Chapter Eighteen- Coming Home

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Coles POV-

Life for the commoners of London is returning to its once good state. As promised by King Harry, the soldiers have returned home, and are staying home for good. It took three years of constant travelling and searching, but now King Harry had finally realised the damage he had created. He wants to fix what he’s done, and that has already begun. Families have been reconnected, children have fathers, and wives have their husbands once more.

All throughout the kingdom there is celebrations, parties, gatherings and all round happiness. People pass each other on the streets and smile with such glee and optimism written across their face. The new emotions have been like a viral infection. Its spread from person to person, and there was no way to stop it once it had started. The news of this new found happiness has even attracted people to the area, increasing the population, and money in the area. Wealthier people are moving in, meaning more trade, and swapping of goods and services. To accommodate the arrival of people, there are several houses and hostels being built; encouraging more people to join our enthusiastic kingdom.

With the arrival of the soldiers, and the new additions, the business has endured a major spike. People have been flooding my bakery doors, daily, and I’ve made enough money to pay off my debts to the tax payer. My wife has finally relaxed, and can now just sit back and enjoy the time passing as the tiny human grows inside her, our child. With all the money that I have left over, we even managed to build a new room in our house for the baby.

Essentially, life’s gone back to normal, almost like it was before. Everybody is happy, the royal family even manage a proud smile as they occasionally visit the town, all except Simon. When he manages the amount of effort to get out of bed, he sits on his horse, looking always sad, depressed, and never happy.

I take pity on him. Simon always took Beka’s disappearance hard. I offered to have a talk to him, but he denied, saying that ‘Even though that is very generous, my dear friend, Cole, that won’t be necessary. I just need time to adjust.’ I accepted his wishes, continuing my own errands, but the thought of Simon’s suffering has always bothered me.

People around me are constantly asking why the former King was never happy enough with the improvements to our home, but then I realised that he could never be. Simon’s worked so hard to get back his daughter, and now that the soldiers have stopped looking, Beka seems to be a distant memory in the back of everybody’s mind, and he never wanted that, but even though we as a kingdom has moved on from the years of sadness, it doesn’t mean that we still don’t feel for the family. Amongst the celebrations and happiness, Beka is mentioned every once in a while.

I think it’s always been impossible to forget her, she’s made such an impact on everybody’s life.


Hey guys,

I know this chapter is really short, I've got this whole thing planned out for the end of the story, and I've been trying to stick to that as much as possible.

Please don't hate me. Next chapter is in David's POV. It's going to be tricky, but I'll just have to make myself go insane to get into character XP

.....too late...


Love Always,



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