Chapter Twenty-One- Slap Across the Cheek

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Beka's POV-

It had been days since I last saw any sign of David, and too be completely honest, I was enjoying the time that he wasn't near me, but that also meant that he was busy preoccupying himself with something else...someone else. I shuddered at the thought, but continued to walk through the corridor. I was on my way to the other side of the castle, with the newly, yet strangely odd, permission to walk around the castle halls, where a small garden preoccupied a tiny area.

The garden wasn't extravagant, or overly peaceful. The grass was pointy and itchy to the touch, and the tree, only one tree, casted a long shadow over the whole area, not letting flowers get the sunlight that they needed. There were no bees that swarmed around the flowers, looking for pollen, or butterflies that gracefully fluttered in the wind, looking for nectar. The garden had an eerie feel for it, and that's because the ashes of the women, fellow prisoners, that had died whilst being here, were buried in the soil.

It was all we could give them as a resting place. Usually when someone died, they want somewhere that’s beautiful to be buried, and this was the closest thing to beauty that we could provide.

It made me sad that I couldn't give Joey a phenomenal resting place. She deserved so much more; she never deserved to die in the first place. I hoped God despised David for killing a kind sole like Joe, even killing a normal human sole was wrong. David wasn't human. He was a monster.

For a while I thought that maybe, just maybe, that it may not be entirely David's fault. Maybe he was right, and Simon, my father, wasn't telling me the truth and David did really get his whole life ripped away, or maybe there had been another traumatic experience in his life that sent him over the edge? Who knew...? I didn't know his childhood. David was five years older than his little brother; maybe he had a different upbringing? But then I remembered something that I learnt from my mother.

In this world, everybody makes choices. One decision can lead to a whole different perspective with different events and happenings, but I believe that with every action, you have a choice whether or not to pursue. At some point in David's life, he had the choice about being who he was. He made the decision to rebel and be envious, he made the choice to kill, and all that’s gotten him is disrespect and dishonour.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as a strong breeze hit my face, sending my hair that had grown down to my mid-thigh, out behind me. By now I had reached court yard. Much like everything else, it was made out of dark and dirty stone. Darkness seemed to be the whole theme of David's castle. Wherever he went there was suffering. My bare feet ached as it skimmed across the rough surface, but I gritted my teeth ignoring the pain.

I had learnt to keep my head low while traveling though the courtyard, most of the people within the castles gates travelled through this area. I swung a floor length cloak over my shoulders and tied the knot at my neck, before pulling the hood over my head, hiding my face.

The courtyard was the way that led towards the one exit the castle had, and that was a heavy iron gate that constantly guard by armed soldiers. Beyond the gate was the drawbridge, if you misplaced your footing and fell off, you were a goner. The hungry crocodiles in the moat below were constantly on the prowl, and they would hesitate to rip you apart from limb to limb. 

I had figured out all the tricks and traps from my many escape attempts, but as hard as I tried, David's men always seemed to catch up to me as I fled into the surrounding forest.

My stomach twisted nervously, as I tried not to draw attention to myself as I cross the courtyard. It was also where most of David's soldiers had hung around while they were off duty. After a few drinks, or just out of sheer boredom, a helpless woman passing through the middle of a courtyard would seem like a good thing to 'do'.

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