Chapter Eight- Psychotic Episodes

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Paul's POV-

I watched as David paced in front of the fire place stoking his goatee, deep in thought. I sighed, I had been summoned by David three hours ago, and he hadn't said a word to me as to why I was asked to come, all he did was pace in front of me, and mumble over something that Beka had said to him, which I still had no idea what it was, and them go back to staring into the fire, before repeating the sequence. It was now deep into the night, and almost everyone was asleep, so as you can imagine, I wasn't particularly enjoying being in that situation.

"Sir, what is going on? It's late, and I'm tired." I said annoyed.

David looked towards me with wide eyes, and shaky hands. " many?" he asked, not making sense. I sighed again, not in the mood to put up with him. I had also come to the conclusion that David had gone insane...well, more insane than usual.

"Sorry?" I asked; making sure I heard him correctly.

"How many children do I have?" he asked loudly, taking my forearms in his hands and shaking me roughly.

I stared at him with wide eyes, and I could feel his warm breath blowing across my skin. I shuddered under his closeness. "Sir, you don't have any children." I said, unimpressed, prying his hands off my arms.

David reached up to his face, and slid his hand over his cheeks, stretching the skin and pulling a horrible face. I pulled a disgusted look, but made sure Davis didn't see it when he turned back to me. "Rebekah hinted that I, David Cowell, am the father of a child, possibly children." He said, agitated, pleading me with his eyes for an answer.

I rolled my eyes, acting as if I didn't know anything. I wasn't going to tell David about his un-fathered children, otherwise he'd take them off their mothers, and I knew that all the women love their kids, just like Beka loves Jason. I also knew that Beka didn't want me to know about the boy, but I saw Jason's eyes peeking through the in-wall wardrobe when we were sent to get Beka early that evening. I quickly came up with a cover up story, before David noticed my hesitation. "Beka uses mind games, and sarcasm to get in your head, David, and that's exactly what she's done. I thought you knew better than that. She's acting like a child, and you only encouraging her by reacting. Just ignore her."

"I can't! I want her!" He yelled, falling to his knees. It looked like he was about to throw his head back and begin praying, but I knew better, David was far from religious.

"She doesn't want you. She wants to go home." I replied back, defending her.

"Why though? She used to be such a lovely person." David said, looking into the fire.

I snorted.

"Why do you think? You took her from her home, and Beka only uses sarcasm instead of punching you in the face...I wouldn't push it, though; she doesn't exactly take it easy when it comes to fighting. I saw her take down six of our men a week ago." I said with a smirk. I found it amusing watching the small woman battle. "But even if Rebekah is telling the truth, why do you care? Isn't it a good thing?"

"Yes, exactly, it is a good thing! That's why it's bad thing, very bad Mr Higgins." he said shaking his head moving around the room, touching the surfaces of everything in his reach, but maintaining eye contact with me at all times.

My eyebrows rose as I watched the man move around the room. It wasn't the first time David had had a psychotic episode, but, by far, this was the longest and worst, yet. "How can that be, sir?" I said, unimpressed. I really wasn't interested in listening to his rant, but I figured he might let me go back to bed earlier if I just listened to him, or pretended to at least.

"When good things happen to me, people start to expect good of me. In a hypothetical sense, if anybody found out that I knew about the children, they'd expect me to change...but I can tell you right now, Mr Higgins that will never, ever, happen! Nobody can turn me good...not when I was ever good to begin with."

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