Mine. Jealous!Aoi x Reader

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It's been awhile! Heheh! HIIII! XD

Requested by, EXOLoverForevr

Quick note, a flask is a 'hip' bottle that is known to hold liquor. I'm explaining this because I've been asked 'what is a flask' from being watched while writing this.


He watched you with a scowl plastered on his face.
As you laughed, blushed and grabbed the boys shoulder from laughing, he felt sicker in his stomach.
He let out a sigh and focused on not going into his "phrase" as he leaned back on the park bench.

"I have to go now miss (l/n)! It was so nice talking to you this morning!"
"You too!"
Aoi let a sigh of relief out and calmed down from all that he was holding in.
He turned his head to you, with a smile, waiting for the boy to walk away.
"See you later?"
The boy asked holding out a hand.
"Yep!" You shook his hand and smiled.
Aoi's eye twitched and inhaled deeply.

"So, where do you... Aoi?"
He stared off into space with a face that was clear he was holding something back, even with a smile, you knew something was wrong.
"Aoi.., are you okay?"
He let out a long sigh and faced you.
"Yeah. I'm fine."
You giggled and hugged him.

"I'm sorry, what were you going to ask?"
"Should we meet the guys somewhere to eat or eat at the studio?"
Aoi stood up and held your hands in his. He pulled you up out of your seat, making you chuckle. He pulled you into an embrace and gave you kiss on your soft lips.
"They're at the studio with food already." Aoi said assuring.
"Kai's cooking?"
You questioned.
"We'll find out when we get there."
He whispered and tickled you.
You squeaked and tried to run away, but he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back.
"I love you."
He said and kissed your neck.

You knew he never showed this much affection at once in public, but you were so captured in it, you didn't care.

At the studio

"Hey! Look who's here!"
Reita said as both you and Aoi walked in.
"Hey guys!"
Aoi greeted happily with a smile; 2 seconds later that smile turned into a confused look, soon both you and Reita's did the same as a familiar voice in the form of yelling was heard down the hall way of the studio.

"Ruki! Get back here with that or I'll tell Kai!"
"oh come now, Uru, take a joke for once."
"Ruki, I am warning you!"
All three of you watched Ruki toss Uruha his flask back and let out a sigh, Ruki turned his head to you and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"(y/n)!!!" he shouted joyfully and hugged you.
"Hello Ruki, you seem eager to see me." you said casually, getting a grin out him as rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I just needed some affection after getting all tense from teasing Uruha."
"Aw don't take it to heart Ruki, we all love you!"
Ruki blushed and chuckled while he looked at the floor.
"You're the sweetest!"
Aoi narrowed his eyes at Ruki and let out a sigh.
"Aoi are you alright?" You asked concerned.
"Oh just a bit tired." he answered in a monotone. Ruki took off giggling down the hall and called out Uruha's name.
"Well, shall we eat?!" Kai said with a bag of take-out containers.

After you guys ate, you sat back and chilled in the studio. Ruki and Uruha fettled on the guitars while Kai & Reita checked out the equipment.
You sat with your legs thrown over Aoi's lap as he rested his guitar on them and sang you momiji momju. You giggled at how passionately he did it even though it was a complete song.
"Arigato." He bowed.
"That was great!" You said

Uruha was taking to Ruki but he wasn't paying any attention what so ever. All he did was stare at both you and Aoi.
"You know what I'm saying?"
Uruha looked up to Ruki from his guitar and grumbled.
"Ugh! Ruki!"
"I have an idea."
Uruha's eyes lit up
"Oh good, you were listening! So-"
"No I have no idea what you said."
Ruki looked away as he felt Uruha's death glare on him.
"Aoi is somewhat jealous."
"Earlier (y/n) was being nice to me and I saw Aoi like I've never seen him."
Uruha narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Ruki. He waved it off then whispered in his ear.

You and Aoi sat back on the sofa giggling about whatever it was when suddenly the boys came over to you guys.
Reita smiled brightly. Uruha stood tall with his arms crossed while pouting. Ruki bent down to your level grinning with a box of some sort of food or whatever. Kai, on the other hand, was totally opposite. He looked worried and his face had a shy blush.
"Hey!" Reita greeted with chopsticks. Just when Aoi was about to say something, Ruki shoved the box in your face.
"Wanna try some desserts?"
You looked at the treats. There were a variety of mochi, castella, and monju.
"Open wide!" Ruki said while Reita picked up a mochi with the chopsticks and fed it to you.
You weren't sure how to react so you just opened your mouth and began chewing. You looked at them confused and they just smiled.
Aoi had an eyebrow arched and just watched them.

"Try some monju!"
With that, Uruha strutted over and threw his leg up on the head of the sofa, making you flinch. He took the chopsticks from Reita and picked up a monju from the box. He grabbed your chin and slowly tilted your head back. At this point, you had no idea what was going on.
"Say ahh for daddy duck!"
You blushed hard at his words and your lip trembled nervously as you opened your mouth.
Uruha gladly fed you the monju and smirked when swallowed it after chewing it veryyy slowly.

"H-Hey!" Kai's voice brought you back to your senses.
"Why don't-" Kai shut his mouth as he saw Aoi push Uruha's leg away from you and pulled you onto his lap and began to kiss you passionately.
The guys look at you two in awe with a blush; except Kai. He looked at the ground blushing madly.
"You're mine."
Aoi whispered just loud enough for the guys to hear.
You blushed madly and realized it at that moment. Aoi was jealous.
"Aww Aoi.." you said before kissing him again.
"I'm always yours." You whispered; also just loud enough for the guys to hear.

"Man, Aoi so hot headed. He didn't even let the fun start."
Reita said crossing his arms.
"We just saw his calm side. I don't think we want to see his true jealousy." Uruha stated.
"He gets pretty frisky when he's jealous. You guys should keep going. I wanna see what he'll do to me when he really gets jealous."
The guys blushed and "ooohed" at your comment; except Kai. He took off in the back of the studio somewhere.


There! It's not my best, I can usually write better than this. Sorry but please enjoy! I'm also sorry for being so late. I've been out with friends for summer and stuff.
Buttt imm backkk!
See ya later!

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