Chapter Twenty- Two- Promise

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Beka’s POV-

Mitchel and I walked hand in hand back to male cells, avoiding getting caught by wandering guards and David himself. He swung open his door, and much like mine, it squeaked loudly. I looked around the room and noticed it wasn’t much different to mine. The room had the same in- wall wardrobe, and the same cracked windows, and the tiny bed with the thin mattress and limp pillow, but something that was different about our rooms was that I didn’t have ten year old boy sitting in the middle of the floor.

“Bailey!” Mitch beamed, ruffling the boy’s hair, and playfully pushing his around. I stood in the doorway, watching the two play, smiling to myself.

After a couple minutes, I cleared my throat and the two boys looked up at me with excited eyes. The boy, Bailey, straightened nervously, obviously not noticing me from the beginning. I smiled at him friendlily, hoping I could flatten out his uneasiness.

Bailey leant over to Mitch. “Hey, Mitch?” he asked, whispering.

"Yea, Kiddo?” he replied, mimicking his level of voice.

“Who’s the lady? She’s very pretty.”

Mitchell chuckled. “I know.” He whispered. He looked up at me, thinking that I didn’t hear. Mitch then smiled a brilliant smile, I smiled back. “Bailey, this is Beka. Beka, this is Bailey, my adopted son.”

I crouched down to Bailey’s level, and held out my hand, and he shook it nervously. “It’s nice to meet you Bailey.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you, Princess Beka. I’m honoured to be in your presence.” He said respectively.

I gave the small boy a look of admiration and bit my lip, looking down. I couldn’t stop the smile that came to my face. “Even though I haven’t heard about you before, young Bailey, I can definitely say that I am incredibly humbled by your presence.” I said looking up at the boy through my lashes.

He looked at me like he was contemplating something, but then thought otherwise, and took me in the biggest embrace he could possible manage. At first I was surprised by the contact, but I gave in and settled into the hug, wrapping my arms around his slender body.

There was a knock at the door, and Mitch answered it. I stood, holding the boy to me still. He wasn’t heavy, quite small actually, and I didn’t mind the contact.

Bailey lifted his head off my shoulder and looked at me. “Are you going to marry Mitchel?” He asked, whispering to me softly, the two of us having our own private conversation.

I looked over my shoulder, towards where Mitchel was standing. He was talking to someone at the door, but I didn’t catch who it was. “I hope so, Bailey. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting just to see him again. I love him so much.” I said with a love-struck sigh. 

Bailey smiled happily. “You know he loves you a lot? He tells me stories about you all the time; how you met, your first kiss, and I know that I might seem too upfront with the hugging, but I just feel like I’ve known you for so long. Mitch has practically been a father to me, and you, a mother. I feel like you’re my family.”

I couldn’t help it. My eyes started to water, tears brimming over. “I would be privileged to have you in my family.” I whispered, afraid that my voice would waver otherwise. A sigh of relief came from the boy, and he began softly crying in the curve of my neck. I hugged him to me again, soothing him.

I didn’t know the boys story, his past, but I could tell there was years and years of pain buried underneath the surface. That didn’t bother me though, if anything, it made me prouder to have the boy near, safe.

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