Chapter Twelve- Suffocating

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Beka's POV-

The next day I woke up, with not only a tear streaked face and a burning headache, but a burning fury radiating off me. Lilly and I had stay up all night, just talking to each other. She told me about the lengths Paul had gone to, the deal he had made with David, just to try and get his wife Amelia, and daughter back, but, tragically, Amelia had died from illness.


*"Lilly, my Lilly, I've missed you so much." I cooed, and Lilly giggled, hugging me.

"Believe me Beka, I missed you to." she said smiling widely.

"I can't believe your here." I said breathlessly. "...I hate the fact that you're here." I continued angrily, referring to Paul.

"If you are talking about my Dad, then you need to know that Dad's contract is almost over." she argued, defending her family.


"David captured my mother and I when we left London, three years ago, and my Dad fought to get us back, so David made him a deal. David keeps the two of us, until he's worked three years off as David's personal assistant."

My head fell back, and I groaned, feeling terrible. "Of course he did. I can't believe I was so stubborn to him." I said mental face palming myself. "Where's your Mum, Lilly?" I asked when I noticed she wasn't here as well.

My best friend swallowed uncomfortably. "She died three days ago." she said sadly. "She got sick, and her immune system couldn't keep up the fight. She didn't show it, but I knew she was suffering for a long time." she continued. I expressed my condolences to her, understanding her pain.*

End of Flashback-

I had an indescribable pull that was drawing me out of the room, so eventually, I just gave in, and let my body take me wherever it wanted to go. It was early, so most of the other ladies were asleep. I just left Jason to sleep peacefully in his crib, in Lilly's care. She would take care of him until I came back from wherever I was going.

My feet were on a course, on a one way track to an unknown destination. They knew exactly where they wanted to go. My brain just told me to sit back and just let my body take me where it wanted to take me.

For a second, I thought I may have been sleepwalking, well...more like sleep-speed-walking, but that idea left my thoughts when, in my angry haste, I smacked my elbow on the hard stone wall, but that didn't stop me. My anger was more eager to be let loose, than the pain was. I just felt sorry in advanced for the person I was about to release hell on.

Being preoccupied by my thoughts, I didn't realized my anger had brought me to the man I despised the most's door. I mentally took back my advanced apology, before belting my tightly-wound fist on the thick wooden door of David's bedroom.

David answered my knocks with an annoyed and tired look, but brightened from his sleepy state upon noticing me. "Ah, Beka, how lovely to see you in this fine morning-..."

"Cut the crap, you psycho!" I said annoyed, with an unimpressed eye roll.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, now didn't they darling." he said, patting my cheek with a playful smirk. I slapped his hand away and gave him a deathly glare.

"What can I do for you?" he said, turning away, and walking back, further into his room. I stepped into the door frame, but went no further.

"I'm not happy, David. Do you know why I'm unhappy?" I muttered through my teeth.

David continued like it was all fun and games by giving me a happy smile. "No, I can't imagine why you'd be unhappy, my dearest Beka, but I gather that you are going to tell me?" he asked, sitting on his king size mattress, smirking at me.

"You would be correct. I'm unhappy because of the stupid deal you had one of your guards say in front of every female in the cells. You have been civilized and spoken to me in private, but no, of course, you thought that you'd make it all those females decision whether or not I should be stuck here for the rest of my life, getting treated as a toy." I said, flinging my words, across the room, in a harsh manner.

David shrugged. "Well, how else would I have gotten you to turn yourself over?" he asked with a boastful smirk.

I scoffed and folded my arms tightly across my chest. "What makes you think that I'm going to turn myself over?"

David chuckled, and took a sip of tea that was left on his bedside table. "Because you are too nice, dear Beka."

"Because I'm too nice...?" I cocked an eyebrow, making sure I heard him correctly. David nodded, taking another sip of tea. "So, how being too nice going to make me turn myself over?" I asked, curious as to the plan he devised in the evil, sceptical, mind of his.

David gave me a look that suggested that a five year old would know the answer, and placed his tea down lightly, before coming over to me again, and pulling me into the room, pinning me against the door harshly, making it rattle loudly. I struggled against his grip around my throat as I gasped for oxygen. David had me pinned. I couldn't move. He gave me a wicked smirk, knowing that he had me beaten, before leaning closer to me, and whispering in my ear, holding me close to him.

I flinched at the touch of his lips, as they brushed against the skin of my neck, and gagged at his foul breath. *What the hell was in that tea!?*

"Would you really keep all those women from being set free, going home, seeing their friends, families, pets, husbands...children...?" he whispered to me, still laying the softest kisses on my neck with every word he spoke. "Are you really going to be so selfish as to refuse my offer? You're taking away everything that they want the most, everything that you want. Are you really going to be so cruel? I am being kind. Yes, I will agree, you are a 'very' likable person, and you have a few friends behind you, but those women will stop at nothing to be released, to feel the wind on their faces, and the grass under their toes. They don't care who it is, even if they were your best friend, I certainly wouldn't, and besides if you say no, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't take long for some of the prisoners to give you to me anyway." he said confidently, pulling himself away. I collapsed to the ground in a heap, gasping in two lungful's of fresh air, and David continued on.

"It's your choice, Beka, the easy way, where everybody goes home, nice and easily. Or, the hard way, where you meet the real side of your so called friends, the ones you thought you could trust. Either way, you will be mine."

I closed my eyes feeling defeated, and from lack of oxygen. I knew he was right.

"Now get off the floor and let me return to my slumber. Don't tempt me to change my mind about letting you out of this room." he warned.

I scrambled to my feet, dizzily. Tears were threatening to brim over, so with a hard smack on the wooden door, I left the room without another word.

Again, I let my feet guide me. I felt like I needed comforting, familiarity. I would have killed to have Mitchell with me at that very moment, and the very thought of him had me playing with the silver chain around my neck, with the turquoise pendant bouncing lightly with my running steps.

Eventually, I was out the front of my room again. I sighed sadly, a bumped my forehead against the door. I couldn't find a way out of this. I wanted the people I loved to be happy, but I also wanted it for myself. Was I being selfish? Did I really deserve what I was asking for?

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts of my failed attempt of intimidating David, and quietly pushed the door open. It was still too early to be awake, and Jason and Lilly were still deep asleep, so with light footsteps, I crept back onto the bed, and went back to sleep, almost like I never left.


Hey guys,

this is my second chapter for today. Don't really have anything else to say. I've already told you about my exciting adventures that I've had recently. So yea. I hope you liked it :)

Love Always,



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