Chapter Nineteen- Vince

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David’s POV-

The fire was roaring in the fire place to my left, casting long shadows across the dark room, warming my skin. I sat there silently, starring at dent in the table, wide eyed.

“How’d that get there…?” I asked.

I don’t know, but it’s bad. We don’t like bad, do we…?

“No, we do not like bad things; definitely not. We do not like bad things at all, only good things, only good things.”


“Shhhh!” I said glaring at Gilbert, sitting on my left, for interrupting my conversation. “You do not interrupt Vince! He does not like it!”

No, because that’s bad, very bad…

“Very, very bad…” I replied.

Gilbert shared a strange look with the other men at the table, and they looked at me weirdly. I noticed the empty seat on my right. “Where’s Higgins? Where is Paul Higgins?”

“Don’t know, sir.” Gilbert said simply, shrugging.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. He’s late. That’s bad, very bad…!

The door suddenly opened and Paul strode in, and taking his seat, looking exhausted.


“You don’t have to scream.” Paul said covering his ears, giving me an annoyed look.


You’re not screaming…just talking very loudly, that’s not a bad thing, not a bad thing.

“Not a bad thing…”

Paul looked around the table, looking confused. The other men shrugged, not sure what to make of the situation.

You’re fine.

“I’m fine.” I said to the gentlemen surrounding me, with a tired sigh. “I have called you here tonight to talk strategy. I’m willing to send everybody home, if, and only if, I get Beka. We need a plan, gentlemen.” I said resting my head on my palms, as they were like a shelf for my head.

We need Beka…NEED…

“I thought we already had a plan. We discussed this just a little over a week ago; we were going to wait until the girl is handed over by the other prisoners.” Richard intervened.

“Yes, that was the plan, but as you just said, it’s been a little over a week, twelve days now to be exact, and guess what…? I STILL DON’T HAVE HER!”

Still don’t have her…bad thing, only good things.

“Only good things…” I whispered

“Well why we don’t try a different approach. You took away her shackles because she promised not to run away, and she hasn’t done that, so why don’t you ‘reward’ her, and let her walk around the castle?” Michael suggested.

“Do you hear voices in your head?” I answered.

“Excuse me?” Andrew asked, confused

“Do you hear voices in your head, because I do, but the voice in your head must tell you to say stupid things, because that was the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.” I said, staring at the dent in the table again. “How’d that get there…?”

I don’t know, but it’s bad, very bad…

“You didn’t let me finish, sir.” Michael said, speaking again, a tone of anger in his voice.

“Go on then.” I encouraged him.

“Well the castle is set up that all the halls lead to the courtyard. Let her walk the halls for a day, and as she comes into the courtyard, we’ll ambush her.”

I looked up at the man that had just spoken, he was actually quite smart.

You’re smarter…

“I’m smarter… I like that idea. It will be done tomorrow. I will talk to the girl tomorrow, just be ready.” I looked around the table, and the others were agreeing, except for Paul Higgins who hadn’t said anything.

“What do you think, Higgins Paul, Paul Higgins?”

Paul shrugged. He seemed exhausted, drained of energy. Maybe I had been working him too hard. He was a good man, a good right hand man. “Paul, you have the rest of the night off. Go sleep, do whatever you must, but next time I expect you to be here fully energised, and on time, being late is a bad thing, a very bad thing…”

Paul frowned, obviously wondering why I was being generous to him, but he agreed, standing from his chair, it scraping across the ground. My nose scrunched up; I never liked that noise.

We never liked that noise… Don’t forget Vince…!

“Can never forget Vince…”

“Are you serious about letting everyone go, Sir?”

“If, and only if, you get me that BLASTED girl.”

“Yes, Sir...” The remaining men said stiffly.

I smiled a small smile, looking at the table. The wood was  very nice. A silence fell over everybody.

I like the silence, it gives us time to think, David.

“Sir, correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that this meeting has come to a close…May we leave?” Gilbert asked. I nodded my head, not looking at him. I was too focused on the dent in my table, in the lovely wood.

“How’d that get there…? Who would do that…?” I said feeling sad.

I don’t know, but it’s bad, very bad… Poor table, it didn’t deserve to have dent.

I looked up and the room was empty. “Where’d the people go?” I asked and there was no reply.  I shrugged, not caring, and stood to look out the windows that overlooked most of the castle’s halls.

I saw Paul’s figure dart through the halls as he rushed towards the male prisoner’s captivity.

Why is he doing that…?

“I don’t know.” I replied, biting the inside of my cheek, watching the man move through the halls.

Maybe he has a friend in captivity….?

“A friend on the inside, hmm, for some reason I don’t think that’s a good thing.”


“We wait, Vince. We wait…”


Hey Guys,

What'd you think...? Weird right? I ate like a tonne of red frogs before writing this so I'm a bit hyper- active at the moment, but it's all good :D

Just to reassure you, no, I do not hear voice in my head...well...not that much....

I know this chapter had a lot of talking in it, and I apologise, it was just needed.

Anyway, Leave your thoughts below, or in my inbox.

Love Always,



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