Chapter Twenty- Four- Leadership

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Paul's POV-

It was a cold night as we rode into the London area, and traveling through the cool air wasn't any help either. The wind blew in my eyes, making them water, and my skin prickled from the cold under my thin clothes. Bailey and Jason both stayed in front of me, in the protection of my arms, wrapped in Beka's blanket to offer them some security. The two of them hadn't spoken since we left the castle gates, but now as the London town limits got closer, Bailey turned back to me.

"Are we close?" he asked over the sound of the wind. He seemed to be less resentful towards me now; it probably had to do with the fact that Beka and Mitchell both talked to me consistently, so he figured that he should put up with my presence being around so frequently.

I nodded smiling kindly. "Just beyond these trees and you'll be able to see the castle towering over the town. It's a beautiful sight really." I replied.

Bailey turned back to the way in front of us eager to see his new home. Quite frankly I was feeling the same excitement he was. I hadn't been home in a long time, too long actually. I had a feeling that the royal family didn't exactly like the events of my past, and I knew that getting them to listen to me would be a difficult task, but somehow I had to prove that I was telling the truth. I had to do the best convincing I have ever done.

It was darker now that the sun had set in the sky, it wasn't overly late in the night, it just meant that as soon as we came closer to the town, I expected there not to be a lot of people, but still, as we began riding through the cobblestone streets, people turned and watch as I passed, remembering who I was.

I had the urge to hide my face, and keep my head down, under the townspeople's watchful gazes, and hushed gossiping, but I ignored it and sat up straighter. I was in the presence of Princess Beka's and Prince Mitchell's sons, bad posture and hiding my face was definitely out of the question.

I sighed in contempt hearing the familiar clack of the horse’s hooves on the stone street. The wind died down as the buildings began to fend it away from us, and I smiled when the castle came in view. "There it is boys." I said proudly.

When their reply didn't come, I looked at the boys and their mouths were hanging open, shocked. I couldn't help but smirk. London had always been a breathtaking sight, and it took time to get over the beauty, and truthfully, not even I had fully overcome the blast of beauty that hit me every time I saw my home.

It wasn't much longer and we were riding through the back gate, into the stables. I felt an overcompensating joy, and the feeling of being at home, when my feet were firmly placed on the ground. I took a deep breath, noticing that the air almost seemed thinner here, cleaner. I looked around for a second seeing the old and familiar sights, sighing happily, before assisting the boys down onto the ground as well.

I crouched down in front of the two boys, and looked them dead in the eyes. "Now boys, I need you to stay quiet while we're inside. This is going to be a difficult task, so only speak when you're spoken to, okay?" the two boys nodded as I took Bailey's hand and balanced Jason on my hip, standing up straight. “There will be a time when I have to leave you again boys, because I will be escorting, hopefully, quite a few people to assist your mother and father, and they need you to stay here.” I stressed. I couldn’t handle having the boys running away chasing after me. Bailey and Jason both agreed with a nod, unwillingly, with not having me, a familiar person, around.

I started to make my way inside, and the boy stayed silent, taking in all the sights around them. My shoes scuffed on the marble tiles softly, and I smiled happily, whistling a cheerful tune. It wasn't long before I came across one of my old colleagues, Kayle.

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