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time skip 2 weeks later

Namjoon and Jin's life was going on as before but something had changed in these 2 weeks and that was jin who started liking Namjoon and  was feeling all the emotions which he had never felt in his life before, he started feeling butterflies in his stomach whenever Namjoon come too close to him, Jin could not understand why all this was happening. He was very confused about these things,

He doesn't understand who he should tell all this to. Who can help him with this?With all these thoughts in his mind Jin is currently sitting in the hall watching TV. When his phone rings on the coffee table in front of him, notifying him of a new massage. He puts down the TV remote and picks up his phone, He looks at the screen which reveals that it is Hoseok's massage who is calling jin to hangout with him

It's been a long time since these two went out together, This will be good, his mind will also become fresh and maybe Hobi can help him a bit. Thinking this, Jin massages Hoseok, saying that okay, let's meet at 7 o'clock.

But where will they go? Hoseok didn't even tell this.

Jin was about to massage Hoseok when he received a reply from the other side saying ok let's meet at the star club near the restaurant, after writing a 'ok' as a reply, Jin keeps his phone aside.

It's only 2 o'clock, there's still a lot of time left By then he can finish watching his movie

On the other side, Namjoon was sitting in his office doing some important work. When he gets a call from Jungkook saying that they have got some big information against Mr. Lee.

Mr. Lee is Namjoon's biggest enemy who along with his friend got Namjoon's father killed. Namjoon had killed his father's murderer and his friend but he had escaped from their hands. And since then he has become a huge problem for Namjoon. He always tries to harm them, He had Namjoon's father killed to get the position that Namjoon now holds. And that's why he wants to kill Namjoon too But Namjoon is also not a small player in this game. He is the mafia king and he knows how far mr. Lee can go. And that's why Namjoon has left some of his men in his house to keep an eye on his every move.

After talking, Namjoon leaves his office after completing his remaining work. gets into his car and makes his way to his paint house where Jungkook and everyone are waiting for him.

On the way, he calls Jin to tell him that he will be late and that he should not wait for him and go to sleep after having dinner.

Namjoon reaches the penthouse and gets out of the car and enters the room where Jungkook and everyone are sitting on the sofa, waiting for him. They all look calm, there is a small smile on everyone's face, it seems that they have got some big information. Clearing his throat he moves towards his chair, attracting everyone's attention.

The sound of his shoes is the only thing echoing in the room. He sits on the chair placed in the middle of the room in front of everyone, one leg bent over the other, Leaning back with one hand on the armrest as a  smirk makes its way to his lips, He looks like a king, the king of devils who can scare anyone's soul to the core with just one look.

Seeing him, everyone stands at their place and bows towards him. Taking their place back with a wave of his hand, they start their meeting

" Hmm..Namjoon hyung I have learned from our men that mr. Lee is plotting a huge conspiracy against us." Jimin said while searching something on his laptop.

" Yes namjoon hyung..the next time I went to talk to him he threatened me that he was going to do something big." taehyung told namjoon spreading himself out on the couch

" Namjoon hyung we have to get it under control this thing is getting out of our hands" Jungkook said in his worried voice, looking at Namjoon with hopeful eyes.

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