Chapter Nine- Mitchell and Bailey

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Mitchell's POV- (Before Beka had dinner with David)

Everything hurt. It felt like my whole body, my whole essence, was on fire, but in reality, I was lying on the icy cold ground of my cell. My chest ached as I took in wheezing breaths, and I groaned out in pain.

I had been laying there for hours, and nobody could hear me. I had been thrown, literally thrown, back in my cell, when David was 'done' with me. Under the pain, I felt violated, used, I felt dirty.

Another pair of hands touched my skin, another pair of lips kissed my lips, and it wasn't her. My heart thumped wildly as I thought of Beka, the missing half of my heart. I missed her so much. I'd do anything, anything, to have her here, or even to see her just once, to hear her soprano voice, and smell the scent that came off her gloriously soft skin. I groaned again, as the flames shot through me. There was a loud knocking at my door, and my breathed in a hopeful gasp.

"Mitch...? Mitchell, are you all right mate?"

I rolled my head over, and looked at the door, I recognised the worried voice. That voice raised my hope, and seemed to erase the pain for the tiniest seconds before it came rushing back to me. I arched my back, my hands balling into fists. I cried out in pain, and tears slipped down my face. The knocking became more rapid, and the voice sounded more worried.

"Bailey..." I replied, my voice only managing a whisper. I swallowed down a huge lump, my throat burning, and tried again. " me." my voice came out thick and clear, surprisingly, and the next thing I knew, the small boy, shoved the heavy door open, and rushed over to me when he saw me on the floor.

Bailey was a small kid. He still had a cute round face, with baby like features, and large bright blue eyes. He still hadn't grown into to his body so his muscles were still undeveloped and petit. He used all his strength, ignoring my cries of pain, and even though I mostly moved myself, he helped me up onto the bed, before getting a cloth, dunking it in water, and started cleaning the wounds that were on my face and exposed torso. David had given me a beating so I wouldn't be able to struggle against him, and his plan worked. All I could do was lie there and wait for it to end. It was torture.

I was so tired, but the young lad kept me awake with his chatter. I knew he was only trying to help me, but I was just tired.

"Mitch...?" Bailey asked, beginning to clean the grime off my forehead.

I sighed, starting to feel agitated with the young boy. I just wanted to sleep. "Mhmm..." I said not bothering to speak.

"Why'd you do it? Why did you tell them to take you instead of me?" he asked sincerely.

I opened my eyes, and took a deep breath. It was genuine question, one to which he deserved to know the answer to. "Look at me, Bails." I said, gesturing to my bruised body. "Do you really think that you could last with these injuries?" I said, laughing slightly, but stopped when I started coughing continuously. Bailey helped me sit up, and passed me a cup of water. I gave him an appreciating look as he lied me back down. I stared up at the ceiling, hating David for what he had done to me.

He snorted. "You're not doing much better." he said wiping my hot skin. The water felt freezing against my burning skin, but I knew it was just the pain getting inside my head. "I believe you, that you were saving me, but that's not the real reason, is it?"

I smirked. Bailey was a smart kid. "True, I don't exactly feel the best at the moment, and no, I did it because you're all I got here Bails, you keep me sane. I don't know what'd happen to me if I lost you." I said looking into his piercing eyes, as he lent over me, cleaning the cut on my cheekbone. His eyes reminded me of Beka, they were the same brilliant blue, and I looked away because they reminded me that I had to get home to her eventually. No matter how long it took, I was not going to die here.

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