Chapter Twenty- Seven- Wine Glass and Goodnights

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Beka’s POV- (Three days later)

I was sitting at the dining table by myself, in my old seat, facing the empty chair that no longer had a body to fill it. There was a wine glass in my hand, filled with red liquid, and a nearly empty bottle sitting on the table in front of me. I had been sitting there for hours, listening to my thoughts, uninterrupted, but being alone didn’t bother me. I wanted to be alone. The night was stormy, wind howling; it was late. The day had been lovely, the perfect day actually, a great time for Simon’s funeral, if there ever was a good time.

The funeral had been earlier today. It was a lovely service, and it clearly reflected the love that everybody involved shared for Simon. I helped with the decorating. My birth parents had taught me a thing or two about floristry. The whole kingdom turned up, even some of his friends from the different corners of Europe arrived, paying their respects to their deceased friend. I had a lot of people come up and talk to me, and I replied with the necessary responses, and then sending them on their way again, and now, I was drowning my sorrows in accompany of alcohol.

A crack of thunder brought me back to the present. I took a sip of my drink and hugged my knees up to my chest. The wine took the edge off everything; the sadness, the tiredness, the overwhelming sense of change that had happened in the last three years within my home. I just couldn’t deal with it all, so that’s why the drinking became my new best friend. I don’t know why I expected everything to be exactly as I left it, I guess that was the idea of comfort I wanted, but that’s the thing about time, it changes things.

“You aren’t becoming an alcoholic now, are you?” I heard Mitchell say, smugly, coming into the room. The sound of his voice didn’t surprise me at all, but I was surprised by him walking around.

“No, I’m just taking the edge off everything. You aren’t disobeying your orders to stay still, aren’t you?” I replied, equally as smug.

Mitchell received orders of not to move around too much, or his wound on his stomach could rip open. It wasn’t deep enough to do any damage to any organs, but alas, he was being overly difficult and not listening to what he was told, as always. “You can talk; you’re not supposed to be using your shoulder, but still…Touché, love.” He said, tilting his head, before making his way over to the table, and sitting in the seat beside me. I placed the wine glass on the table, with a sigh, deciding that I had drunk enough to leave me with a slight buzz; I didn’t need to go any further.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, rubbing my shoulder sympathetically. I knew he only had concern for me, but I was tired of answering that question. I had been hearing it all day.

I shrugged, like I did every time someone asked, I honestly didn’t know the answer to the question. “Well, I didn’t finish the whole bottle, so I’m thinking I’m better.” I said, showing him the last quarter of wine still remaining. Mitch laughed at my dark humour.

“You know, you’re setting a bad example to your nieces, nephews, and sons.” He joked, and I scoffed, pushing playfully.

“Leave me alone. I made sure that they were all in bed before I started drinking.” I replied, with a hiccup.

Mitch smiled and looked around the room. “It feels so weird being back here.” He said observantly. I nodded agreeing.

“So much has changed…It’s taking time to adjust.” I said truthfully. I felt sad about having to adjust, especially considering I had to adjust to the changes in my family.

“That’s fine, Beka, truly. Everybody knows that all wounds take time to heal, so you have to let yourself do that. I’ll be beside you every single step of the way, no matter what, to catch you when you feel like falling.” He said pulling me onto his lap, straddling him on the chair. I nodded at him, and he gave me an encouraging kiss on the cheek. “It’s time to start a new chapter, but you can’t move on unless you turn to a new page. So will you turn the page with me?”

Again I nodded, and rested my head against Mitch’s chest. He wrapped his arm around my body in a tight hug and I sighed again, while Mitch yawned. “Tired?” I asked.

“Yea, today was a big day, and it took me a while to get Jason to go to sleep.” He said, rubbing one of his eyes tiredly. I smiled lightly. Mitch had been a great father to Jason, he was a bit sceptical towards him at first, but now his resentment had resided

I stood from Mitch’s lap, and he looked up at me. “Let’s go to bed.” I said holding out my hand. He took it, and I led the way to my old room, with the thick squeaky door, the huge portrait of my family, and where Tiggers and Chester waited, sleeping at the foot of the bed.

Tiggers had grown significantly over the years; she was no longer considered a little kitten anymore. Chester hadn’t grown much though, and he was still as playful as ever. I patted them lightly on the heads, and they opened their eyes lazily before falling back to a gentle sleep, curled up into each other. I could never fully understand the friendship the two animals shared; it sort of represented how it was like with and my family. They were all of direct and royal blood, the cat, me, I was an average girl, a nobody, who’s life changed drastically, the rabbit. In my opinion, the cat and the rabbit should never be friends, but in some aspects, that friendship has changed lives for the better.

I looked around the room and sighed, Mitch not minding me having my own time to think. I was glad, the one thing that hadn’t changed while I was away, was my room. I took security in the familiarity, the plainness, of it. I loved the neatness of everything, compared to the filth I was held capture in. I loved the perfectly placed wardrobe, and the floor length mirror that stood at an exact diagonal of the ninety degree corner to the right side of the room. I even loved the tiny cobweb and spider that was perched above the door and the slight tilt the portrait of my birth family was set at. These things were easy to miss, but I had noticed it a long time ago, not bothering to fix them, because I figured, why should I fix something that wasn’t broken?.

My room described me, the way I am, who I am. My perfectionist nature showed through in the way that everything was set out, from the perfectly made bed, to the spotless bathroom. It showed that I was a normal, average person, but if you looked close enough, you could see my many quirks, some would say flaws, but it was just me, and I was happy with whom I was, who I am.

After coming out of my thoughts, I quickly changed into more comfortable clothing, before sliding into the bed, and curling up into Mitchell beside me. I breathed in his intoxicating scent, and looked over his face, loving every aspect of it. “Hey, Mitch…?” I asked, his eyes remaining closed.

“Yea…?” He replied in a sleepy voice.

“Guess what?” I asked with a smile.

He opened his eyes, the stormy orbs meeting mine, and a happy smile spread across his face. “I love you?”

I nodded. “That’s exactly what I was going to say.” I remarked, snuggling closer to Mitch’s warm body, closing my eyes. He placed a light kiss on my lips, before yawning again.

“Good night, Beka.”

“Good night, Mitch.”


Hey Guys,

I apologise that I didn't upload this at the usual time, I've just had a hectic day.

Anyhoodles, I've updated now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

Love Always,



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