Chapter Two- Prayers

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Simon's POV-

I was standing in front on my chair at the head dining table, reviewing over the large map of the known world, having it memorized from my years of searching. My body ached, and my head felt hazy with tiredness.

Helena, the boys, and their families were sitting in their seats, waiting silently for my command, on the next place for the soldiers to travel to in search for her, daughter.

I knew the map held her location, but I couldn't find it. I had searched every mountain, every river, every town, kingdom, and every god forsaken castle, but still, I hadn't found her. We had risked our soldiers' lives by going out to the unknown countries, and lands, but knowing David, he was hiding close, somewhere under our noses.

I pounded my fist on the table, frustrated with myself, and in the corner of my eye, I saw everybody jump with fright. "I'm missing something. Where is he?" I shouted feeling filled with rage.

My own brother, the boy I looked up to as a young lad, stole my only daughter. The one thing that he knew I always wanted in life. In the deepest part of my mind, buried under all the happy memories of the times David and I spent together, I knew that he was evil, that there was something bad in his bones, but I played it off like it was nothing, and now, because of my stupidity I've lost Beka, my baby girl.

"Father, please calm down. We all know it's hard." Harry said soothingly, placing his hand on my forearm. I sighed angrily and gritted my teeth. I shoved his hand off my arm.

"No, I will not calm down. I'm trying to find my daughter. I'm trying to find your sister." I said loudly, gesturing to the empty chair at the end of the desk. "I don't want to sit here for the rest of my life, and see an empty chair opposite me. I want her here."

"We all want that father. Our children, your grandchildren, haven't even met their aunt, but it's time to stop, Father. Give in. You're becoming sicker with the's not good for you." Harry begged.

I could see he only had concern for me, and yes, I was ill. It started when Beka was taken. The constant regret and passionate drive to find her aged me significantly. My hair had turned to an ashen grey, with a receding hairline. I would get aches in my chest, that made me constantly fatigued, and I'd be bedridden for days on end. The doctors tried many cures, but none of them worked. My illness got so bad that I had to step down from the thrown. I had a fainting episode, and I fell down a flight of stairs, in front of several townspeople.

Harry married Marina first, so they became the new leaders. Even though Harry was King, he still followed my orders on most things, my whole family did. The others stayed because they, apparently like living together, but I could tell they only stayed to watch over me. Still, even though my health was a risk for me, I wasn't going to let that get in my way of finding my precious daughter.

"No! Why would you say that? She's your sister!" I shouted.

Harry paused to keep himself under control. Lately Harry had been struggling with his temper; the whole family had been struggling lately, mainly with arguments. Some have been so bad that's it's been close to tearing the family apart.

"Father, you haven't seen her or any sign of David, in three years. As much as I do not wish to say it, there is a big possibility that she is dead-..."

I shook my head, refusing to think that. "No...Don't even suggest that, Harry. We can't ever give up. None of us can." I said to everybody, and they all looked up at me with sad eyes.

"Why? It's not going to bring her back Father. Nothing is. Why do you keep torturing yourself?" Harry asked, starting to lose his control.

"She's my daughter! Don't you understand? You haven't lost a's incredibly heartbreaking." I said frustrated.

"You have six other women that you welcomed into our family three years ago. You call them your daughters. What is the real reason?"

"Harry, do not push him." Marina warned her husband, but he ignored her.

"She wouldn't give up on me, or any of her family, if our situations were reversed. Not until she found us, dead or alive!" I shouted

"That's true, Beka is a very persistent person, but that is only part of the reasoning. I can see it in your eyes, father. What are you hiding? What is it?"

Tears sprung to my eyes. I sighed sadly. "...She called me Dad, Harry...On the last night I saw her she called me Dad." A gasp left the adult's lips. The boys, and Helena, all knew how important that was to me. I swallowed uncomfortably, feeling everybody's eyes on me.

"She had finally accepted me as her father, someone she loved, someone who she could trust to protect her, but I let her down. Out of all my guards and soldiers, not one of them could stop, or see my despicable, evil, brother from taking her from me, so that is why we can't stop looking..." I exclaimed feeling exhausted. I was letting go three years' worth of stress and other raging emotions.

Harry remained silent, and looked at me tiredly, searching my eyes. He sighed after a moment of silence. "When the men return tomorrow, I will let them rest for a week before venturing off again, but that will be the last time they risk their lives again. I am not having another war with a neighbouring country that used to be close friends, so I'm asking you now, and for the final time father, where haven't we looked?"

I took the map back in my hands, and stared at it. It was torn, tattered, from excessive use, and covered in ink crosses on the places we had been. I looked it over, thinking hard. "Germany. It's a big place, but I have friends over there that will help our men with the search." I said on a monotone voice. Harry nodded tiredly before returning to his seat.

"Eat without me. I'm going to bed." I announced gloomily. I felt empty. I just wanted to be by myself, so I could think.

"But its lunch time and you never miss lunch time." Helena called after me.

I continued towards the dining room exit. "I said I'm going to bed Helena." I repeated, and left the room, feeling more depressed than ever before. I pulled the door closed, harshly, behind me, and a slam echoed through the hall.

The tears started to run down my face again, and I sat on the marble-tiled floor, curled in a ball, on the floor with despair.

Dear Heavenly Father. I know I haven't been the most religious person lately, I've been busy and stressed, but if I could ask you a simple favour? If death hasn't already taken my daughter in his cold, hard, bony fingers, tell him to take me instead? I just want my baby to come, to be safe. Please, I'll sacrifice myself for her. She is the only one that'll keep this family together, and our family bond is the only thing that is keeping this kingdom, our home, above metaphorical water. Please... Please...bring her back?


Hey Guys,

I felt so sad writting this chapter. I can almost feel the pain Simon is feeling :(

I hoped you liked it, it feels weird writting a new book, but I'll get used to it eventually :)

Let me know what you think is going to happen to Beka in the end. The closest guess gets a chapter dedicated to them.

Love Always

Beka Fisher,


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