Long Lost Confession. Uruha x Reader.

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Okay, look, this is just some silly thing that came to me, I'm weird okay? Remember, be weird like MYV and don't ever mind it!
Enjoy! (*^。^*)

A young (h/c) haired female stood before a messy dark blonde haired male with a blushed face and a nervous look in her eye's. The male standing in front of her was her biggest crush and that one special friend she could always look up to.
She could talk about anything with him. Whether she needed help or if she was sad, angry, depressed, happy, or just needed some communication. He was there for her
He was the most reliable and special person to her, so special, that she soon fell for him.

She always thought she wasn't good enough for him. No matter how close they were or how good they got along. She always thought she nothing more than a girl who was often troubled and always needed someone to help her with whatever was troubling her.

Today, she admitted to herself that she could no longer hold in her feelings about him. She wanted to confess her feelings to him.

"... yes? (y/n)..?"
".... well?"
"... u-uh, I-I, u-uh..."
(y/n) found it harder than she thought at first. She couldn't say it.... she just couldn't say it.
She fiddled with fingers and looked down at her feet, thinking how was she going to do this.
Uruha, he just stood there patiently waiting for her to say something after she got his attention.

"U-Uruha, I... I-I-I j-j-just- oh gosh!" She turned around and covered her face in her hands, letting out some sobs.
"H-hey? Is everything alright?" Uruha asked concerned hugging the shy female from behind, making her blush.
"U-U-Uru.., I just... I just.... I..."
"It's okay. If something's wrong, just tell me. I've always been here for you and I always will be."
(y/n) calmed down a bit listening to Uruha's comforting words, but, what was wrong, she couldn't talk to him about it. How could she when her problem was her being nervous about telling him she has fallen in love with him.

"Please (y/n), never forget that I'm here for you. You need me and, well.., I need you too." Uruha said with a blush suddenly appearing on his face.
(y/n) slowly turned around and wrapped her arms around the tall male, burying her face in his warm manly chest.

"Uruha..," she muffled in his chest
"Yes, (y/n)?" Uruha stroked the females (h/l) (h/c) silky hair
She looked up at him with a blush and a shy smile and said, "I love you."
Uruha widened his eye's and then slowly caressed the females soft and smooth skinned cheek as his eye's softened with a blush.

"I always thought I wasn't good enough for you. I always thought I was just a good friend and nothing more." He confessed what he had always thought about what was between him and her.
"But, I love you, (y/n). I always have." Uruha gave (y/n) a kiss before she could react to his words.

"I love you, (y/n)."
"I love you, Uruha."

The two were a lot more closer than ever before after starting a relationship. They talked a lot more, did things together a lot more, a lot more of everything than ever before.

This is so suckish! Sorry! It's late and I'm bored and sleepy, but can't sleep.
I hope you liked it!
URUHA: goodnight!
*Sigh* Goodnight!

Bye-bye! (For now) ˘ω˘

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