My Light In Life. Kai x Reader.

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We all love his smile!
Enjoy! ^ω^
"Kai, when will dinner be ready!?"
I groaned with a chuckle as I slumped on the couch.
'I wonder if this rain will stop...'
I thought as I glanced out the window, watching the rain pour down with some lightning strikes in the sky. Thank goodness the thunder was some miles away, it's just too loud for me. I was playing on my (handheld video game console) in the living room as I waited for Kai to finish cooking dinner.
It was quiet. All that could be heard was the sound of my video game, the sound of the food sizzling from the kitchen and the rain and thunder. We usually talk to each other- or more like holler, because of the distance between from where he is and I, tonight we had to holler a little louder because of the thunderstorm.
As I played (name of the video game), I almost got to the very end of success, and depressingly, the battery died.
"Aww! Come on!" I said with frustration as I got discouraged. I frowned down at the console and set it aside on the seat next to me.
"Is everything alright in there!?"
Kai hollered.
"Yes! Sort of..." I said in a low tone, he probably couldn't hear me.
"Come here!" He called out
"Come here, (y/n)!"
"Justtt come hereeee!"
"Alright, alright!" I chuckled out as I got up from my cozy spot and walk into the kitchen where my lovely Kai is! My love! My heart!

"Yes, love?" I say sweetly with a cheeky smile, leaning against the doorway. He smiled at me and motioned me to come over to him, I walked over to the cutie and stood right next to him, looking down into the pan of food, it looked absolutely delicious!
"Ooh~! What cha making!?"
I ask curiously.
"It's a little something I put together myself!" He said proudly as he stood tall with his hands on his hips, head held high and chest puffed with pride. I giggle at him and give him a hug.
"I love you, Kai"
He wraps his arms around me, hugging me back and kissed the top of my head.
"I love you too, (y/n)!" Kai replies sweetly and smiles down at me, lighting up my world.

We leaned in for a kiss when all of a sudden... the thunder boomed loudly. I yelped and grabbed onto Kai and buried my face into his chest. I heard a chuckle come from him and felt him gently rub my shoulder, comforting me so sweetly.
"It's just the thunder babe"
He says hugging me closer.

Kai's p.o.v.
I hugged (y/n) close as the thunder scared her, she never did like it. Her grip around me loosened and she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Why thunderstorms?" (y/n) whined
"You were out running errands, how could you possibly not notice the clouds?" I said laughing. I whined in pain as (y/n) playfully punched me on the shoulder.
"I was ignoring them hoping it was just a cold cloudy day" she replied kissing me on the cheek.
"Dinners ready, could you set up the table?" I ask kindly.

(y/n)'s p.o.v.

I give Kai another kiss on the cheek and proceed to set up the table.
As I got the table just about ready nicely, I walk over to the shelf of dishes and grab one last plate.
The Thunder suddenly boomed louder than ever causing me to freeze in my tracks and hug the plate tightly to my chest, it got worse...
"K-Kai," I begin nervously
".. please tell this is one of Reita's pranks again..." I say with hope and a nervous a smile as the lights went out. Kai laughed out loud and what looked like, he nodded a no, but it was hard to tell in the dark.
"No, no... the power went out."
I stay exactly where I'm at and slowly kneel down, curling up on the cold floor.
"Stay there, I'll get the flashlight and candles" Kai says as I heard his footsteps shift around the kitchen. Suddenly, a light appears.
"Ah! Found the flashlight!" Kai says happily
"Also the candles along with a book of matches"

Kai came back to where I was and helped me up off the floor.
"We'll just have to eat in the dark, with some candles. It could be romantic." He added.

Kai set out a few candles on the table and lit them, creating some light in the room and making the table look very... fancy.
"Here, you stay put, I'll get us our dinner" he assured me. I stayed sitting at the table, next moment, Kai comes back with a couple of plates of food.
"Here we are. Dinner. Hope you like it." I took a good look at the appetizing food and lick my lips, making Kai smile, I grin back.
"You know Kai," I begin, and take a bite of my food before finishing my sentence.
"Your smile is all I need, it lights up my world like the sun lights up the earth" I said. He blushed at me, before he shot a big grin, squinting his eyes from the rose of his cheeks.
"I love you, Kai."
"I love you too, (y/n)."
Had a thunderstorm over here last night.
Anyway this Kai x Reader was kinda cheesy, so sorry.
Hope you enjoyed!
Sorry for any misspellings, the cheesy story, and short story.
Bye-bye! (For now) >ω<


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