Chapter Thirty- Epilogue Part 2

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Beka's POV-

I had organised a day for the whole extended family to spend together, and I meant everyone; all my nieces and nephews, my brothers, my sisters in laws, Helena, and my kids. My grandfather, aunt, uncles, cousins from France had all travelled to be here. Lilly and Timothy arrived, and also brought along their newest addition to the family, little Lyric-Jane. Maryanne and Peter took the time off if work, Viola and Stephan had returned home from their honeymoon a week before, and Greta, the person who surprised me the most, brought a 'friend' that she was particularly interested in.

The whole 'fifty', give or take, of us were having a picnic, just enjoying the summer sun against our skin, with the soft breeze sweeping through our hair. I had decided that we needed mire times like this, where we were all together so we could really live out our lives, not regretting about seeing our loved ones before our time ran out. I was lucky enough to have Simon's last few hours with him, but I hated the fact that I wasn't at home, even if I wasn't the reasoning behind it.

Mitchell and I were sitting in the spongy, plush grass, curled up into each other, watching everyone chatting away, playing games, and just having a good time.

It was peaceful, nothing could ruin the day; it was perfect. My belly was swollen with the fully developed baby inside of me; I was huge, and in any second, I was due to pop.

"I feel so relaxed right now." I said with a satisfied grown, stretching out my limbs.

"Famous last words..." Paul muttered beside me with smug smirk.

"What do you mean-...?" Mitch didn’t get to finish his sentence, because a huge breeze blew from behind us, as Mischief ran passed, with my two girls, the twins, on his back. Now, I wasn't usually an over protective mother, but sometimes the protectiveness just kicked in, especially when Mischief was going at the alarming speed he was going.

I continued to give the two a panicked look which they didn't see, or chose to ignore. The worry finally came over me, and I pushed myself up, hurriedly, ignoring Mitch's protest. He was stressing the fact that I would hurt myself with the pregnancy being so near.

"Charlotte, Kimberly, Mischief, stop your foolishness this second, before one of the three of you get hurt!" I ordered. Mischief came to a sudden stop, following my command. Charlie at the back braced herself, making sure she stayed on securely, but Kimberly went flying off the saddle and landed on her stomach in front of the overly tall horse.

I gasped, as my daughter’s body impact with the ground, hardly, and quickly rushed over to her, running as fast as my little legs would take me. Mitchell was yelling something behind me, but I ignored him, focusing on Kimmy, lying on the ground.

Once I reached her, I helped her to a sitting position, dusting her dress off, while I fretted over her. "Are you ok, Kimmy? Does anything hurt? Is anything broken?" I said hurriedly, examining her body, not giving her time to answer.

Kimmy looked up at me with a courteous smile. "Mum, I'm fine. I've fallen off horses too many times; I know how to fall without getting myself injured." she said giggling. I sighed with relief, and kissed her lightly on the forehead. She offered her hands to me, asking if I'd help her up. I agreed, and grasped her hands, elongating my spine from the crouch it was in, and pulling her up.

Suddenly, I felt a burst, and a dripping sensation travelled down my legs. "Ah-oh..." I muttered, just as Mitchell jogged over.

"Ah-oh...? What's Ah-oh? Are you ok? What's wrong?" he fretted, just like I did to Kimmy.

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