impress the young woman.
Uruha came over and shoved Aoi away.
"I'm Uruha! Or you could call me, 'Uru'!" He smirked at her.
"Ahem!" Kai stepped next to Uruha to introduce himself to her.
"I'm Kai!" He gently took her hand and softly kissed it, making her blush.
"It's so nice to meet you!" Kai flashed his bright smile at her.
Last but not least, Ruki limped over and bumped into Kai's shoulder, making him move over.
"A-are you okay?" The girl asked concerned and holding onto Ruki making sure he doesn't fall.
"I'm fine. I'm Ruki! Or you could call me Takanori!" He said with a kind and flirty smile.
The rest of the guys nodded their heads at Ruki. He would only allow close friends and family to call him by his real name, never has he told a total stranger to call him that, at least not until he got close enough with them to call them a friend.

the GazettE Members x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now