Chapter Twenty-Three- Stephan Kay and Viola Fitzpatrick

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Beka's POV-

Mitchell and I walked back into the Dining Hall to find a very extensive and large pile of explosives stacked on the centre table. I blinked, trying to determine whether I was seeing things or not. After a few attempts of clearing my eyes, the pile was still standing in front of me.

"Wow." I said shocked, looking over at Maryanne and Viola who were giving me a smirk.

"Is this enough?" Viola asked proudly. I nodded, unsure of what to say. It was a very big pile of explosives. The one thing I thought about was that it was definitely going to cause a big mess, a huge mess.

"So, where are they all going?" Maryann asked, fiddling with her contraption that would light the flame.

"In David's room," I said automatically. Everybody in the room suddenly stopped everything they were doing as soon as the words left my mouth, and looked at me shocked, like I had grown a second head. "It'll draw most if the guards out of the courtyard, and hopefully we'll be able to lead an ambush from there on." I explained, defending my sanity.  

"What do we do about weapons though; sure we've got plenty here, but what about them? I'm sure this isn’t the only weapons store room." Greta asked.

"Ah, good question. Now, this is where we are going to need a lot of team work." I stood on the table, and held my arm out horizontally, splitting the group in half. "I'm going to divide the group into two teams. Both are going to have to stock up on weapons for protection first, but this team is going to be led by Maryanne and Viola," I said pointing to the left of my arm. "You are responsible for transporting the explosives to David's room. The other team will be led by Greta and Lillian, and you are going to use the keys and the map to find the weapon storages and get rid of everything. We don't want them to have the upper hand on us. Once everyone has done their jobs, I need you to come back here. Maryanne and Viola stay near David’s the room because I want you to be able to light it up when I give the signal." everybody nodded.

"How do you propose we get rid of the weapons?" A man asked towards the back of the room.

I smiled. "Use the windows. I don't think any of the guards will be prepared to jump in after them. Do the same things if you run into a guard or somebody, finish him off then throw him to the crocs." That earned me a few laughs, and I smiled.

"What if David is in his room?" someone else asked, seconds later.

I thought my answer over. "What time is it? Five thirty?" Mitch nodded at me, looking at the angle of the sun outside. "David will be in the dining room until later tonight. He stays in there for hours, staring at the table and talking to himself." I said rolling my eyes. I had noticed him doing that in the past, several times that I had been forced to going to dinner with him.

“But won’t we have to go through the courtyard?” Lilly asked, doubtful. “It’ll be too obvious if we did.”

I chucked the map and keys, which she caught, and opened the scroll looking over the dynamic structure of the castle, probably noticing the several back entrances and hidden hallways. “Take the back way.” I said simply and she nodded.

After a few more questions, the teams dismissed, off to do their part of the plan. I sat down at the now empty table and rubbed my eyes. Mitch sat beside me, placing an arm around my shoulders.

"You're doing well, Honey." Mitch said softly, placing a gentle kiss on my exposed neck. I made a mental note to tie my hair back when the battle started.

I sighed and looked up at Mitchell’s stormy eyes. "What if this doesn't work?" I asked him worriedly, eyebrows slanted down in a frown, a crease forming on my forehead.

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