Do You Real Good. Reita x Reader [18+]

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"Oh god... Reita... fuck.." (y/n) moaned as Reita kept thrusting in a fast pace
"you like that don't you (y/n).." the blonde whispered within breaths
"oh god yes!!" the girl beneath him panted out
"God (y/n)... you feel so good..." Reita groaned, rolling his hips into her deeper.

the only thing that can be heard through the whole apartment was their moans,
not even caring about their neighbors, their desire took them over, living in a world of their own...

"Reita.. I'm so close.. god!!" (y/n)'s moans grew louder, the pitch of her voice high with pleasure.
"yeah.. me too" Reita breathed out

Ring ring

The couple was startled by the sudden ring of Reita's phone on the bedside table, but both did not bother to answer.

Ring ring

"Are you gonna answer that?" (y/n) asked, trying to regain her breathing
"sure will~" Reita grinned and reached for the loudspeaker on the phone

"hey Reita!" Uruha's voice was heard on the line.
"what do you want Uru.." (y/n) sounded annoyed
"oh your there (y/n)!?" Uruha sounded surprised
"well what do you want.. me and Reita are... kinda... uh, busy.." (y/n) glared at the phone dangerously
"I was gonna ask, if Reita saw my video game, I can't find it anywhere around here.." Uruha said, some noises were heard
"just look for it Uru... it's there.." (y/n) set her gaze back to a grinning Reita, "what?"

before she knew it, Reita was thrusting again, 'accidentally' hitting her sweet spot, which made (y/n) shut her eyes in pleasure and breathe out a loud moan

"fuck... R-Rei...ta" (y/n) moaned out
"(y/n), are you ok?!" Uruha's voice sounded worried
"I..I'm.. fine.. oh god Reita! do that again!!" (y/n) was taken over again
"OH MY GOD!!! ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING WHILE I'M TALKING!?!" Uruha shouted over the phone
"fuck.. Reita.. I'm so close!!" (y/n) shouted
"shit!" Uruha cursed before he hung up

Reita kept thrusting into (y/n) with a fast and rough pace, making the (h/c) moan louder, both knew that they were both close to the edge.
Reita thrust harder with the same fast pace, making her a moaning mess

"REITA!!!" (y/n) shouted her lovers' name as she came, her seed spilling on Reita's cock.
"oh god (y/n)..." he moaned as he continued to thrust into the tight heat to reach his own climax
"come for me love.." she whispered
"(Y/N)!!!" Reita moaned as he came, spilling his seed inside his lover.

both tried to catch their breath, it didn't take long for Reita to pull himself out of (y/n), making her whine at the loss of contact, both just laid down, their heavy breathing turning back to normal

"you know I love you so much
(y/n).." Reita said
"I know" she giggled
"I'm so lucky to have you..." he turned his gaze to his smiling lover
"I know that too.." she replied with glee,
"but you know traumatizing Uru was so wrong.."
"but you liked it anyways" Reita grinned
"Yeah, whatever.. you'll just have to be ready tomorrow.."
"Well time for some sleep..." Reita said as he wrapped his arms around his lover
"good night" (y/n) said and pecked Reita on the lips, before sleep took over
"good night love~" Reita answered before he closed his eyes.

Bonus ending!
"Ready to write some music Uru!?"
Aoi said happily walking over to the couch with his guitar.
Uruha was sitting at the end of this couch, nervously tapping his foot while biting his nails.
"Uru, are you alright?" Aoi asked, concerned about his bandmate. He scooted closer to Uruha and put his hand on his forehead
"I-I-I'm f-fine!" Uruha stuttered as he -politely as possible- slapped Aoi's hand away
"Morning!" Ruki said walking in the living room
"Ruki, I think there's something wrong with Uruha..."
"Oh no, he's okay. Sort of. Just.. traumatized." Ruki stated from the dining room as he sat out papers on the table
"What?" Aoi said curiously with some concern
"Good morning everyone!"
Reita said suddenly bursting through the door with (y/n) at his side
"Never mind, I'll tell you later Aoi."
Ruki added as he exhaled
"Alright love, you go on and help Ruki and... Kai, if he's here yet..."
Reita glanced around the room
"Anyway, Uruha, Aoi and I have some writing to do. So, yeah"
"Yeah, I'll be over in the dining room. At the table"
(y/n) said with a cheeky smile as she started to walk to the dining room.

"Good morning, (y/n)"
"Good morning, Ruki"
"So how was Reita last night?"
Ruki said. (y/n) gave Ruki a confused look
"Oh, you know... last night. Did he satisfy you?" Ruki suddenly said as he read some paperwork
(y/n)'s face turned cherry red and she stared at Ruki with wide eyes.
He turned his head to her and looked at her for a moment before speaking.
"It's ok, you don't have to answer that, I already got an answer." Ruki said with a smirk.

Hmm... hope you liked it!
The bonus ending is mine by the way.
Please vote and comment!
Also, comment if I should try to write a 18+ with a different member. Perhaps Uru-chan? I don't know, you tell me.
Bye-bye! (For now) ^ω^

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