Chapter Six- Empty Stomach

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Beka's POV-

The rattling of metal keys at my door woke me up the next morning. I heard David muttering to himself as he struggled to get the door to unlock, so I raced, well...walked as fast as the chains would let me, the still sleeping, Jason over to the dusty in-wall wardrobe, where I kept a crib for these types of emergencies.

I managed to get Jason in the crib, close the doors, hobble back to the bed, and sat cross-legged, before David finally figured out his struggle with the lock and got the door open.

I sat there, staring at him, unimpressed. Waiting for today's round of begs, and pleas for my virtue. "Ah, Rebekah," David smiled, showing his yellow teeth. "I didn't expect you to be up this early." he continued, sounding disappointed. I peeked out the window, with the corner of my eye, noticing the sun hadn't come up yet, and it was still considerably dark outside. David was, yet again, trying to sneak in, but failed to do it without going unnoticed.

"I haven't slept." I lied, but put as much venom in my words as possible, hoping that guilt would set in. "The beds aren't exactly what I'd call comfortable, and besides, I never quite know when you're going to turn up for a 'chat'." I said darkly.

David gave me a look that told me he understood the double meaning behind my words, but continued like it was nothing.

"Yes, well, you do need to keep on your toes, you never know when I'm going to turn up. I can do something about that bed though." he said, flicking his nails, towards the poor excuse of a bed.

"Oh...?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"My bed is much better..." he said smugly. I rolled my eyes, disappointed.

"I can't go anywhere when I'm dragging these chains everywhere. I haven't been out of this room at all this week." I exclaimed annoyed, shaking them in front of him. David began to stroke his goatee as he lent against the doorframe.

"If you behave, and promise to stop running away, I will let you walk the halls without the chains, but you also have to stay away from the male prisoners as well. We don't want a prisoner baby, now do we?" David warned. I nodded, giving him my word, but frowned.

"Male prisoners...? I thought there were only women here?" I asked confused, as David unlocked the chains from my wrists and ankles.

The chains fell to the floor, and I flexed my hands and feet, feeling glad that the heavy weight of metal had been taken off them.

David cleared his throat, and gave me a flirtatious smile. "Let's just say that females aren't the only sex that 'entertains' me." he said looking down at me.

My stomach heaved hearing that, and a rising sensation began to make its way up my body.

David walked to the door, about to leave, but hesitated, and turned back to face me. "Until next time, my sweet Rebekah." he waved. "Don't disappoint me again by trying to run away. I'll drag you to my chambers and chain you to my bed next time." he said darkly. I nodded, keeping my mouth shut, afraid of what might come out otherwise. David swung the door shut, and I sprinted over to the window that was three stories up, and leaned my head out of it, so my stomach could empty its continence, into the crocodile infested moat below.


Once I finished heaving my guts out for the seventh time, and my stomach felt like it couldn't get any emptier, I pulled myself back inside the small room, and sat on the floor, with my back against the wall, tiredly.

"David's a bisexual!" I said shocked. I didn't have a problem with the bisexual race; I just didn't expect it, especially not from him, of all people... I shuddered with the thought.

(A/N: I don't have anything against bisexuals, or gays. Some of my and my Mum's closest friends are gay/lesbian, as well as bisexual. I apologize if I offended anybody, it wasn't my intention.)

Jason began crying, so I took him to the shabby community kitchen that was crumbling and breaking by the second, to get him ppm something to eat. There weren't many other women up at this time, so it didn't take as long to get some food into him.

I sat at one of the splintering tables, with the three other women in the kitchen area, and socialised, while I fed Jason a plate of mashed potatoes.

"I haven't seen you in a while, Beka, since the last time you tried to escape. How long did he you keep you in for?" Maryanne, a tall red head woman, in her early forties, asked.

I sighed, and started burping Jason when he finished his plate of mash. "I was locked in the room for a week; with the chains again...I just want to go home so badly." I complained, and the ladies grumbled in agreement, wanting the same thing.

"You're just lucky he hasn't been able to get his hands on you. You've been able to avoid him for three years now, that's a lot longer than most girls' here." said Viola, a slim blond girl from Scotland.

"That's true..." I said trailing off. I didn't know what to say, or if there was anything I could say.

Viola and Maryanne were two very interesting people. Not only were they good companions, but I always had a feeling that I'd need them someday, and that was only because Viola was particularly good at making fireworks, and explosives, and Maryanne was a fabulous tinkerer. I didn't bother asking where the two of them had learnt there skills, they both were very secretive women. I doubted they'd tell me anyway.

There was an awkward silence between the four of us, and I continued to burp Jason, trying to act like I didn't notice the tension building.

The door that led up to the ground floor was unlocked, and two male guards, one of them being Paul Higgins, strode in, dragging an unconscious girl by her arms. The door slammed behind them, and then the silence stretched.

Through the tangle of curls, and purple and black bruises, I recognized the girl, but I didn't know her by name. I swallowed uncomfortably, keeping silent. Paul noticed me as he walked passed, but kept his expression levelled.

Throughout the three years that I had been held captive at David's castle, I had seen Paul very regularly. He worked for David, as his personal assistant. In my eyes, Paul was a traitor, a dirty fiend. Usually Paul would try and explain the reason why he was following David's order, but I wouldn't let him. He didn't deserve my forgiveness, not this time, and as I rejected him over and over again, he learnt that it wasn't worth him wasting his breath.

It wasn't long for the two men to put the girl in her cell before they returned the way they came. The four of us ignored the two men as they walked passed, but my head snapped towards them when Paul called my name sternly.

"Rebekah, David wishes for you to accompany him at dinner tonight." Paul said as he hesitated at the entrance of the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes. This happened many times before, and I had been dragged into going, but David never did anything. Other than a few pleas, and empty threats, it was just a regular meal, but it would be nothing compared to the meals at home. Even now I suspected that I had a few nieces and nephews, and I almost smiled at the thought of all the chaos, almost...

"I do not accept." I said coolly.

Paul sighed stressed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. I mentally high fived myself for causing him grief, the last time Paul had come and gotten me to go to dinner with David, it had taken five fully grown, and developed men to constrain me, and five more to help transport me to the dining hall.

Hey, what can I say? I'm a fighter.

"Fine, I'll be more prepared this time." Paul huffed before crossing his arms, giving me a warning look and backing out of my sight.

I snorted, finding it funny that he, a fully grown man, couldn't contain me, a small young woman.


Hey guys,

In advanced, I'm sorry about the spelling and grammar errors in this chapter (if there is any). I wrote this chapter on my phone and it took me ages but my poor computer is being held captive by my mum :'( I'm having separation anxiety! It just need to be fixed so it shouldn't take too long...I hope

Love Always,

Beka Fishes


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