Chapter One- Three Years Away, Three Years of Pain

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Seventeenth June,

Dear Diary,

My name is Princess Rebekah Rosalie Linda Jasmine Wynters-Cowell. I'm twenty years old, and the Princess of London...or so I used to be. It's been three years today since I've been home, since I've seen Helena, since I've seen my brothers, since I've seen my Daddy, Simon. It's been three years since I was stolen from my home in the middle of the night, by someone who I thought I could trust...but even those who you trust can hide behind a mask.

Paul Higgins was that person. He's working for him. These days, I wonder if Lillian's and my friendship was actually real, or an act, sometimes I wonder if the whole family was just that. An act. But then I remember loving, looks that the family shared and I realise, you can't fake love. It looks abnormal otherwise, obvious. So my only problem is with Paul. Why is he doing this? Why is he working for him? Is it to get back at me for all the guilt he feels every time he sees me?

This is my life now. The unknown. Stuck, in a stone, dark castle, in the middle of nowhere, where I, and plenty other women, ranging in age, work for him, wondering what's happened in the missed years of our lives. I've tried escaping, so many times, but yet, he still seems to find me. I can't run from him, I can't hide from him; I can't get away from him.

It's been so long since I've been happy. I think I've forgotten what it feels like, because all I see is darkness here...with him. I know that they're looking for me. I just know that Simon hasn't given up, but I get the overwhelming effects of doubt as every day passes.

Maybe it's time for me to give up...?

I wrote the last line elegantly, and placed my quill back onto the table. I sighed sadly, slumping pack into the chair, it rocking slightly on its uneven legs.

"Rebekah, darling, where are you?" He said. I cringed at the sound of his voice, and my eye twitched. I slammed my diary closed with one hand, the chains that were bound to my wrists and ankles, clanging together heavily, just as David swung the splintering wooden door open, and smiled slyly at me.

He was wearing his hunting clothing which consisted of a simple white flow-y shirt, that had creases on it from where he slung his bow and arrows over his shoulder, with trousers, normal leather brown boots, and a leather brown belt, that usually held a lengthy hunting knife, but he had probably put it away already.

I gave David a deathly glare, signifying that I didn't want his presence near me. "Aw, Rebekah. It makes me so sad to see you bound with chains. You could have them removed, but yet, you still continue to run away." David said expressing mock concern.

I didn't bother with a reply, because most of the things I wanted to say were quite offensive, and it would only encourage him to taunt me more. He make his way over to me, and I began to fidget in my chair uncomfortably.

I didn't look at him, because mainly his beady eyes scared me, but also because it annoyed him incredibly. I could hear his light footsteps as he paced, back and forth, scuffing his shoes on the hard, dirty floor. "I've always admired how stubborn you are, child, and I've held myself back for three years, but lately, I'm finding it quite annoying, so I'll make you an offer...." he said, suddenly coming closer, so he was whispering in my ear. "Give me your innocence, and I'll give you your freedom."

I leant away from him, sighing heavily, gritting my teeth. I did want to go home, very badly, and his offer did seem fair, but I wasn't going to give in. Tears threatened to spill over the brim over my eye lids, so it was with a heavy heart when I said; "I'd rather rot in hell then lose something so precious to you." I muttered, determined.

David gave me a displeased look. "Even though I'm twice your age, Rebekah, I'm well practiced. I could give you the most memorable experience of your life time." he said persuasively, returning to his pacing, but started twirling my hair in his fingers every time he passed.

"No! Love conquers everything. My family are still looking for me, I know they are!" I shouted, standing from my chair angrily. David laugh humorously .

"It's been three years. They would have given up. I know my brother." David said simply.

"If you really knew Simon, then you'd also know that he doesn't give up on family." I said forcefully. David stopped mid-pace, and whipped around to face me.

"He gave up on me! Everyone did! I was the disappointment. Simon was the perfect one. Everything was always about him." he screamed. David finally cracked. I had hit the right buttons, and now I could only see pain written all over his face. In a way I felt bad for him, but he kidnapped me, so my previous guilt slipped away like rain droplets on a window.

"Simon didn't give up on you. You gave up on yourself, and that let everyone else down. You just want someone else to blame." I retorted, as equally loud.

"And all it would take is your virginity, and you could see your precious Simon again..." he said, trying to persuade me again.

I pinched the bridge on my nose, annoyed. "It's not going to happen, David." I persisted.

"Fine, then I shall take it myself then." he said demandingly, rushing himself towards me. I would have moved but the heavy chains held me in my place.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins, and time slowed down. I saw every muscle in David's body flex, and I made up a plan in my head as the spilt seconds passed.

I crouched in a defensive stance, balancing myself on the balls of my feet. I replayed my plan over in my head, reassuring myself. David continued to run at me, and when he was a step away, I sent a closed fist straight into his diaphragm, causing him to bend over getting distracted as he tried to regain his breath. I grabbed the dagger that I kept in it sheath, and tied around my thigh for times like this, and held the razor sharp edge to his throat.

David let out a nervous breath, in-between his gasps. "Where did you get that...?" He asked looking down at my dagger that Josh had given me for my last birthday in London. When I didn't answer, he continued. "I can have you executed for threatening Me." he warned.

I rolled my eyes, and gave him a levelled look. "And I can slit your throat before you even try to call out for help." I reply angrily. "I'm warning you Sir David, I've known how to sword fight since I was six and daggers are no different, just smaller. You will keep your distance."

"'s too good to waste; you're too good to waste." he complained, patting my cheek lightly.

I slapped away his hand, applying a little pressure on his neck, David swallowed, his atoms apple bobbing lightly.

"You have been warned David. The only reason I don't kill you right now is because I have a feeling I'll need you later on. I stepped back, my arm swinging down to my side, and David took an uneasy breath. "Consider yourself warned. Next time I won't be as generous."

"I like women who are demanding." David smirked flirtatiously.

I rolled my eyes, disgusted. "You'll lose your hands if you try anything. Got it?" I asked demandingly, swinging the knife, reminding him that I was potentially dangerous. David nodded, but left the room with a smirk still pasted on his face.

I slipped the blade back into its sheath as my door swung close, and I sighed tiredly. I had reached the point of beyond exhaustion. I hadn't had a proper sleep in weeks because Jason, my friend's baby, had kept me up all night, and my bed was a cold metal frame, that squeaked every time I moved, with a thin mattress over the top, plus the fact that David continually tried to sneak into my room at night. I flopped back on the bed tiredly, and the frame squealed loudly, demanding that I shouldn't do that again. I sighed when my head hit the limp pillow, and my eyes closed immediately, the exhausting taking over.

I want to go home...

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