Chapter Three- Baby Jason

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Beka's POV-

It was late, but I couldn't sleep. As the time passed by, I sat on the thin mattress, with Niall's blanket over the baby and my lap, keeping us warm. I stared out the broken glass windowpane, watching the full moon cross the starry night sky.

I was sad. It was nothing new. Sadness was like my new best friend, a new companion. It followed me like my shadow; ever since I got here, it was always there. I just missed my home, my family, and my old life. All I had here to remind me of them was my presents, and not even those could give me the warm embraces that I desperately wanted, the love that I needed. There was nothing to make me feel safe.

Out of it all, there was only one positive thing about being here, and her name was Josephine, but even the thought of her made me feel sad. I had been kept prisoner here for two months, when I met her, Joey. She was a twelve year old girl, and much like me, and the plenty of other women here, she was taken from her home by David. She was a scared little girl, and that was something that was brought out of us all here.

She had been here since she was ten, and much like me, David kept playing with her. He got inside her head, and she waited anxiously for two years. Then he finally grew tired of playing around, like when a child grows tired of a toy they've grown too old for it, and took her innocence away without her consent. I could hear her screams, and her begging for him to stop. I could feel her pain shoot through my body, every, excruciatingly painful, second of it, and I couldn't do anything to stop it, David made sure of it.

I didn't see Joey for couple days after that, and by the third day I was about to pull my hair out, but that night she came to my room, crying her eyes out, and that's when I realized that I should be afraid of David. Joey's small body was badly bruised and beaten. She could hardly move a muscle without whimpering with pain.

I helped her back to health, but Joey had changed. She wasn't the same girl that I had come to know. She wasn't the overly optimistic girl that always seemed to have a bright smile on her face, anymore. She didn't have the same cheerful sparkle that brightened up her eyes, even in the harder times, anymore. It was like the darkness had taken over her, like it had taken over everyone else. Without her positivity, I lost hope.

Nine months later, Josephine became incredibly ill. The winter had been harsh on her, and especially for the unborn child of David's that she was carrying. As much as she hated the man that the baby belonged to, she couldn't help but love the tiny human being growing inside her. I'd catch her talking to the baby, and rubbing her stomach adoringly, and by the time the birth came, Joey's heart couldn't take the stress and worry.

On last day of her life, Joe had a beautiful baby boy, Jason. She named him after her brother, from my understanding; he was the only person that loved her back home.

Jason inherited his stunning features from his mother, and god had blessed him with no outstanding features from his evil, twisted, father. He was the most gorgeous, beautiful, thing on the planet.

The birth was too much for the young girl to withstand, and her heart gave out. She died looking into her sons eyes proudly, with tears slipping down her cheeks. Jason had the same shade of ice blue eyes as Joey once had, and all I could remember was seeing the look of pure love she shared for her son.

It was hard, almost heartbreaking, for me to see my only friend die. I wanted to be able to do something, to save her, but we had discussed it before. Joey knew she wasn't going to survive, so all I did, all I could do, was be there for her, sitting there right by her side, until the very last moment. She was always there for me, even when her body wasn't physically up to the task, but the hardest thing was seeing her son without a mother, someone who he could grow off, someone he could learn from, someone he could call Mum.

I promised myself that'd I'd be that person. I promised, on Josephine's ashes that I'd look after the boy, baby Jason, and raise him like he was my own. I knew it would be a difficult task, also to hide the baby from his own creator was another struggle, but over time, I managed.

The other ladies around the rundown castle, all knew Joey well. Her lively spirit, and happiness, provided someone you could share a laugh with in these dark times of our lives, and everybody just enjoyed her company as much as I did, so all of them helped me as much as possible, to keep the boy a secret.

It's been two and a half years since Joe died, and Jason's been crawling and climbing everything in his path. He manages to speak words, but puts his own spin on it, making them sound like a foreign language. His steps are still a little shaky, but he never gives up.

At this time point of time, he was sleeping at the end of the bed, with his head on top of the limp pillow, breathing softly. His soft skin looked like a pale white under the glow of the moonlight. I absently played with his thick brown curls on the top of his head, adoringly. The chains clipped around my wrist jingled slightly, and I growled, annoyed, at them.

From far away Jason looked like he could be my own son. We both had brown, curly hair, with blue eyes, but it's not until you come closer that you can see the differences. I smiled lightly down at him at the thought of having my own child. It's been one of my many dreams lately, but to have a child of my own one day if I ever survived this place would be like the icing on a cake. I would be incomplete without them.

Jason stirred under my gentle touches and grasped hold of one of my fingers in his sleep. I smiled as he held my finger tightly to his chest. I figured he wasn't going to ease up on his grip anytime soon, so I lied down beside him under the blanket, hugging his small body to me.

I kissed the top of his head, breathing in the smell of his hair and continued to look out the window. I began to feel tired, but I knew I'd be awake all night now, so my mind pondered over the past, present, and future.

What happened yesterday...? What is happening now...? What will happen tomorrow...? As another day goes by, it's a whole day that my family hasn't found me...maybe I should give up...?

My eyes started to droop. Maybe I will fall asleep. With that thought, my eyes fell shut.


Hey Guys,

I've been having trouble writting lately, Jared and I broke up :(, were still friends, but I've been heaps bummed lately. Anyway, I hope you like the chapter.

-----------------------------------> pic of Jason on the side

Love Always,

Beka Fisher


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