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Jin's Pov

It's been more than 2 hours since I've been sitting here alone, yes, that's a different matter, Namjoon's some bodyguards and some waiters are here , But what's the point, I can't talk to anyone and I don't have anything to focus on. i'm angry now, If Namjoon never had to come here So why did he massage me and ask me to come here?, He promised to take me out for dinner today, how can he do this?, He called me here and did not come himself ?,And I'm sitting like crazy in the corner of this big restaurant, waiting for him " These are all the things that were going through my mind

I picked up the phone in front of me to call Namjoon again. I must have called him at least 50 times, but he didn't answer even a single one.
Maybe he will pick up the call this time and if he doesn't pick up this time too then I'm leaving from here.
Now my patience has reached its limit
I won't sit here all night like a mad person and wait for him.
I called him and again heard the same nonsense voice asking to send a voice mail.

That's enough now, whether he should come or not, I am feeling hungry. I eat my food. If he arrives within this time then it is good. Otherwise I will return home again

Thinking this, I called the waiter.
" Excuse me "

Hearing my voice a young boy came towards me, He looks too young to do this job But this world is like this, poverty teaches everything, just like it taught me to live with Namjoon.

" Yes sir " The younger boy came to me and asked. He had a beautiful smile on his face which could make anyone's heart happy.

" I would like to order my food now "
I don't know how many times they have asked me to order but I was waiting for Namjoon. But it's enough, I can't wait anymore.

" Yes sir, what would you like to order? " Younger waiter asked in a very soft voice while handing me the menu book

I took the menu from his hand and placed my order. After taking my order he left from there.

I took one last look at the phone in front of me before turning it off.
I'm angry with him,  If he didn't pick up my call then I won't pick up either.

After some time another waiter comes with my food, He sets the food on the table in front of me and walks away.

I also haven't eaten anything since morning so I start my meal Leaving Namjoon aside

our marriage is not based on love, it has been decided by our parents. So I have no right to blame him, we both are trapped in this unwanted relationship of marriage. I thought as I finished my meal and headed out.
Namjoon's bodyguard follows me to the car as usual. The driver was already standing outside with the car, I directly sat in the car and we set out on the way home.

I thought a lot on the way home and felt that I had no right to be angry with namjoon, If there is no love in our relationship then why is there resentment?,  He must have had some important work, that's why he probably didn't come.

He treats me well now to keep his parents happy, it doesn't mean he loves me. With these thoughts I didn't realize when I reached home.

When a bodyguard opened the gate on my side, my attention came back to this world. I get out of the car and make my way inside the house.

I was just heading towards the stairs to go to my room when I heard someone talking. At first I ignore it, but when Namjoon's name comes up, I look around to find the source of the voice.

My eyes fall on two workers who were standing near the pillar near the stairs and talking. Both of them were so engrossed in their talk that they did not even see me.

I stop my steps to listen to them
Look, it's not that I don't know that listening to others is wrong. But when our name is coming in their talk then I don't see any harm in hearing it.

Giving myself an excuse to listen to them, I lean a little towards the railing so that I can hear their voice more clearly.

" Do you think boss really loves Jin sir?" one of them asked

" Love ha ha ha... is all nonsense, a heartless creature like our boss can't love anyone. It was only because of his parents that he had to marry,
do you think he can love someone?"
The person in front said laughing a little

" Yes, it is true that our boss likes every beautiful thing in the world and Jin Sir is very beautiful, that's why maybe the boss treats him differently otherwise, the boss who used to bring someone home every other day can never love just one person."

" Yes, it is true that even today he brought a girl, didn't you see?"

" what " I did not see it "

"He had brought a girl, 2 hours ago both of them had gone to the home office and were there for 1 hour. After 1 hour, both of them went back out and the strangest thing is that the boss did not even ask about jin sir "

That's all I needed to hear to break my heart, I felt a strange prick in my heart, Namjoon was here too with some girl And I was waiting for him there like a madman

I was thinking all this when I saw those two workers coming towards me. I quickly wiped away my tears which I didn't realize started flowing until one tear fell on my hand.

I quickly took my steps towards my room, almost slipping on the stairs.
my brain is shutting down now
I don't know what I'm doing anymore, I'm upset, angry or what. i have to control myself first

I opened the door of my room and locked it behind me. As soon as I came inside, I took steps towards my bed.

I don't know what I should do or not but first I have to calm my mind

I sat on the bed and cried for a while
" Sometimes it is important to let out your emotions " My mother had said this when I was young and everyone used to make fun of me saying that I keep crying even though I am a boy And boys don't cry So I told all this to my mother and she told me that boys also cry. Crying makes us strong, not weak.

After crying for a while, I get up from the bed and head to the bathroom to wash my face and take a fresh shower.

The shower has removed whatever fatigue I had, I am feeling good now after taking the shower,  I did my night care routine and now I'm lying in bed looking out the window at the moon

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