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( Hoseok's pov )

I have been trying to convince Namjoon hyung for the last 20 minutes but he is not able to understand.

Now I'm starting to lose hope. I don't think I can do anything anymore and help Jin, I looked at Jin Hyung one last time, Jin hyung told me to please convince Namjoon hyung while moving his lips without making a sound, I shook my head, indicating to him that this was no longer in my control.

" Okay Namjoon Hyung , I don't think you're going to understand " I said to namjoon hyung before turning my gaze toward's jin hyung who was sitting next to namjoon hyung with his eyes glued on the floor

" Jin hyung I don't think I can help you anymore, I did as much as I could but now Namjoon hyung is not agreeing so I can't do anything about it now please forgive me. " I said to Jin hyung with apologetic eyes.

" No Hoseok, it's not your fault so you don't need to apologize. " Jin hyung said while glaring at Namjoon hyung angrily.

I don't know why I feel like Jin hyung is going to do something.

what will happen now.

Namjoon hyung's anger is increasing now, his eyes have become so black that I am scared to even look at them.

Why did I come here to get stuck among them?

" You know why he don't want to let me go because he want to keep me imprisoned within these four walls. "
Jin hyung said raising his voice a little

oh god i'm scared

" 2 years. It's been 2 years since we got married. Hoseok And in these 2 years he has not let me go anywhere, he has kept me captive within four walls, He wants me to live within these four walls and die within them only. " Jin hyung said and I could tell from his voice how angry he was.

" Seok-jin behave yourself " Namjoon hyung's voice echoed throughout the room.Which forced me to look at him and this was my biggest mistakes.

He was looking so angry oh shit ,

his eyes started turning red.

He cleanched his jaw And I can clearly see the image of the devil on his face.

oh god jin hyung stop doing all this you are making namjoon hyung more angry.

" Oh wow mr. kim namjoon So now you're yelling at me like this, This is all that is left for you to do or is there anything else left? " Jin hyung asked raising his voice higher.

what should i do now

I need to stop them before things get bigger.

" Jin hyung, try to understand, it's okay, if not today then we will go out some other day. " I explained to him with my stammering words.

" No Seokie , we will go today only and I'm going to see who is going to stop me from going out. " Jin hyung said while standing up from the couch.

What's going to happen now, the matter is increasing instead of ending.

" Jin hyung please stay calm it's not a big deal we can go out some other time " I myself stood up from the couch to go towards Jin. Yes, I am afraid of Namjoon hyung but Jin hyung is more important to me.

" Jin, have you forgotten all manners of how to speak in front of someone?
Behave or I know how to make you behave. Is that what you want? " Namjoon hyung asked looking at Jin hyung and me.

And Trust me, if facial expression was capable of killing a person, we would have been buried 5 feet into the ground long ago.

" I know you very well but I think you don't know me that well mr. kim namjoon, whatever I want, I always get it. " jin hyung said in a challenging voice, Testing the patience level of the mafia King sitting in front of us.

" I am not a very patient person seok-jin and You also know this, so it would be better if you understand before my patience breaks, otherwise. " And before he can finish his sentence his phone starts ringing.

Good thing we survived

" Jin hyung have you gone crazy? If you had to go out then why do you have to fight about it? Is it necessary to go today? Can't you go tomorrow? " I scold him while whispering in he's ears meanwhile Namjoon hyung is talking on the phone now.

"I'm tired of all this Hoseok I didn't like all these things, I didn't like staying confined to a house, you know how much I liked to go out and make friends, but now I lost all this because of him " Jin hyung said, lowering his voice so that only I could hear.

" But you shouldn't have done all this. Do you think now Namjoon hyung will let you out? "

" I don't care, I will go and no one can stop me. " Jin said staring at Namjoon whose back was towards us now.

" Okay, I am coming, keep everything ready before I reach there. " We heard Namjoon hyung say before hanging up

If he was going out, then why did jin hyung need to create such a big drama? We would have left comfortably after he left.

Namjoon hyung hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket before turning his attention back to us.

I looked at Namjoon then at Jin, both of them were looking into each other's eyes.

" Seokie" Jin hyung called my name without breaking eye contact with namjoon hyung.

" ask him one last time whether he will let me go or not " jin hyung told me .

I looked at namjoon hyung and took a deep breath before asking him one last time. " namjoon hyung can i take jin hyung with me please, And I assure you that nothing will happen to him, it is my responsibility to protect him."

Namjoon hyung didn't answer and that was enough. Jin hyung lost his patience here.

" Hobi You don't have to ask anyone's permission anymore, We have been asking for permission for a long time but not now, Now I am not asking for permission, I am telling you Mr. Kim Namjoon that I am going out and will be back by tomorrow morning only If you want to keep me in this house, And I am explaining to you in very clear words, keep your men's with you. There's no need to send them after me okey " Jin hyung said before holding my hand

" He was just about to pull me away and turn back. When " You can go now " Namjoon hyung's voice reached our ears

He agreed to send Jin hyung with me.

I had been explaining this for half an hour but at that time he did not accept what I said, then how come he accepted it so easily now.

It is very difficult to understand both of them

Jin hyung and I both turned to look at Namjoon hyung who had now stood up from the couch and was walking towards us.

" But I have one condition that you have to agree to. " Namjoon Hyung countinued his talk.

" what condition " Jin hyung asked, releasing my hand from his grip.

" You have to wear the watch I gave you on our first anniversary. "

just that simple thing

" Why " Jin hyung asked,

there is no peace in him, now Namjoon hyung is agreeing so what is the need to question him? Wear it quietly but no, he want to become a detective now, and that too in such a serious environment.

" Because I want you to wear that watch " Namjoon said simply now in his calm yet deep voice.

" Just agree with this, Jin Hyung. Please" I said wanting to end this matter and get out of here as soon as possible.

" Hoseok, you go and keep the car ready, I will bring the watch from the room. " Jin hyung said before going upstairs leaving me standing alone here with namjoon hyung.

I was just about to turn and go outside to bring my car when " hoseok i didn't expect this from you " namjoon hyung stopped me

What did He not expect?

what is he talking about ??

Before I could ask him anything, Namjoon hyung left me and went to sit on the couch again.

I put all the thoughts out of my mind and left to get the car when I saw Jin hyung coming downstairs.

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