I Don't Love You Like I Did. Kai x Reader

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A dark haired male stood in front of a (h/c) haired female who hung her head down low.
They once held hands, they once hugged each other close, they once locked lips, they once shared a bed, but that was all over.

Both had knots in their throats as words formed in their heads.

They were once a deeply in love couple, but over time, that love faded.

When you go...

"Is this the best choice...?"
Kai asked on the verge of tears.
"... it's... it's what we both believe." (y/n) replied with tears streaming down her soft face.

Standing in the cold winter night, Kai hung his head down as he felt his heart break into pieces. It only hurt more when he heard (y/n) let out a few sobs.

Both were heartbroken by the fact that things weren't going to work between them after two years of a beautiful and healthy relationship.
They never thought their love would die.

Would you even...

Both went silent for a moment.
Both trying to gather the courage to say their final words to each.

Kai wanted to say his more than anything, but, it wouldn't change anything.
(y/n) had words she could only express through actions; but, whether she used words or actions, it wouldn't change anything.

Turn to say...

The two took a step forward to the side and walked away from each other.

Both putting distance between each other, they kept walking farther and farther.

Still, on each other's minds, they continued to walk in the snowy night.

I don't love you...

Before they knew it, they looked back, but couldn't see each other.
They were now far from each other's touch, each other's voice, and each other's sight.

Like I did...

What was left of their minds, was the curiosity of what was each other's last words.



Pretty cheesy and sad. I know. I'm sorry. Also I'm sorry about not updating. I'm struggling with depression so it's been hard to write.
I might make a part two to give it a happy ending.

Bye-bye! (For now)

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