Chapter Seventeen- Apple

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Beka's POV-

I was reading the Merchant of Venice, one of the Shakespeare books Zayn had given me on my birthday, three years before, while Jason slept peacefully in his makeshift cot. There was a bowl of nuts sitting beside me on the bed, and I nibbled at them subconsciously.

I was relaxed, sitting there quietly, happy, there was a slight upwards curve to my lips, as I deeply enjoyed the silence. Lately it had been very busy for me. I was organizing quite a few things to do with the escape plan that I had devised in my head, and whilst doing that, I had run myself ragged. 

I heard a jingling noise outside my door, but chose to ignore it. I figured if it was someone coming to see me, they'd realized eventually that I wasn’t going to answer, and walk away.

My main focus was on the book, I just wanted to have a little time to myself, where I could be antisocial, where I wouldn't be bothered, but no, Paul just had to slam the door open accidentally when the rusty lock wouldn't turn properly making me lose my thoughts.

I looked up from my, signed, copy of Shakespeare's play, and gave Paul the most furious look I could manage. He held his hands up in surrender.

"Whoa, whoa, someone looks a bit cranky, I didn't mean to do that, but I must admit, I've always hated this door." he said with an annoying smirk pasted on his face. His smirk only aggravated me more.

I picked up a handful of nuts and began to throw them at Paul's face. "You *throw* interrupted *throw* me when *throw* I was at the *throw* best part!" I yelled, and then threw the bowl at Paul when I realised it was empty.

He smirked, catching the bowl just before it hit his face, and at the pile of nuts at his feet, then chuckled. "Would you like me to leave?" he asked amused.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, but you've ruined moment, so all this reading was for nothing." I said pointing to the book in outrage. "What in God's name do you possibly want me for?"

"I don't like to be talked to that way." Paul replied smugly, acting to be outraged, turning to walk out the door. I let out a frustrated and angry growl as I jumped off the bed, the springs crying from the abuse, and chased him out the door.

I don't think Paul was expecting me to, but he let out a loud yelp when I tackled him tithe ground, his formal armour clashing against the hard ground.

He resisted against me, but I managed to drag him back into the room, by the ankles, and slammed the door after I shoved him back into the middle of the room.

"What can I do for you, Paul?" I asked in a sickly-sweet voice, my eyes wild and crazed with anger.

"See, that tone is much better." Paul praised, and I rolled my eyes.

"Cut to the chase." I said sternly, crossing my arms over my chest. Paul raised an eyebrow at me, and I sighed tiredly. "...Please." I continued.

The older man smiled charmingly, and stood on his two feet, towering over my small frame.

'I liked it better when he was on the ground...'

"David requested your company in the Dining Room, immediately. He can't comprehend the fact no one's turned you in. He is losing his mind about it."

"Oh, for the lovely of all things holy..." I trailed off angrily. That's why Paul came and saw me..? Really...?

I stalked out of the room, my angry emotion driving my brisk walking, and Paul followed, struggling to catch up.


I roughly pulled the door open to David's Dinning Hall, and it slammed loudly against the wall. David sat in his chair at the table, facing me, unfazed by my loud and sudden entrance, waiting for me as I marched angrily to the opposite end of the table.

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