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when Jin reached home after creating trouble for himself It was almost evening , a maid opened the door and he was welcomed by the sounds of laughter coming from the hall. The voice that put jin in a state of confusion, who could have come at this time? The maid stepped back a little to make way for him to come inside, He entered the house with curiosity to see the guests present in the house, He takes off his shoes to wear the slippers he wears at home.
Slipping his feet into his slippers, he walks towards the kitchen to drink water to moisten his dry throat.
He fills himself a glass of water and asks a maid in the kitchen about the guests.

" Has any guest come to meet Mr. Kim? " Jin said while gulping down the water.

" Yes sir, Sir's friends has come to meet him "  The maid said, nodding her head in approval.

" Oh ok "

Who can it be ? , Namjoon never brings Tae Jimin and Jungkook home , So who has he brought today? Jin asked himself in his mind

Whoever he bring, what do I have to do with it?, I don't want to waste my time thinking about such small things
I have more work to do, like finding a way to put out the fire that I have set in my life with my own hands.
With a deep breath, Jin pushed his  thoughts out of his mind.

" hmm..if you are not busy, can i have my coffee ? " Jin asked respectfully in his calm and sweet voice. After some minutes of silence

" Yes sir, I will make it right now " The maid said, leaving her work behind and lighting the stove.

" There are very few people here today, where is everyone else? "Jin said after seeing only 3-5 servent's present around him.

" Sir has given leave to everyone for 2-3 days, so everyone has gone to meet their families and will return the day after tomorrow. "

" Well why didn't you all go? didn't you get any leave? " Looking at the servants present there, Jin asked

" If we also leave then who will do the household work?. " The maid said while giggling a little

" We will go once everyone comes back. So that the household work continues and you do not face any problem. Sir " This time another maid who was cleaning the utensils said

" hmm I am going to my room, please send my coffee there. " Jin said while handing the empty glass he was still holding in his hand to the maid who was cleaning the utensils.

" Yes sir, you go, I will send it. " Jin heard one of the maids say before coming out of the kitchen.

But does he even know that a big surprise is waiting for him sitting in the hall?

When Jin came out of the kitchen and into the hall to go to his room, the ground slipped beneath his feet Seeing a special person sitting in the hall, The scene in front of him was forcing him to disbelieve his eyes. And if this is true then he just wanted to disappear from here, he wanted the earth to swallow him, He wanted the sky to pull him inside itself so that he would not have to face this situation.

How can this be?, Did he get any information about Ji- hyun before me? no this can't happen , Jin you are thinking too much Maybe he has come to meet him for some other work. but wait a moment why is he here? It's been a long time since I saw him, how come he is suddenly here?

Whatever it is, it's nothing to worry about. The matter of concern is that
Did he come to tell Namjoon anything about Ji-hyun? No, that can't happen, before Namjoon knows anything about this i have to contact Ji Hyun no matter what. Even if it means accepting Miho's words I am ready to do this

Right now he may be overreacting or talks like a big dramatist it wasn't his fault becouse Mr Min yoongi the Commissioner General of south korea
The one anyone's soul tremble after seeing ,The one who can shake people to the core with his gaze. is sitting in his hall. With his husband ?

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