Chapter Fourteen- Dearest Diary

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Zayn's POV-

It was a lazy, normal Saturday afternoon in London. It had been raining all day, so of course I used the good weather to my advantage.

Not everybody would agree with me, but in my eyes, it was the perfect day. Yes, I was stuck inside all day, and, yes, I could have been spending my time going on an adventure or something extravagant, but, for me, nothing could be more contenting then sitting in the library, next to the fireplace, curled up with a good book, and that's what I intended on doing all day.

I had planned to read all the books in the library by the end of my life, but still, I hadn't even reached the top level yet. I stood in the middle of the open space and asked myself where I was going to choose a book from. The far right, near the stain-glass windows, or the tallest shelf on the upper level...? Upper level it is!

I bounded up the stairs, three at a time, and within my haste, I reached the shelf in seconds. Searching the old and dusty books, I examined their fragile spines like a tradesman would examine what the customer wanted to give him, before he handed over the money.

I dragged my fingertips over the soft and worn leather backs, reading the defined titles, none of them really grabbed my attention to the adventure the books held in their paper pages. I started to give up my search, when I reached the bottom shelf. There was nothing there that I was interested in reading, but when I reached the last book, there was something very different about it.

I pulled it from its place, and dusted its cover off. "No title..." I stated, feeling intrigued by the mystery the book held. The book itself wasn't overly thick, but still the leather covers bulged and a long piece of string held the back and front together.

Returning downstairs, I sat back in my seat, and tugged on the string, and it crumbled in my hand. The book wasn't as old as some of the novels in the library, but this particular book was used frequently.

I carefully lifted the front cover and peered at the page behind it. The page was empty, expect for two line of neatly written text in the very middle of the page. "The Diary of Alexander Lucas Samuel Cowell, only for my family to read...Simon's father." I muttered to myself with a frown. I had never met my grandfather, he died before I was born, and Simon never really liked to talk about him; he was a mystery shadow that faded in an out of my mind.

I turned the next page and the diary entries began. Every sentence was written so precisely, and thoughtfully. I felt like I had gone back in time, like I was living in the moment.

Alexander Lucas Samuel Cowell's POV- (Forty years earlier)

It was late. My wife lay asleep peacefully in our bed. She was yet to know about the trouble I had been facing, and I proffered to keep it that way, she didn't need the stress. I felt tired, exhausted actually, but my mind was buzzing with thoughts; I couldn't sleep.

Moving quietly through the halls, guided by the light of the torches, I lit a candle in my private study and began writing in my journal.

Dearest Diary,

My worry about my son's future only seems like a distant memory now. I have everything under my control again, but why do I still feel uneasy? Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen?

I knew that if I chose one of the boys to be King of London, then I'd be the reason for the loss of the other. There'd be a family feud that not even I could stop, so I came up with a solution.

Simon, my youngest, is much like I am. He will be the next in line for the King of London, and he shall rule with his wife, and unborn child, Louis or Quinn. He will be strong, yet, compassionate when it is needed. He will follow century old traditions, but also make new traditions that live as long as the stars themselves. Simon will go down in history as one of the greatest Kings to rule London. Children will hear about him at school, and they will marvel at the reputation he left behind. He will be talked about long after his death, and I know this because Simon knows exactly what he wants, and knows exactly what the people in our Kingdom needs, and he will put the people's needs over his own. Simon is my greatest accomplishment in life. I am proud to call him my son... The only thing I hate is that I can't say the same for David.

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