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"You think people gon' be looking at us crazy since we don't have a kid?" Amil questioned while biting into her slice of pepperoni pizza. Zion shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he didn't care about the imaginary crazy looks from people. "I'm my mama kid—they'll be alright." He replied. Amil snickered before picking a pepperoni off of her pizza and dropping it in her mouth.

A nostalgic filled conversation lead the couple to a trip at Chuck E. Cheese, somewhere they both announced was pivotal to their childhoods. Amil recalled the establishment being the setting of some of her favorite memories as an adolescent. She'd never forget meeting Brianna's mother for the first time at a Chuck E. Cheese, as facilitated by her father. Amil assumed she associated that day with her first time trying olives. Crystal had them in her salad, and when Amil inquired about what they were, Crystal suggested that she tried one. While Amil wasn't a fan of the olive, she became very fond of Crystal that day.

"They got wings now, too. This shit damn near a baby brunch spot." Zion voiced, causing Amil to laugh. "The pizza consistent, too." She chimed in, grabbing the shaker full of red pepper and sprinkling it over her new slice of pizza.

"Definitely gon' be my default spot to take my kids. They can tire themselves out playing games while I eat pizza, wings, and salad—shit sound like a win." Zion continued. Amil believed that some people were born to be parents, and Zion was definitely one of those people. There was a certain level of happiness that was shown on his face whenever he spoke about his future children, it was precious to Amil. She couldn't promise him kids right now, or even in the next 5 years, but knew she wouldn't mind experiencing that with him one day.

"You feel inspired?" Zion quizzed, causing Amil to knit her arched eyebrows together. "Inspired for what?" She quizzed back.

"To write on the blog—I was thinking something along the lines of being a child in the early 2000s." Zion spoke. Amil lightly chuckled as she reached for her drink. Unfortunately, she was still in her writing slump. She hadn't added new entries to the blog, but she was still updating in small ways; like adding to her weekly playlist and sharing her mood board. "I touched on the topic before—I brought it up in my entry about birthday parties." She replied.

"I've been building on an idea though—instead of an entry, it'll probably be a series of videos." Amil announced, reaching in her purse and grabbing the piece of paper that she hadn't let out of her sight in days. Before now, Amil loved taking notes on her iPad. It was one of the sole reasons she got it. But with her current state, there was something about writing her plans down on paper that gave her a slight motivation.

"Let me hear it." Zion spoke, resting his elbows on the table and giving his girlfriend his undivided attention. "I want to do a series on video vixens—I'm planning on calling it video vixens: the good, the bad, and the ugly." She spoke, reaching in her purse for her orange pen.

"Or should it be called, Video Vixens: A lost art—and then I touch on the good, the bad, and the ugly—and then a segment of interviews?" Amil questioned while writing on the piece of paper. "I like the second one—leave the people wanting more after they read the title." He replied.

Amil sat back and tapped her pen against the wooden table. She didn't know if she was simply being hard on herself, or if those titles just weren't doing it for her. "They're too basic." She mumbled before biting down on her bottom lip while in deep thought. After so long, Amil let out a sigh as she sat her pen on the table.

"Relax...just let it come to you, baby. Don't beat yourself up." Zion attempted to console her. Amil's slump came with a serious case of her being afraid of failure, which made her critical of herself. She couldn't even brainstorm a title without thinking about the chances of being unsuccessful, and it always resulted in her mind drawing a blank. Amil let out another sigh as she picked her pen back up and began to write. When They Know Your Face, But Not Your Name: Video Vixen Diaries.

AMIL's ANECDOTE Where stories live. Discover now