Chapter Eleven- A Negative Announcement and a Battle with the Brain

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Beka's POV-

It was a normal morning. I had finally managed to get some sleep the previous night; only because my body was physical too exhausted to keep me awake, so I woke up the next morning in quite a happy and energetic mood.

I had a slight smile on my face as I walked down to the hall to the communal kitchen, with Jason holding my hand tightly and trotting along beside me with his little legs.

The kitchen was packed with the other female prisoners, and a lot of them greeted Jason and I as we passed through the rows of long tables, to where Maryanne and Viola were sitting, huddled over their share of sludgy mix that was a poor excuse of mixed grains and flours with warm water to make a paste.

The two women, and four others that I didn't know, greeted Jason and I with a raise of the eyebrow, as I said a cheerful 'good morning' to them, as the two of us sat down, following the usual morning routine. Jason scowled at the bowl of hot, steaming mix in from of him, but shovelled a spoonful into his mouth anyway. I rubbed his back, giving him some telepathic support from my touch.

Viola paused, mid-scoop, and gave me a half envious, half curious look. I wasn't offended by her hateful glare. Happiness, and cheerfulness was something we all wanted, it was like a shiny toy to a small child. If my friend got a shiny new toy, then I wanted one to.

"What's gotten you into such a good mood this morning?" Viola asked sourly.

I gave her a patient look, and ignored her hostility. I knew she didn't mean it. "I slept well last night. Today I just feel full of energy and nothing in the world can possibly bring me down." I exclaimed brightly.

Suddenly a silencing wave came over everybody in the communal kitchen, and I looked around curiously, trying to find the reason to the silence of the constant babble of the other prisoners. I found a guard standing stiffly at the entrance of the kitchen, flanked by two other guards, who were standing equally as stiff.

"I have an announcement from Lord David himself." the guard said loudly, with a ring of authority in his voice, but I knew that Paul was top dog, all the guards seemed to want to get on his good side, and it sickened me. *Stupid Paul!* "I have been advised that I am make it to your attention that Sir David is willing to negotiate some of your release from his capture, and you would be able to return to your normal lives." he continued.

A hopeful murmur went through the crowd and I turned back to the women at the table. "See, this day is just getting better and better, and what did I say? Absolutely nothing, and I mean 'nothing', can ruin my mood." I said exuberantly.

The crowd went quiet again, and the messenger waited to continue further on. "But with this negation, Sir David is willing to make it official, on one condition,"

"Oh, here we go. There's always a catch." Maryanne said unimpressed, not surprised.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." I said placing a gentle hand on hers that was folded on the table top.

"My Lord's condition is that every female prisoner may go free, if one woman, named Rebekah Rosalie Linda Jasmine Wynters- Cowell turns herself over to Lord David, himself, and makes the decision personally and solely on her behalf."

The words of the guard turned my blood cold, and I froze in my place. The whole roomed turned towards me, and every eye was burning determinedly through my skin. I swallowed, and felt Jason place his small hand against my cheek, touching the small tear droplets that lingered on my face.

I knew that David had figured it out. This was it. I knew what every female in the room needed, and who was I to hold them back from what they wanted.

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