Chapter Ten- Hide-and- Seek

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Zayn's POV-

The slight breeze was blowing across my face, ruffling my hair slightly, as I sat amongst the soft grass of the paddocks, watching Mischief run around the fields, looking lost. He never seemed the same once he realised Beka's presence was no longer here. He didn't act as if he was the tough, intimidating horse I first met him as; he acted as if he didn't have a purpose anymore. I noticed a change in all of Beka's pets actually. Tiggers was still the angry fireball, but she just didn't seem to bother avoiding anybody anymore, she wanted consolation and closeness, even Chester seemed to lose his friendliness. I had always notice it, but it was until now that I fully understood the bond Beka had between her and her animals. They just simply loved her, more like adored her, and it was because Beka treated them as if they had their own feelings, their own personalities. She could communicate with them, and they listened to her every command.

I stood from the grass, sighing, and wiping the dirt of the back of my pants. Thinking about my sister had made me incredibly tired, and I had been sitting outside for hours, just thinking, so I assumed Ally would be looking for me soon.

Mischief looked towards me as I stood, and he gave me and curious look, as if he only just notices my presence at that moment. He trotted over to me, and looked me over carefully, inspecting me. At first I was shocked to have him this close to me, truthfully, I was a little scared, but I held my hand out, asking his permission for a pat. Mischief agreed by bumping his nose against my palm, and with a tiny laugh, I brushed my finger through the tall horse's ebony fur. Mischief could be intimidating when he wanted to, but even the scariest horses' need a good pat.

Mischief looked directly at me with his mahogany eyes, and I swallowed uncomfortably. I could see the endless depth of sadness that they held. I sighed again. I could feel the pain that he was feeling. I knew exactly what he was thinking about, it was the same thing I was thinking about, Beka... I patted Mischief's side. "Don't worry buddy, I promise that if we find her, you'll be the first one I saddle up."

He made a sound in the back of his throat, happy with what I said, before prancing off in to the field. I smiled at the sight, before tucking my hands deep into my pockets, and returning inside.


"Zayn Javaad Malik- Cowell! Where have you been? I was worried-..." My wife, Ally, began, before I cut her off with planting a passionate kiss on her lips. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, and she responded with tangling her fingers into my hair.

She pulled away after a couple seconds, and looked at me curiously, trying to catch her breath. "I should be worried about you more often if that's how you're going to respond." she breathed.

I chuckled and tucked her head under my chin, giving her a much needed hug. "You shouldn't worry about me, Allygator, I'm a big boy now, remember?"

Ally laughed at the nickname I had given her, and stared up at me with amused eyes. "That's why I get worried." she said. "What were you doing?"

"I was feeling a little stressed, so I gave myself some time to think." I said flatly. Ally nodded in understanding, and the two of us just stood there, in each other's arms, enjoying the moment we were having together.

I felt bad, I had been distant from my wife for the last couple of weeks and I knew that she was worried about me. I wasn't meaning to be distant, but with it being the three year mark of Beka's absence, I felt the need to be more to myself.

"The kids have been looking for you to play with them. They've been bugging me all day, asking me where you were, eventually I just got too annoyed and told them to play hide and seek with their cousins." Ally said looking up at me, breaking the silence.

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