It Wasn't Love, It Was Care. Reita x Reader.

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Inspired by real life experiences.

"It's okay. I promise you."
Your friend Reita said sitting next to you on your bed while you cried roughly into his shoulder.

Your longtime boyfriend broke up with you and you were devastated. You loved him. Purely.
Everything you two did together was unforgettable, irreplaceable, and was, well done together.

"R-Reita! What is it about me, that I'm not good enough?!"
You said between sobs. Reita held you closer and rocked you in his arms.
"(Y/N) , you're better than good, and you know it."
Reita's words made you feel better yet, feel no different from what you said about yourself.
You clung onto him and cried. Reita let out a sigh and leaned his head on yours.
"I can't imagine what you feel right now. To love someone that long and lose them, I'm sorry."

Reita laid back on the bed with you and you fell asleep in his arms that night. Because he didn't want to wake you, he fell asleep too.

[about a month later]

"Thanks for coming! Have a nice day!"
You served your last customer before taking off your apron and going on break.
For your lunch break, you went to the Takashima Café that was across from the grocery store you worked at.
"Hi! Welcome to Takashima Café!"
"Hi Uru!"
You greeted your friend who worked at the café because his parents owned it.

Before you could go to a table, Uruha dragged you over to another table; and there, you met with a familiar face.
You said happily surprised.
You took a seat across from him and Uruha asked what you two wanted and took your orders, saying he'd be back soon with a wink. You were confused at first but shook it off.
"Hi, Reita!"
"So what's new in your life?"
You asked starting a conversation.
"Not much."
Reita replied.

It's was quiet for a moment. Both of you checked your phone to see if you had any notifications, but there was nothing.
"Two (favorite latte) lattes for my two friends!" Uruha came back with your orders and served them with a delightful smile on his face.
You both thanked him before he went back to taking orders.

"I uh-"
"Hey I have a question for you"
You stopped as Reita's sudden interruption.
"What's up?"
"What's your opinion on dating me?"
Reita asked with hesitation. You looked at him with wide eyes and a parted lips.
"I'd probably say yes if you asked me out but since my break up with you know who I'm not sure if I'm ready to date again."
You replied twiddling your thumbs in your lap while looking at him.
"Screw him, he's nothing." Reita said straightforward.
"Well I'm asking"
You swallowed your courage and said, "well I'm saying yes"
Reita's eyes lit up and his lips curled into a grin
You chuckled at him which made him blush.
"Yes. Really. I mean it."
You smiled at him and sat your hands up on the table, reaching for Reita's and holding them in yours. With Uruha grinning at you two behind the counter.

And so you two started dating.

[about four days later]

You and Reita went out and did things together ever since you started dating, like four days ago; but it felt like you two were together longer than ever. You two got along so well.

As for today, Reita took you Takashima Café for lunch. You two sat down and ordered some lunch.
"So, what'd you get?"
Reita asked.
"You know what I got."
"I wasn't listening, I was distracted by your beauty." He said smirking, making you giggle and blush.

The bell rang as someone entered the café
"Welcome to..." Uruha paused for a moment
You turned around to looked at Uruha, but someone else caught your eyes making them go wide.
"Makoto..." you whispered.
Uruha cleared his throat and finished his welcome.
"Welcome to Takashima Café."
Reita growled which made you turn back and face him.
"Don't look at him. He broke your heart. Why care about what's he doing here." Reita muttered to you, not realizing your ex walking straight towards you two.
"Hey (Y/N)! Long time no see!"
Makoto said. You stayed silent.
"Are you two dating?"
You were about to say something before Reita spoke up.
"What's it to you if we are or not?"
The two males looked at each other viscously for a moment. You weren't sure if a fight or an argument was going to break between them so you said something.
"U-um, Reita, I believe Uruha has the order coming!" You said loudly, hoping Uruha heard you. Out the corner of your eye, you could see him running to the back and out, speed walking with your orders to your table.

"Excuse me." Uruha politely as possible squeezed between Reita and Makoto
"She's a jealous type."
Makoto said before walking away.
You raised your head at Reita with a sad look in your eyes. Reita gave you a smile and dabbed whipped cream on your lips from his single serve angel cake. You chuckled and licked it off your lips.

[the next day]

You & Reita headed out to the park and hung out playing games.
"Never have I ever..."
"... well?"
You scoffed waiting for Reita to say something
"Hit someone."
You stayed silent with a smile on your face, making Reita giggle then turn into a fit of laughter.
"Fine! I have!" You gave in.
"Everyone from junior high remembers that story (Y/N)!" Reita laughed out. You rolled your eyes as you tried to hold in your giggles but failed.
"Was it Ruki you hit?!" Reita breathed out trying to regain his breathing from laughing.

Everyone in junior high knows about the time you hit Ruki. You were his biggest crush but when he confessed to you, he used words that did not impress you.
"Those weren't his words! His friend told him 'that's how you confess to a girl you wanna bang!' Hahaha! Oh gosh!"
Your face went red as it all came back to you.
"(Y/N), I don't think you know this but,"
You covered our ears as you knew Reita was going to repeat Rukis confession words.
"I've been touching myself ever since I laid eyes you."
"I want to-"
"He was so young! He didn't know what he was saying!" You overlapped Reita and ended up kissing him to shut him up.

"A kiss in a park feels lovely doesn't it?"
You and Reita quickly pulled away from each other and looked at the owner of the sudden voice interruption.
"What do you want, Makoto?" Reita sighed pulling you into his arms.
"Was just walking in the park and saw a familiar (h/c) haired pretty girl."
You looked away from Makoto and played with Reita's shirt collar.
"See us around." Makoto began walking away.
Makoto called out. Reita kept his focus on looking at your necklace.
"She's can be very moody and butt hurt."
"Why do you keep pointing out my flaws?!"
You said in your mind.

[the next day]

You sat on your couch quietly reading a book with a warm cup of tea. You were lost in the story of the book. You weren't aware of what was going on in reality; like your doorbell ringing.
Knock, knock
You shot your head up at the sudden loud knock and got up to answer it.

"Reita! What a surprise!"
"Yeah uh,"
You motioned Reita to come in but he nodded no.
"Well, what's up?"
Reita took a deep breath and had a troubled look on his face. You frowned your eyebrows and asked, "what's wrong Reita?"
He only sighed in repose and looked at you with sympathy. You felt something wrong.
"(Y/N)," Reita nodded his head
"I'm sorry we have to break up."
Your heart sank to your stomach.
"Since I'm starting college next month, my parents are making do and give up things." Reita stated.
"If I don't do what they say, I don't go to college."
You were lost for words. You wanted to say something, but you couldn't. You could barely breathe.
"I'm sorry." Reita looked deep into your eyes when he said that.
It went silent for a long time before you spoke up.
"Good luck.
"Good luck in college. I hope you do well."
Reita smiled and gave you a hug.
"See you later. I promise."
Reita said before leaving.

You shut your door and went up to your room and cried.
You felt heart break, and you felt foolish.
You and Reita weren't together for very long.
He was your friend before you and after you were with Makoto. You know Reita well.
You weren't sure if you loved him, but what you were definitely sure of, was that you care about him. And to lose him like you did, you now had a special form of love for him.

Why does life hate me? It's a new year, everything's supposed to be new and great but no the new year wants my heart broken again. Fuvx I cried so hard last night because I cared so much about him.
I gotta Ruki one shot coming up....

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