Chapter 8

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The next morning, Arkin still couldn't  believe of what just happened last night. It almost felt like he woke up from a dream. He can't  even think he really did beat up Zero and that he's part of them now. And even though he knows he just took a big risk up ahead, he can't be more thrilled.

Suddenly, he's pulled from his thought when he heard his father knocking on the door. He came up and look at him in the eyes but his dad just stare at him confused. And was the only time he realizes the bruises on his face.

"What happened to your face?" He swallowed the lump in his throat and attempt to advert his gaze.

"I... tripped myself on my way home last night." His dad remain staring at him, and at this point Arkin was just hoping he'll not ask anything anymore, knowing he's not gonna believe him anyway.

"Did you trip yourself with that bicycle again?" He didn't think it was a good alibi but he guess it's better that way.

"Y-yeah. But it's nothing serious."

"Arkin, you've been in accident with that bicycle. Why don't you just use the car?"

"No, I'm totally fine with my bicycle. I'll just take care next time." He knew his father's gonna argue about it so he chooses to end it, knowing how this conversation would end up.

His father breath out a heavy sigh before shaking his head. "Anyways, we're going to Mr. Scott's party tonight." Arkin rolls his eyes as soon as he hears it. "I want you to be there so make sure to be prepared. Come home early if needed."

Arkin heave out a sigh as he shouldered his bag. "I have to leave now." Was the only thing he told him before finally leaving.

As much as he wants to argue, he chooses  to end conversation, knowing his father would always win. He's not a lawyer for nothing. But that's always not a good thing for him.

When he arrives to his school, he grab his stuff from his locker and was on his way to class when he caught sight of Zeke. He still haven't spoken to him and it looks like he wouldn't if he don't insisted.

He only keep his eyes fixated on him when suddenly their eyes met. And before Arkin could even make his way to him, Zeke spun to his heel and Arkin try to catch up his pace as he walk past the people.

"Hey!" He calls out for him as he try to reach him but Zeke didn't paid attention. "Hold on! I want to talk to you!"

"There's nothing we should be talking about." Zeke said without looking way but that didn't stopped him.

"Zeke!" Zeke grimaced and was paused on his tracks the moment he felt Arkin grabbed him by his arm. He breath a sigh before turning around to face him. And the first thing he notice was the bruises on his faces he got from last night.

"What do you want? Can't you understand I don't want to talk to you?"

Arkin was quite taken aback as he looked into his eyes. He knew they never had a good relation but he can't think of reasons why it seemed like he's been hating him so much.

"Can you at least talk to me for one second? We're in a same environment now."

"And you think I should be glad to hear that?" Zeke sniggered.

"Why can't you just accept it?"

"Because you're never supposed to know anything about this, okay? Why don't you just go back to your life and forget about whatever you found out? Don't you even realize the risk that you've just entered? You're life's would be miserable—"

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