Chapter Thirteen- The Game Changer

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Beka's POV-

I hadn't been out of my room in days. I hadn't spoken to anybody except for Maryanne, and Lilly, who checked on me every morning, gave me food, and also took Jason away so I could have my space.

Today was the day. It had been a week. I had to step forward, give myself to David, and the hours seemed to tick by faster and faster with every tear that slipped down my cheeks.

My grieving turned to pain. It was a pain that ached through my whole body, demanding to be felt. It crippled me, and left me weeping softly on the thin mattress, David dared to call a bed.
I hadn't slept at all last night. I stayed up, thinking, thinking about everything and nothing at the same time.

Jason stirred, in his make-shift crib, as he woke. He turned over in his bed, and looked at me with his piercing eyes.

"My baby…" I said emotionlessly, and he gave me a wave of his dimples hand in reply. With a tired sigh, I stood, and picked up the three year old from his crib. He clung to my clothing and held me close, tucking his head into my neck.

"I love you, Mumma." He whispered against my neck. My eyes filled with tears as I realized that I only had a very short morning with my special little guy. I pulled Jason closer to me, and refused to let go.

"I love you to, Baby." I replied, rocking on my feet, trying to calm not only Jason, but myself. I really was going to miss him. I love him to the moon and back, and if he asked me to go further, I would. I'd do anything remotely possible for him, no matter what.


"Oh good, you're finally out of bed. I was going to have to drag you out of this room if I came in here to find you were still in moping around. You can't avoid David by crying about it." Maryanne said forcefully, in the way only a mother could.

I huffed. "I know Helena-Ah- I mean Maryanne. Jeez, you sounded so much like her just then, but anyway, I'm out of bed today because I listened, and I realised that it's not helping this little guy," I said gesturing to Jason that was balancing on my hip. "By being sad about my situation, I was being selfish, not only to Jason, but you, and to myself." I said, half to the red headed woman, and half to myself.

"Well..." she started, not sure how to continue. “I've got nothing...I’m just glad you’re up." she said looking doubtful, but then beamed up again. "And I do know I am hungry. Let's go get breakfast." she beamed.

"I agree." Lilly said, strolling into the room, linking my free arm with hers, before showing the same optimism Maryanne was showing. I gave her a worried look but she rolled her eyes, and pulled me alongside her, ignoring my dragging steps.

It didn't seem like as long as it usually took to reach the kitchen, and I looked around me feeling a bit dazed, and panicked. It was time slipping away from me again. Maryanne must have realized I was stressing and gave me a comforting smile as we walked into the communal kitchen.

As usual, it was filled with the regular females, all chatting away about today being the day that they might possibly be going home, but upon seeing me, the room went deadly silent, just like when the guards had come to the kitchen a week ago. I had been avoiding this attention ever since the deal was offered, so I decided it was only fair to speak to my fellow captives and tell them what was happening.

"Happiness is one thing that I know has been taken away from each and everyone one of us in this room. You were offered the chance to be happy by handing me over, and even though I'm absolutely distraught about being that wager in David’s deal, when the guards come for me, I'll go willingly." I voiced, keeping my head high, not looking at any of their faces.

A loud cheer waved through the room. Tears of joy slipped down the cheeks of smiling faces, and I couldn't help but feel empty. They really were that willing to let me go, leave me here. David was right, when it came to the possibility of freedom, one insignificant girl meant nothing to them. Maryanne's hand squeezed mine again, before she let go, and stood on the closest table, screaming for the attention of the audience. Jason, Lillian, and I both looked at her, curious as to what she was doing.

"Excuse me."

The crowd still roared on.

"Excuse me!"

The sound only seemed louder.

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" she boomed over the noise. The room went dead silent again, and the whole group of females looked up at the red head standing on the table. Maryanne straightened out the loose shirt she was wearing.

"That's better." she said quieter, clearing her throat. A small laugh escaped my lips. I had never expected Maryanne to raise her voice higher than a whisper; she seemed like such a gentle person. "I am incredibly disappointed in all of you, each and every one of you. You are cheering for the misfortune of fellow captive." she sounded almost in disbelief.

A small woman, whose name I thought was Greta stood from her seat. "But Maryanne, we're free, we get to go home. Aren't you happy about that?" she asked trying to explain.

"No, of course not, and you shouldn't be either, Greta." She replied, shunning her.

A slight smile came to my lips, as I watched my older friend stand up for me.

"You're just upset because she your close friend." a voice yelled angrily from the back corner of the room.

"No, that has nothing to do with it. I'm upset because if the situation was reversed, I would be hoping to hell that Beka had the confidence to do what I am doing. Think about it ladies. What if it was you? What if you had to face the suffering from that 'evil' man, every day for the rest of your life?" she paused to look at everyone in the room, letting it sink in.

"Beka will be alone with him, it'll be plainly and solely her that David focuses on, that he abuses, violates." Lilly continued, bravely, standing beside Maryanne, leaving me at the entrance of the room with Jason. This time I knew the two females words were getting through.

"That child, Josephine's son, that clings to Beka will be torn away from, yet, another mother, another person that he loves. Are you really going to split up a mother and son? Would you be able to cope giving away a child to someone that you met in captivity?" Maryanne asked rhetorically. Jason lifted his head off my shoulder and looked at me sadly, finally understanding the situation. He never thought that he might be forced to leave me.

"I don't want to be away from you, Mumma." he whispered to me. I nodded, understanding, because the feeling was mutual, and hugged him, rocking the two of us slightly.

"These are the things that I know were going through that young woman's head for the last week." Maryanne continued, pointing back at me for effect.

"We both have witnessed it." Lilly intervened.

"So I ask again, would you like it if the situation was reversed. Do you want David to win? Would you want to be in Beka's place?"

There was no sound. You could have heard a pin drop, until Greta stood up again, and looked around at everybody. "She's right ladies. We can't do this to Beka. We can't let it happen." she persisted, and there was a course of agreement from everyone in the room.

I sighed with utter relief, and my legs almost gave way, but Lilly caught hold of me before I could fall. I pulled her to me, and began crying tears of joy into her neck. "Thank you. Thank you." I whispered over and over into her neck.

Viola came up to me and whipped my cheeks dry. "You can lead us, Beka. We don't have to stop here. With your help we could break out of here, and we could all be free." she said, hopeful. There was another round of sound of agreement, and a wave of determination came over me.

I nodded, and gave Jason to Viola, before taking Maryanne's side on top of the table. "Many times have I tried escaping, and all of those times I've been caught, but they can't stop all of us, our shear number would frighten them. Together, we can do anything. Together we can escape, and go back to our lives. We can go back to being mothers of our children, sisters to our sibling, wives to our husbands, members of our family, and owners of our own business...princesses to our own countries. We can be strong independent women, who won't take no for an answer this time. We will show David who can chain who to a bed and put shackles around our ankles. We'll show David the cruelty, and the pain that he put us through for years at time. We will show no mercy towards him! We will be free!" I said punching the air determinedly. Battle cries sounded all around me, and I smiled feeling powerful, unstoppable. I knew nothing could tear me down now.

There was a slam at the top of the door that kept us imprisoned in this hole. I seemed to be the only one to hear the noise so I waited, until many figures approached the kitchen, keeping themselves to the shadows. I squinted at the darkness, and someone familiar stepped into view.

"As hard as you try Beka, David will be one step ahead. He's cunning and deviously intelligent. I wouldn't be too optimistic." Paul said warningly.

"Paul..." I breathed, now seeing him through new eyes. I turned away from the crowd of guards and search the sea of women scattered around the kitchen, in search of Lilly. I found her in the back corner and she shook her head tentatively, saying no. I gave her a questioning look before I turned towards Paul again.

"Can I have a few moments to say goodbye?" I asked, jumping off the table, landing lightly on my feet.

"No mummy!" Jason wailed, reaching out to me, crying his eyes out. I gave him a pleading look, and told him that it was alright.

"Paul...?" I asked again, coming back onto the subject.

Paul thought it over for a couple seconds, before nodding. "Do I have your word that you aren't trying anything?" He questioned. I nodded, knowing my voice would give me away, but crossed all my fingers behind my back. Paul squinted at me, not trusting my promise, but sent his men to wait outside.

I waited for the last man to leave, slamming the door behind him, before I turned back to Lilly in the back corner. She gave me an encouraging smile, telling me that now was the time to reveal her to Paul.

"I haven't exactly trusted you over the years Paul, and because of that, I didn't listen to your reasoning, when I should have done so, so firstly, I apologize, and secondly, I'm sorry that David took away your family-..."

Pails eyes snapped to mine, his hard expression deepening. "How'd you know about that?" he snapped. "Do you know where they are?"

"Wow, slow down, Buddy. Let me finish!" I shunned him, for interrupting me.

"That's enough Beka. Just give him what he wants." Maryanne said chiding me.

I rolled my eyes, and pouted at her ruining my fun. Lillian made her way through the crowd, pushing through the tight spaces so the she was behind me. She tugged on my dress, signalling to me that she was behind me. "If I must…" I exasperated. "Paul...your daughter is here." I announced, stepping to the side.

Paul's jaw unhinged, and he just starred at Lilly in shock. Lilly did the same but had an emotional smile plastered on her lips. I rolled my eyes, seeing that they were both, metaphorically, bolted to the floor, and shoved Lilly closer to her father.

She sprinted into his arms, and he responded with wrapping her tightly in enormous hug, placing kisses all over her face. "Lilly…oh my gosh; my Lilly. I've missed you so much." Paul cooed into her hair, and Lilly giggled.

"Believe me Daddy, I’ve missed you to." she said smiling widely.

"I can't believe I'm seeing you, touching you. It’s a miracle..." he said breathlessly. "Where's your mother?" he asked suddenly, looking around for his wife, the love of his life.

Lilly stepped back and looked over to me, pleading. It was still very hard for her to talk about her mother's death. She witnessed it from the beginning to end, and could do nothing to help her condition.

I cleared my throat so Paul would look up at me. "She died, Paul...I'm sorry." I managed to get out. Talking to Paul was still very hard for me; forced. I had saved up three years of anger over him; it wasn't just going to suddenly disappear.

"No! That can't be!" he yelled, becoming angry.

"Daddy, daddy, save this anger." Lilly fussed. "We all want to escape. Beka's going to lead us, you could help. Nobody knows these castles halls like David's personal assistant." she said trying to persuade her father.

Paul sighed, calming himself. "You’re right, always right, just like your mother...I just can't believe she’s sweet Amelia." he said sadly.

Lilly hugged him again, and he patted down her, now, long hair. A small part of me felt a glimpse of pity for him, and also jealousy. The jealousy was because I wanted to have a loved one with me, I wanted to feel that sudden weightlessness of seeing them, the relief, and the pity was because I could see how upset he was over his loss, but it was the most minuscule part. "Does that mean that you're joining our side?" I asked, changing the subject.

Paul looked towards me, and nodded. "I will join you. For too long have I suffered, have you all suffered, but enough is enough. It is time to bring an end to David Cowell." he said determinedly.

I smiled, feeling incredibly hopeful. This could really work now. I stuck out my hand. "Welcome to the team."

Paul smiled back, and shook my hand strongly, sealing the deal. "First thing you can do is get me more time. Act normal, and tell David that I'm not going. He's expecting that I'll be turned in by someone else, that not going to happen."

Paul nodded, before planting a kiss on his daughter’s forehead, and returning up the stairs. I sighed, feeling the weight of the world, finally being lifted off my shoulders, before I was tackled in a massive stacks-on pile, involving most of the women in the room.

I groan loudly under their weight and gasped for air. "Seriously guys, if we were fortunate enough to have salads than I would be suggesting a salad diet to each one of you, so I don't really understand how you be so heavy!" I exclaimed, and was surrounded by several chuckles.


Hey Guys,

LOOK! NEW CHAPTER! OMG! I know its been a while, and I've been trying to update, but seriously, technology repels me, it runs away!

But anyway! I hope you liked this chappie. It's six pages on Microsoft word, pretty proud :)

Love Always,



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