Chapter Twenty- Leather Boots

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Paul’s POV-

I knocked on the thick wooden door, waiting for a response. I pulled the heavy bag that I had hanging off my shoulder, higher as it slipped down my arm while I waited. There was rustling on the other side of the door, followed by hushed voices, before a tiny boy answered the door. He looked up at me with big eyes, his gaze filled with a fiery passion and emotion.

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly and cleared my throat. “Ah, is Mitchel here?”

He hadn’t been moved, had he…?

“Why do you want to see Mitchel, Paul?” retorted the boy forcefully. To say that I wasn’t a little intimidated would be a lie, it was the eyes. They terrified me. They seemed so endless, so deep, like they had seen things; they knew things that he shouldn’t. It was obvious that my guess was correct, considering the circumstances, it didn’t surprise me that David had corrupted the innocence of a small child as well. 


A chuckle interrupted me, and I sighed thankfully, knowing who the chuckle belonged to. Mitchell, the tall, muscly, sand blonde haired boy appeared behind the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“Now, now Bailey, that’s no way to treat a friend.” Mitch said to the younger boy, Bailey with a fatherly tone to his voice. I looked between the two and noticed no resemblance, so I definitely knew that the boy wasn’t his, then the thought that the boy was also too old to be his son.

“But, Mitch, its Paul Higgins, he’s working for him.” Bailey said with noticeable resentment. Mitch just gave Bailey a stern look, and he sighed, and stepped aside, apologising for his behaviour, resentfully. I took a step inside and gave Mitch a pointed look. I wanted to talk to him privately.

“Bailey, my boy, I just loved the way you made dinner for me last night, why don’t you do that again?” Mitch asked Bailey, and the kid nodded quietly before walking out, but making sure I caught the death stare that he aimed at me. The door shut loudly behind him and I looked at Mitch, confused. Mitch was standing opposite me, arm crossed, muscles bulging. Over the past three years Mitchel had grown a foot and a half, now towering over me.

“What’s with the kid?” I asked, breaking the silence, dropping the bag beside the door.

Mitch looked at the bag than returned his eyes to me before answering. “I met him a couple weeks ago; we look out for each other. Don’t worry he’s not that…hostile all the time. He just doesn’t like anything or anybody to do with David, he’ll come around eventually. I’m assuming that’s not why you came here though, what can I do for you Paul?”

“I’m going to tell you something, I wanted to ask you something first…” I said, hesitating, waiting for him to push me to continue. Mitch nodded. “Do you miss Beka?”

The tension in the room suddenly intensified. It almost felt like I could reach out a grab it within my hands. Mitch’s whole presence stiffened, tensed. His muscles contracted, veins becoming predominant, his fist clenched, the knuckles popping and the skin over them turning an ashen white. I swallowed uncomfortably, suddenly very afraid for my wellbeing. Obviously Beka was an extremely touchy subject when it came to Mitch.

“What kind of question is that?” Mitch roused, and I took a step back, cowering slightly at his tone.

“J-just answer the question Mitch. I promise that this will make sense once I explain everything.” I stuttered nervously.

Mitch sighed, relaxing, and the tension levels dropped back to normal. He took a seat on the tiny bed that he looked like a giant sitting on it. He placed his head in his hands, and sighed tiredly. I imagined that Mitchell had as much trouble sleeping as Beka did. She barely fitted on the small bed, so it would definitely be difficult for Mitch to lie on one.

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