Chapter Twenty- Five- Heads Roll (Sassiness)

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Beka’s POV-

I stuck my head out the window, and I couldn’t help myself but giggle at the piles of silver metal weapons floating around in the dirty water, along with the hungry and annoyed crocodiles. I gave Lilly a thumb up in approval, and she smile back at my praise. I tucked my hair behind my ear, pushing it away from my face

“How are you going to be able to fight with hair as long as yours?” She said to me, picking up a long lock and twirling it in her fingers.

I turned towards her and shrugged. “I’ll manage; it needs to be cut though.” I admitted, brushing my fingers through the knotty strands.

“Here, let me.” Lilly said, turning me around, making me face away from her. She quickly braided my hair back into a tight bun at the back of my head, keeping the strands away from my face, clearing my vision. “There we go.” She said enthusiastically. “You look beautiful, as always, elegant, yet, fierce and strong.”

I blushed, and shoved her playfully, giggling. “I will see you soon, Lilly. Thank you for everything.” I said to her, beginning to feel emotional.

“Don’t worry, love. Everything will be fine. Just focus on what you personally have to do, and then we’ll all be out of here in no time.” She said rubbing my arm gently. I pulled her into a hug, resting my head on her shoulder. I couldn’t help it; I just had a really bad feeling about the whole situation, like somebody was going to get hurt. I couldn’t stand the worry.

Eventually, I dropped my arms, and wiped my eyes from the salty tears. I gave her a nod, telling her silently that I was fine, and she gave me a sweet smile and an encouraging kiss on the cheek, before she turned and walked down the hall to her position, hiding in the shadows with Greta.

Was that going to be the last time I saw Lilly?

Everybody was ready, all I had to do was get into my agreed position, and then I’d unleash hell. I returned outside, and climbed across a balcony, and hid up high, on the tall pillars, surrounding the courtyard, unseen by the soldiers, waiting for the right moment when all the soldiers are either mucking around or standing guard by the gate.

It was an average night. It wasn’t too hot or too cold. The only thing that stood out was the full moon casting an eerie glow over the scene below me. I had to laugh to myself, considering all that was about to happen, you wouldn’t think that it’d be good weather. Usually the weather has it out for me, but not tonight.

After waiting a bit longer, calming myself, I decided that it was time. I refused to wait any longer, so I swung my bow off my shoulder, and loaded it with an arrow. From where I was crouched, directly opposite me, was a fire torch that lit up the main hall way.

I closed one eye and aim directly at the torch and released the arrow. It shot above the heads of the unaware guards and soldiers with lightning speed. It hit the torch, putting it out and making it fall to the ground. A few of the guards head turned towards the noise, but they didn’t bother making any reaction to it.

I sat back and waited…

And waited…

But nothing happened.

The explosion never came.  I started to worry. I hope they saw my signal-…


Glass shattered, and the walls crumbled, as a ball of fire escaped David’s bedroom chambers, through the wall that looked over the courtyards. I shield my eyes from the flying debris, and the sheer heat of the explosion, before lowering my arm, and laughing. It was definitely a huge explosion, so no matter how tonight’s event turned out, either way; someone had a clean-up to attend to afterwards. I watched the guards and soldiers scattered around, some screaming for their lives, some sheltering behind different objects, and then hurried off to find the source of the explosion, avoiding the debris that was falling from the sky, still on fire. I smirked as the first step of my plan worked successfully. I looked into the shadows and whistled quietly.

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