Chapter 7

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"Maybe I shouldn't have come here, whenever I don't listen to Mumma, this is what happens, how will I contact her now (Srishti hands her phone towards Abhira, Abhira looks at it, and ignoring this she keeps on blabbering), and and my photooooossss! (She starts screaming and Srishti taps her) What Srish yaar?"   "Your Google photos, there you will find the photos"    "Ohoooo Srish my girl!! Wait! I don't remember the password"    "Abhir Bhaiya knows all your passwords because of this"   "Ohh Yesss, Bhai, bhai knows it, thank God(she lays on her bed and smiles)"   "You are impossible, this is why aunty fears to send you alone"   "Shut up!Now give me your phone, let me call Mumma"

"How rude!"   "What rude?Fault was mine"   "Ohohooo Armaan Baba, what happened to you, the angry young man Armaan Sa is so calm here", Parth starts laughing, "Not funny Parth, I guess they came here without families, she will actually face problems for me, I am really feeling bad"   "For yourself or for her?", Parth stops his laugh by getting an intense angry look from Armaan, "Okay, so now what do you want to do?We don't know them that we will go and actually help them, and for your kind information she has her friends with her, also I don't think she is any bechari that she'll need your help"   "Abhira, what is the meaning of Abhira? Have you ever heard this name before?"    "Armaan! I am telling you, you are gone"    "Parth yaar, I mean her name is so unique, this is why I am thinking"    "The boy who keeps rejecting every proposal is taking interest in a stranger? I can see the plot", Parth says dreamily and Armaan slaps him lightly, where that is when his phone starts ringing, "Whether your Abhira is calling you or not?"   "Parth! Rohit Bhai's call, now shut up", he receives the call, "Yeah bhai, of course...... No no, it's all cool, I've already seen, Maa did send me...... Now just listen, you are going to do exactly what I told you to.... Bhaaaiii, I won't listen anything, you are just going, bye, and if you are not listening then should I call Di?.... Yeah yeah, so now will talk later, bye bye bye, love you bhai", when he finishes, he found Parth giving questioning look, "What?"    "What's happening? Where are you forcing Rohit Bhai to go?"    "To meet his fiance, I mean my bhabhi, you won't believe bhabhi is also like Bhai, I mean ditto, perfect match"    "But why is Rohit bhai not agreeing?"    "He doesn't know what to talk, I've given him training though"   "Who would say you are a lawyer"   "Why? Aren't lawyers human?"    "Armaan I am telling you, your personality is so confusing at least for the people who don't know you", smirks Armaan.

Guess what will happen next? 🤫
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