Amil had a habit of buying new things and propping them up as eye candy, firm in the reasoning that she had to save them for a special occasion. This was something she especially did with her designer items. It'd been about two weeks and she still hadn't touched or worn her brand new purse. So far, she was enjoying the satisfaction that she got from looking at the bag, and taking in all of its beauty. Though she hadn't conjured up the gallantry to wear it out, she decided to put a few items in it, to make a what's in my bag TikTok as content for her job.Just as Amil went to put her card holder in the small inside pocket space, the feeling of something sharp grazed her hand. Amil's eyebrows furrowed as she brought the purse closer to her eyes. From what she could see, there something gold in the pocket. Hesitantly, Amil went in and pulled it out, discovering a pair of nameplate door knocker earrings. "Yani Starr." Amil read aloud while eyeing the 24 karat gold earrings.
Amil sat the purse on Zion's dresser and went to find him, which wasn't hard, considering that the sound of his clippers was an easy guide to him. "Baby." Amil called out as she approached him. "Wassup, Pretty Milly." Zion replied, keeping his eyes on the mirror that was behind him as he lined himself up.
"I finally looked inside my new purse—and I found these earrings." Amil announced, sticking the gold earrings in front of his face. "Who's Yani Starr?" He asked, Amil shrugged her shoulders while looking at the earrings once again. It was evident that they hadn't been touched for a very long time. The true integrity of the metal was shadowed by the time that showed up on the trinkets. Though they were in need of a cleaning, to highlight the true integrity of the metal, the 24k stamp was still visible.
"She must've donated the purse without knowing that they were in there." Amil finally replied. "I know she was mad as fuck." She added, sliding on the counter top and sitting down. Amil attempted to guess how long they'd been away from the original owner, but there was no telling. The bag was released in 2004, and was sourced from Japan, which made the timeline tricky to Amil. She also wasn't sure how many owners the bag had, prior to settling in her hands.
"You wanna help me define the side right quick?" Zion questioned, extending the clippers to his girlfriend. Amil's eyes widened, as she was hesitant about the task that he was trusting her with. "All you gotta do is just press it against my skin a lil' bit, it's easy." He assured. Amil grabbed the clippers and gently pulled him closer by way of his t shirt, she tucked her bottom lip into her mouth and carefully followed Zion's instructions.
The act was as easy as he assured, easy enough to land a smile on Amil's face in the process. She was happy that he trusted her with such an intricate task, despite her having zero prior experience in cutting hair. "That's good?" She questioned, pulling away to give him the opportunity to stop and look in the mirror. "Yeah—Preciate it, baby." Zion replied, taking his eyes off of his reflection before pecking Amil's lips.
"Good enough to make me a booking site and start taking clients?" Amil joked, Zion lightly chuckled. "Relax." He replied. Suddenly, his phone began to ring with a FaceTime call. He sat his clippers on the countertop and traded it for his ringing cellular device. Zion lightly chuckled before hitting the lime green button to answer the call. Shortly, a sound that indicated the connection of the call spiraled into the air.
"Wassup, what you on?." The male voice questioned from the other side of the phone. "Shit...chilling with my girl." Zion replied.
"Girl? Nigga—who yo' girl?" The unknown voice questioned. Instead of replying, Zion turned the phone to Amil, putting her in the camera. She smiled, as it wasn't out the blue for Zion to want to show her off. Hastily, her smile dropped once she laid eyes on who was on the other side of the phone. She was expecting a stranger, but KJ was no stranger.
Storie d'amore21 year old Amil is a college student learning that when life detours, sometimes it's for your greater good. These detours bring people and situations into her life that seem to piece everything together.