Chapter Five- Flags and a Baby

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Chapter Five- Flags and a Baby

Harry's POV-

The weather seemed to reflect everybody's mood, sad. The clouds rolled above, casting an eerie gloom over the kingdom. A cool breeze raced through the air, chilling me to the bone. I shivered and pulled my coat closer to my body. Suzy held my hand as she totted beside me, with the rest of the family. We were walking through the streets, hanging the flags around town; the town's people gave us their best wishes, with solemn faces.

When Beka went missing, the town's people walked the streets in despair. I didn't know it, but Beka mattered dearly to the people, she always had. She understood them, and them her. To most, she was a role model, someone they could look up to, and someone they could trust. Without her, they felt lost, defeated.

"King Harry? Lord Simon?" a raspy voice asked from behind me. Father and I turned to a depressed looking Cole, the town's baker. I winced seeing his face and the pain etched into his features. I pulled on a forced smile, trying to be nice, but Simon's face stayed neutral, not even bothering with being social. I knew that he wasn't feeling his best, he spent the whole day in bed the previous day, and today's events weren't really helping his condition.

"How may I help you, Cole?" I asked picking up Suzy in my arms, making sure she didn't run off while I was talking. The rest of the family continued walking, and I looked after them, feeling the separation anxiety as they moved further away.

Cole cleared his voice, looking unsettled. "Princess Beka was one of my most loyal customers, and I never got to thank her for the many years that she came to my bakery." Cole swallowed, trying to hold back tears. "I watched her grow up over the years, she was a baby, six weeks old, when I first met her, and every weekday she'd come into my shop, and buy a blueberry muffin. I'd make sure that she got the best one of the batch, and I never knew why I always felt like I was being drawn towards her, and it was because she had me wrapped around her tiny fingers."

I took a deep breath, trying to control myself. I could tell Simon wasn't able to keep himself contained, because I heard light sniffles from beside me. I wrapped my free arm around my father's lower back, hugging him to my side, comfortingly. As much as I, and the rest of the family, loved my sister, there were people who loved her and knew her, more than we did. I never understood it, because they were two different people, but Cole and Beka had a very good friendship. "Thank you, Cole. We appreciate those words very deeply." I said with a slight nod.

"You are most welcome, my majesties. In honour of our town's beloved Princess, I have renamed the bakery to 'PB's Bakery', Princess Beka's Bakery, and in light of today, I have decided that I will only sell my blueberry muffins while the purple flags fly on the highest points of the kingdom every year, so I would like to give you these as well." He said bravely, handing me a basket, filled with a heaping mound of huge blueberry muffins. Father let out a retched gasp, seeing the muffins, and I squeezed him closer to me.

Cole handed Suzy the basket, because she eyed them hungrily. She smiled widely at the baker, showing her perfectly straight teeth. She gave me a look that asked for permission, I nodded, and she tucked into eating one of the top muffins happily. Suzy licked her lips, savouring the taste, and Cole smiled at my daughter, glad that she liked his gift.

"Well, I shall be letting you get back to your day, and I'll return to my bakery." Cole said, bowing politely at the Simon and I. We both bowed our heads, thanking him dearly, before her turned and walked down the street with his shoulders slouched.  

I sighed, and patted my father on the back, trying to encourage him. Simon still had tears trailing down his face, and I gave him a pitied look, before whispering into Suzy's ear. "Suzy, I think Grandfather needs some cheering up. Why don't you go and make him feel better?"

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