Chapter Twenty- Eight- The Proposal

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Beka’s POV-

“Is the really necessary?” I asked, not particularly enjoying being the centre of attention as I strolled down the busy streets, arm linked with Mitchell, my other hand holding Jason’s as he totted along beside me. Bailey walked beside Mitchell, waving and smiling happily; the two boys had fitted in with the family with ease. Thousands of people were crowding the streets, cheering loudly, throwing confetti and flower petals over our heads.

“Yes, Beka, now shut up, and stop complaining.” Helena said sternly. I gave her a troubled look before poking my tongue out at her in a childish manner. Helena rolled her eyes at me, but I did notice the small tug of an upwards slant to the corners of her lips, a gentle smile.

I was forced into waking up extra early this morning as Helena came running into my room, before the sun had risen, to start plucking and pampering me especially for today. I admit, it was a nice day, but I really hated having to get up for something so stupid as hair, and makeup, but I did enjoy the bathing… I still would have preferred my sleep though…I like my sleep.

 “I don’t understand why you aren’t excited about being celebrated; the Kingdom’s people are kindly welcoming you, Mitch, Greta, Maryanne, Jason, Bailey and Viola home. They are basically thanking you for your efforts to protect everyone else from David.” Harry questioned, with a sarcastic smirk.

I gave him a pointed look. This wasn’t the first time today that he taunted me about not liking the spotlight. “Harry, my brother, if you keep up with the taunting, I’ll tie you down, and pluck out every single curly hair on your head, one at a time, understand?” I said in a sickly-sweet voice, giving him a hard stare.

“NO, NOT THE CURLS, YOU CAN’T TOUCH THE CURLS!” Louis wailed, but the two of us ignore him.

“Love you to, baby sis.” Harry said with a dimpled smile that aggravated me more.

I rolled my eyes and huffed, annoyed. Mitch patted my arm, chuckling. “Come on, sweetheart, enjoy the celebration. What have you got to lose? Nothing, so lighten up a bit, would you?”

I rolled my eyes again, but agreed with what he said. I had nothing to lose. I started to smile, seeing all the familiar face, waving to everybody that caught my eye, hugging a few people that I had been close to when I was younger.

“Shit, no freaking way!” Lilly cursed, behind me. All of us turned towards her, but I snuck a glance towards Jason , first, sighed with relief when he didn’t hear my best friend swear.

“What’s wrong Lilly?” Paul asked his daughter worriedly, beside him.

Lilly couldn’t talk; her eyes were directed towards someone in the crowd. All she did was raise her hand and point to the person she was looking at. I followed her direction of sight, and laughed excitedly for her when I saw who it was

“What is it Mumma?” Bailey asked looking at me. I gave him a smile, as Lilly sprinted passed us, to the shocked Timothy, standing on the edge of the crowd. 

“Timothy!” She screamed, tears streaming down her face.

“Lilly!” he yelled, meeting her halfway. Lilly jumped into Timothy’s arms kissing him with such passion and they didn’t care that there was thousands of people watching, heck, they were in they own little world, probably not noticing a thing around them.

“That is Lilly’s one true love; Timothy.” I replied to Bailey’s question, with a smile. I was very happy for her. Timothy was the only thing she was missing after getting her father back. I watched as Lilly produced a necklace from under her dress, and hanging off her chain was the elegant engagement ring that she used to wear before she was taken from London.

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