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Today, Amil's work schedules seemed to overlap. Once she left Pandora, there was only a small window of time before she needed to be heading to her second job at the consignment store. Tired wasn't the word for how she was feeling, but she signed up for it and constantly reminded herself that she couldn't do too much complaining. Upon looking at the time, she realized she had a little under a hour to get there. Since she was in her Pandora work clothes, she'd have to stop and change, considering the dress code at the two establishments were remarkably different.

Amil pushed through the double doors and scanned around the parking lot for Zion's car. After a bit of searching, she finally spotted the space gray Dodge Challenger. It wasn't as polished as it usually was, considering the big key stretch that stretched across the passenger side. Amil's eyes weren't fixated on it for too long. Before entering the car, Zion's loud music waves seeped through his car and greeted her way before he could. She pulled on the handle and let herself inside, being sure to close the door behind her before pecking Zion's puckered lips.

"How was work?" Zion questioned. Amil's response was delayed, due to her fastening her seatbelt. She let out a sigh as she looked over at him. "I'm starting to realize I don't like talking to people as much as I thought." Amil replied, scoring a slight chuckle from him.

"And the general population is stupid as fuck." Amil replied, making Zion laugh harder. "It's just jewelry—what they not getting about it?" He questioned. Amil blew a breath from her mouth as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't even know." Amil shook her head while scrolling through her missed notifications. A text from her father specifically stood out to her, but she decided to tend do it later. "Shit be common sense...I don't even know how to explain common sense, so I just standing there looking at they ass, hoping the wheels in they brain start turning or something." Amil added, clicking on the Instagram app. It was a habit for her to watch a few stories before scrolling. The first story in the line up just so happened to be Bri's. Her little sister kept a super long story, that Amil usually tapped through without paying much attention after the first few posts.

Amil's eyebrows furrowed as she held down the screen, reading a black screen where Brianna typed something about Lauryn being a future daddy's girl. Amil couldn't help but to sigh, it was clear that she was still holding on to the delusion that Meech's sentiments would change once he laid eyes on the newborn child. Sadly, The grown up responsibility hadn't altered Brianna's mind, she was still very young and naive. This worried Amil, on behalf of her niece.

Instead of watching the rest, Amil swiped to view the next story. Funny enough, it was an AD for Pandora, spreading the word about the current sale that they were having. "Then, people be in there asking if shit that's obviously not on sale, is on sale—why the fuck would the real diamonds be on sale." Amil fussed.

"It's signs on all the shit that's on sale—why would the most expensive item in the store be on sale?" She continued to fret, while Zion continued to chuckle. "Don't let these random folks get you worked up like that." He replied.

"And you get off from the second job at ten, right?" He questioned, slightly looking over at her. Amil shook her head yes. It was currently, going on two, which meant she wouldn't be there for too long, factoring her lunch and break. "You saving up for something?" Zion questioned, causing Amil to furrow her eyebrows together.

"What you mean?" She questioned back. "You working two jobs, like you saving up for something." He explained. Amil was trying to cut down on time the best way she could, so while Zion was driving, she was freshening up her light work makeup.

"Not necessarily—I applied for both and forgot about them, they just so happened to hire me, so I took them. I need to build back up my savings, anyway." Amil explained while rubbing her lipgloss wand across her lips and looking in the sun blocker's mirror. "What's a solid savings amount to you?" Zion asked. Amil paused from glossing her lips and stopped to look at him with a smile on her face.

AMIL's ANECDOTE Where stories live. Discover now