Chapter Twenty Nine- Epilogue Part 1-

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Beka’s POV- (Five Years Later)

I was standing on the balcony that looked over the kingdom, watching the sun set over the horizon, captivated by my own thoughts, so it surprised me when I felt a pair of lips lightly leave a kiss on my neck, and strong, secure arms wrap around my waist. Ever since the two of us have been together, married, back in the safety of London, we couldn’t stand being separated for long periods of time; we missed each other too much.

“You missed dinner, and you seem distracted, my love. What holds your thoughts in such a distant place?" He murmured against my neck

"David, actually." I answered. Mitch stiffened; his lips paused on the skin above my shoulder.

"What about him?" he said with venom in his words.

I shrug my shoulders, not really having an answer to his question.  "I was just thinking that if maybe, Alexander, Simon's father, gave the thrown to David here in London, in the first place, then maybe none of what happened, would have happened."

Mitchell let out a cool breath against my neck, and circled around me, coming to my front.
"Everything happens for a reason Beka. Each moment in our small insignificant lives determines the type of person we are, that we will be. But what really counts is your ability to be resilient, flexible to what life throws at you. It’s all about how you react to these situations, and besides, if we were never taken to that castle, you would have never met Joey, or Jason, and I, Bailey. Maryanne and wouldn’t have been brought home, or Viola, and Greta meeting their husbands. You would have never known the real reason why Paul and his family disappeared, and you wouldn't have saved the lives of those thousands of prisoners. You are the reason we're home, that I'm with you today, the reason why we adopted the two girls, and you’re the reason why you are now carrying our next child," he said placing his hand on my belly. "You're a hero Beka, and I am always overly proud to be absolutely and completely in love with you" he expressed lovingly.

A lot had happened over the years after Mitchell and I married. The years went by so everybody got older, new children arrived on the scene for two out of my six brothers, as well as our own. As he said, Mitchell and I adopted a set of twins, two identical girls, Charlotte and Kimberly, from a sexually abusive orphanage two years after we got home. At first it took some time for Jason and Bailey, at the time six, and twelve years old, to adjust to having, not one, but two seven year old sisters added to the family,  but eventually they started getting along, but it definitely created a lot more noise to our family.

Harry is still ruling as King, and’s he’s doing well, surprisingly. There’s been times where he loses his temper and claims that he’s tired of his role, but he never gives it up. Harry does have a tendency to slip up sometimes as well, makes silly mistakes, and as I promised to Simon, I step in and aid with anything necessary, which, even though he doesn’t want to admit it, I know he, appreciates. 

As for the other boys; life was good. There were a few rough patches here and there, some with their wives, others between themselves, and that usually meant that I had to get involved again, but it doesn’t bother me. I’m the peacekeeper in our family now, I sort of the problems. Honestly, I’m figuring out how my family managed to last without killing each other when I wasn’t around.

“You know we received a letter from Viola yesterday.” Mitchell informed me, now staring out into the sunset as well.

I smiled. “Oh? How is her honeymoon going?”  I asked, tangling my hands with his that were wrapped protectively over the tiny baby bump that was my stomach.

Viola and Stephan had gone traveling for a while on a honeymoon. The two had dreams, big dreams, and expectations in life, so they put those dreams and expectation to the test, challenging the world. Before leaving Viola told me she couldn’t imagine living with herself if they ever got to the age when they were too old to travel, and not have been places, so why wait? So, as soon as the wedding ceremony was over, Viola and Stephan boarded one of the finest vessels of the sea, and took off on their adventures, conquering the world.

“They’re doing it great, actually…well…sort of. Stephan’s discovered for the first time that he gets sea sick, and Viola’s spent the first half of their honeymoon rubbing his back as he throws up in a bucket, but other than that, their excited to be docking in France.” He informed me, and I couldn’t help but laugh at Viola’s misfortune. Poor girl…

“What about Peter and Maryanne?” I asked. “What news have you heard of them?”

“Hmm…Nothing, really, Peter’s been busy since his new promotion, but we talk when we get the chance to. He says that the two of them are quite happy with life and not really bothered by everything being average.” He continued. “We should do see them soon.” He suggested, and I gave him a nod in agreement. “Have you heard anything from Greta?”

I sighed, feeling sad for my other close friend. I eyed her tiny house near the town centre, worriedly. “Same old, same old I guess. She says she likes living by herself, but I can tell she wants to be like all her other friends; happily married.” I said with a sigh.

I always felt the need to keep a close eye on Greta. She had taken her time to adjust to the world outside David’s confinement. Out of all of us, Greta was there for the longest, ever since she was ten to be exact, and we broke free when she was twenty-one; eleven years is a long time away from the outside world. Her struggle is understandable. She struggles with trusting men.

“Don’t worry love, Greta will find that special person one day. Fate has a funny way of rewarding those who wait.” Mitch said, rubbing my arm lightly.

“I guess you’re right. I just can’t help but worry.” I said sadly.

Mitch looked at me with his stormy eyes, cupping my cheek in his warm hand. “Don’t stress love. It’s not good for the baby.” He reminded me for the millionth time over the past couple months, but this time I listened, relaxing under his touch, looking out into the sunset, wrapped in the arms of the man I loved.


This is the first epilogue that I've written. There will be another one posted later today, because I'll probably get too antsy, but make sure, again, you look out for the secrete chapters. They will be added onto the end of this story, but there is a special way of getting them. I'll post the information in an authors not, so make sure you read on!

Love Always,



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