Chapter Sixteen- Explosions

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Beka's POV-


The sound woke me up from my slumber, and I sat up, ridged, in my tiny bed.

"What in the name of blueberry muffin was that?" I gasped, feeling wide awake. I sprung out of bed, and flung my door open, rushing down the hall, to the kitchen, where the explosion had come from.

I found smoke pouring out of the large room, and I stopped at the entrance, fanning the choking air away from me, coughing slightly. Lilly and Greta ran up beside me, equally worried.

"What the hell just happened?" Greta asked appalled.

"I have no idea." I said taking a cautious step into the room, searching the grey clouds for the solution. The two women followed.

Other prisoners started to crowd the entrance, and I told them to come no closer. They listened to me, and stayed where they were.

I peered over the cooking bench, wondering what had happened, what could have possibly caused a big enough explosion to make a huge hole in the stone wall.  

"It worked!" Maryanne said jumping out from behind an upturned table, with its top facing the blast, sheltering her, with her arms raised in a victory. Viola stood up swiftly, and looked around the room with a proud smirk. I turned and faced the two, my mouth hanging out, much like everyone else's was.

"Why in the world did you find it necessary to blast a hole in the wall?" Lillian said in disbelief.

Viola shrugged. "We're experimenting." she said in a care-free manner.

"Why did it have to be this early...?” I complained, stamping my foot. I had only just fallen asleep when I heard the blast.

The two ladies laughed. "If you haven't noticed, what we just did could be a very valuable skill to use in your escape plan, Beka." Viola persuaded, pointing to the effect it had on the wall. Lillian and Greta walked off to inspect the room on the other side that had opened up, while everyone else at the entrance turned their eyes to me.

I sighed tiredly, and gave the two a levelled look. "Yes, your skills have definitely opened up a wide range of options for my plan, but how are we going to explain this to a guard if they decide to come down here-..."

"WHAT WAS THAT NOISE!" yelled a masculine voice at the top of the stairs.

I sighed, and Maryanne and Viola gave me an apologetic look as the women at the kitchen entrance fled to their rooms. I turned as a tall, dark hair man walked into the room, and look incredibly shocked at the crumbling hole.

He turned directly to me, and I got a full glance at his face. "You." he said, jumping to the conclusion that I was the one behind this just because I was standing in the middle of the room...unfair.

The guard's eyes were a deep blue, and his hair fell down to his shoulders in a neat wave of dark brown. His skin was smooth, stubble-less, with a tiny scar above his right eyebrow. If the angry, no, furious, frown wasn't etching his face, than I would have considered him quite attractive. I noticed the muscles in his arm that bulged as he raised his sword, and came charging at me. My eyes racked his entire body-...wait a second...Charging at me...? With a sword!

My brain was slow to process what was happening, but I did manage enough time to raise my arms up to protect myself, and squeeze my eyes shut, but the impact of the razor-sharp blade never came.

I opened my eyes, one by one, and the guard stood motionless in front of me, his mouth gaping open, his blue eyes brimming with tears, and a shocked look across his face. Suddenly, as if losing balance, he fell, face first, to the floor, with a lengthy knife and arrow sticking out if his back.

My arms dropped to my sides, and I crouched down in front of the arm, inspecting the weapons.

"Are you alright Beka?"

I looked up at Lillian, and Greta, who were now standing inside the other room that had opened up from the large explosion.

"I'm fine..." I answered automatically, but in retrospect, I was actually very troubled. I have never let someone's physical feature stop me from defending myself before, and it’s not like the guard was anything special, nothing compared to my Mitchell.

"Are you sure...? You looked like you were waiting for him to come at you." Maryanne asked me, searching my face.

I stayed neutral, not giving her any hints. "No, seriously, I'm fine...I just blanket out for a second, what do expect from getting ten minutes of sleep, I'm exhausted!" I exclaimed, trying to turn the guilt towards her.

"But you've never done that, it’s not like you Beka." Lilly said worriedly.

"I'm fine, Ladies!" I snapped, bringing my four friends to silence. I looked at each of them, before I sighed and rolled my shoulders, easing the tension out of them. "...I do have a question is this guy dead?"

"Obviously it got something to do with the knife and arrow sticking out if him." Viola said sarcastically, and I rolled my eyes at her dark humour. 

"No shit DaVinci, I want to know how they got there though." I said explaining my question further.

"That would be us." Greta said proudly, pointing to her and my best friend.

"You two killed this man?" I repeated, doubting the two, but they nodded. I raised an eyebrow at Lilly. This was definitely out of character for her, Lilly wouldn't hurt a fly...well...that's what she used to be like.  "...and how did you do that?"

Lilly rolled her eyes. "I'm not as innocent as I used to be Beka. Usually when you're stuck in a cell with only a knife to entertain yourself with, your aim at throwing the blade tends to become more accurate over the years, especially when I picture the thing I'm through at to be David's head, or near a major organ..."

I nodded my head, deep in thought. Was I happy with the change in my best friend...? Of course, I still loved her with all my heart, and would do anything for her, but I always saw myself as protection enough for the both of us. I shielded the both of us from the years of ritual bullying, and the physical attacks from drunken men as they stumbled out of the tavern in the early hours of the morning. It was always me that didn't mind putting myself before Lilly, I figured that if I didn't have her than I'd have nobody, and, yes, I am relieved that Lilly learnt to protect herself, but I'm unhappy about the part that has changed. I just wish that things could go back to where they were in the beginning. Sure, I loved my adopted family, but I miss the simplicity of being average, not being the centre of attention all the time.

"Where did you get the weapons?" I asked, yanking the two sharp objects out of the dead body, and kicked it away from me, while I examined the very sharp points.

Greta smirked. "The hole in the wall actually did some good for us Beka, come, have a look." She said, waving me over. I placed the weapons on the closest table, stepping over the body, and Maryanne and Viola followed me to the other side of the room.

I gasped, looking inside the room. It was filled with every weapon imaginable. Bows, arrows, axes, you name it, and it was there.

"Looks like escaping this place just came a whole lot easier." I said with a cocky smirk painted across my face.

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