Chapter Seven- Dinner with the Devil

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Beka's POV-

"Mummy, why do I have to hide from the man in the dark clothes all the time?" Jason asked, as I took him back to the room, and set him down, before I turned back to the door, locking it behind me.

We had spent the day together, just the two of us, because we barely spent as much time as I wanted with him. Sure, I was his guardian, but there weren't moments where I got to really sit with him, and marvel over the three years of growth Baby Jason had gone through. I had been hiding him from David so frequently, so it was moments like these that I adored.

"That man would try and hurt you if he saw you, Love." I said with a sincere expression. "And you know that you shouldn't call me mummy."

I was always honest with Jason, about everything. If he asked me, I'd tell him the truth, I wasn't sure if I was ready to tell him if David was his father yet. He knew I wasn't his mother, he knew that his mum died, but I spared him the gory details. He was a smart kid, and he understood what was going on. Jason sighed tiredly, with a heave of his tiny shoulders and looked up at me with his big blue eyes.

"I never did anything to the man. Why does he want to hurt me?" he asked looking sad, before a thoughtful expression came over his face. "And I know I shouldn't call you Mummy, I should call you Aunty, but you're the closest thing I've known to a Mummy."

I was touched by his words, especially since they came out of the mouth of a three year old, so I grasped him in my arms and wrapped the two of us in Niall's blanket. "You're a special little boy, Jasey. Sometimes people don't like that, because they can't be special like you, but I promise you that I'll take care of you, love you more than any Mummy could, and not let anything bad happen to you." I said proudly, and hugged his small body to me.

Jason smiled and hugged me back, trying to squeeze me as tight as he could, before getting too tired and relaxing his muscles. He looked down at the blanket, becoming intrigued by the figures stitched into the fabric. Jason found the tiny person that resembled me and placed his dimpled hand over it.

"Why are you on the blanky Mummy?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the materials.

"That's all my family. They are all on there." I said, stifling a yawn. "See, there my real Mummy and Daddy, with my brothers," I said gesturing over the figures that were my birth family. "And all these people over here are the family that I moved into. I'm the same as you, you moved into a different family, you moved into my family." I explained, giving Jason a warm smile.

"Why aren't I on there?" He asked with a frown.

"I'll make sure you're put on there when we get home." I smiled sadly. If we ever get home.

Suddenly there was a loud bang at the door, and Paul's stern voice came harshly through the thick wood. "Rebekah, unlock the door and make this easy, or we'll break in and do this the hard way."

I snapped my head towards Jason's cot, and slightly shoved him towards it, but Jason looked up at me with worried eyes. "Hold your horses, I'm coming." I replied equally as stern." I returned my eyes back to Jason as he gripped the bottom of my dress stubbornly. "Jason, I need you to hide in your cot." I whispered to him, trying not to scare him with the anger that I was feeling towards Paul and his goons for ruining the moment Jason and I was having.

"No Mummy, you can't leave me." He exclaimed, tears running down his face. Three impatient knocks came at the door again, and I rolled my eyes at Paul's impatience.

It broke my heart to see Jason crying. I sighed, and knelt down to Jason's level. "I promise you that I'll be coming back. Once I leave you can stay here, and go to sleep with the blanky, like a big boy, or you can go see if you can find Maryanne." I said giving him a kiss on the forehead, before placing him in the cot with the blanket. He reached out towards me and I gave him a tight hug, reluctant to leave.

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