Flirt With Me. Uruha x Reader

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He stared at you from across the room in the cafè as you laughed with your girl friends.
His friends had a discussion about videos games but he wasn't listening to a word they were saying. He was caught in a daze watching you smile with that sparkle of happiness in your eyes.
"And then we ambush them from here."
"Sounds good."
"Lieutenant Takashima, your thoughts?"
His four friends turned their heads and waited for him to say something.
His blonde friend waved a hand in his face.
He snapped out of his daze and looked at his friends
"Uru! I bet you didn't hear a word we said!"
All four laid back in their seats and groaned.
"Lieutenant, what could you possibly-"
He got up and started walking to your table without hesitation.

You and your friends were just having a casual girl talk conversation going on at the table, not worrying about anything or anything, living and loving life, that was until he came over.
"I love your make up in this picture!"
"Thanks! My sis-"
"Hello, beautiful."
All heads turned as his deep flirtatious voice was heard.
Looking up, you met face to face with him and cracked a smile. He was tall, handsome and had a voice that was surely hot as hell.
"Hello, handsome!"
You said back with your friends giggling in the background.
"How does your man let you out of the house without him? Gorgeous girl like you can be picked up on before you know it."
You let out a chuckle and said, "I don't have a man." raising your eyebrows in the end.
He smirked and grabbed your chin, tilting your head back a bit.
"Now that's a lie. How is that possible?"
Running his thumb against your soft skin, you felt a shiver run down your spine.
"Your pretty face won't be single for long."
Your friend cleared her throat and said that her and the girls had to use the restroom, leaving you with him and his flirtatious touch

"Why don't we meet here again tonight? Just you and me."
His eyes gazed deeply into yours, patiently waiting for your lips to move to hear your answer.
"Heyyyy! Uruuu!"
A familiar blonde, fairly short male said walking up behind him
"Found yourself some good looking flesh eh?"
The other blonde, taller, with spiky hair said checking you out.
"Ahem!" Uruha signaled his friends to beat it, but they decided to get to know you too.
"What's your name?"
The small blonde said
"I'm (Y/N), you?"
"They call me Ru!"
The spiky blonde grabbed Ru around his neck with his arm and said, "Ru-Ki here likes Captain Ru because we call him that 90 percent of the time. I'm Corporal Suzuki, or you can call me Reita."
You gave him an odd look and Uruha saw it.
"They worship their video games."
You looked back at Uruha and raised an eyebrow. The short one tugged on Uruha's shoulder and whined about going back to planning what to do next in their games of war. Before Uruha could respond to his friend, you got up and stayed you had to leave, sending panic into the tall, handsome man's eyes.

"How does your lady let you leave the house? A handsome thing like you possibly can't be single."
You flirted back using his words only quite different. Uruha's eyes shone and a smirk appeared across his lips.
"Why don't we meet here again tonight? Just you and me."
You gave him a grin as you slipped a folded piece of paper in his hand.
"Hey girls! Let's go! I heard the mall is having a big sale!" You called out to your friends as they walked out of the restrooms.

Uruha unfolded the paper and his lips curved into a smile.

The names (Y/N). You're not the first to come strong me with your words. If you really want to meet again tonight, let me know.
Ps. I've never given out my number to the guys who hit on me. I'd say you're lucky.

He shoved the paper into his pocket and stood tall.
"Let's hear that plan captain & corporal."
He said walking back to their table.
"Did she say the mall is having a sale?"
Ruki asked eagerly.

I have internet again... and somewhat a life. XD

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