Chapter Four- Purple Monkey

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Harry's POV- (Seventeenth of June)

The purple monkey ran towards me with a silver sword held firmly in his hands. I turned on my heels, rushing away from him, frightened.

"No purple monkey! Louis ate your banana!" I shout at him, but he still chased after me, only seconds behind. I squealed loudly, frightened for my life.

"Daddy, time to wake up!" a little voice screamed, bringing me out of my slumber. My eyes flung open with shock, and the brightness of the morning stung my pupils. A gasp left my lips and I looked around the room for a purple monkey, but realised it was all just a dream. I flinched away from the light and squeezed my eyes shut again.

I peeked open my left eye, looking through my messy curls, when they had adjusted, and looked at my three year old daughter, Suzanne, Suzy for short, who was crouched, ready to pounce on me, at the end of the bed, still in her white nightgown. I gave her a tired smile, ruffling her messy brown curls, and looked over my shoulder, noticing Marina wasn't lying next to me.

With as groan, I cowered back under the blankets, shading myself from the light. "Five more minutes, it's too early to wake up." I complained, wanting to go back to sleep, and sounding like a much younger me.

"No Daddy." Suzy argued, pulling the blanket away, and jumping on me. I groaned again, as she squealed with laughter. I took her laughter as a challenge, so I surprised her by attacking her sides with tickles. My deep laughter and her squeals filled the room. It was moments like these that I enjoyed the most.


After a while of playing, I tried sneaking back under the blankets, but Suzy pushed me to get up again. "Mummy said to wake you up, because Aunt Beka's memorial service is today." she complained when I argued again.

I sat up confused, and the thick blankets fell to my lap. "That's today?" I asked, with a frown, Suzy nodded. I sighed, and swallowed the big lump that rose in my throat. This always happened when I thought of Beka. I missed her so much; our family was never the same after she went missing. She was the glue that held the pieces together.

"Three's gone so quickly." I whispered to myself. A tear slipped down my cheek, as the memories of my seventeen year old sister started filling my mind.

"Why are you crying Daddy?" Suzy asked worriedly.

I wiped at my eyes before I answered. "I am crying, because I am sad, baby girl." I smiled sadly, patting down her messy curly hair.

Suzy looked a lot like I did, and Marina only seemed to love that about her more. Marina didn't find herself attractive, pretty, or worthy of my love, in anyway, but of course I wasn't going to listen to her. I loved her, for the person she was, even from the beginning, at our first meeting when we were four years old I knew, I knew she was exactly right for me, so that's why I got down on one knee, and proposed. I loved Marina from the bottom of my heart, and that was never, ever, going to change.

"Why are you sad?" Suzy asked concerned. A little crease formed on her forehead, and I smiled sadly, seeing that same concern that I used to see on Beka.

"I miss your Aunt, Beka." I said with a sniffle. Suzy crawled over to me, and sat on my lap, reaching up to wipe the tears off my cheeks.

"Did Aunt Beka die?" She asked curiously, looking at me seriously. I had to hand it to her, Suzy was a smart three year old, that was definitely something she got from her mother. I was nowhere near as intelligent as her at her age.

I shook my head with a small frown. "No...I don't think." I sighed again. "...Well, I'm not sure anymore, Baby. I haven't seen her in a long time." I said with a stiffly.

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