you can call me bia

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"smiling is her thing."


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"DUDE IM SO EXCITED FOR TODAY B" the brunette girl exclaimed as the two girls walked into the gymnasium.
"you're just excited to see your girl play basketball ali." bia said as she chuckled at the girl's happiness. the two girls stepped in the gym and felt eyes. every single pair. the two girls were unfamiliar so it was understandable that everyone was staring at them.
"girls huddle up, I want you all to meet someone." Geno said as he quit the girls practice.
"this is beatrice white. she's our new photographer. you all better make her feel welcomed." Geno said as he looked at everyone girl in the room to make sure they knew he was serious.
"hi I'm beatrice but you can call me bia!" bia said trying to make conversation with the girls. All the girls shared small talk before they got back to practice and bia sat up her camera to snap photos of each girls.

about an hour had passed of bia taking shots of each girl making sure to even it out. all of them were so talented, bia didn't see how they were so good at this. bia was packing up as she felt eyes on her, the girl turned her head to see alice and paige talking.
"b come here really quick!" alice yelled from the end of the gym knocking the girl out of her trance. bia walked over to the two girls with a warm smile on her face. bia was always smiling.
"sooo we were talking and you should come out with us tonight, pleaseee" alice pleaded at the shorter girl giving her puppy eyes.
"if I say yes will you stop looking at me like that?" bia replied rolling her eyes in a playful manner. Alice shook her head eagerly towards the girl as an answer.


getting ready for a bar should not be this stressful. bia had decided to wear a white thigh-high dress with a pink ribbon at the top with black boot that came up to the end of her knees. bia always had a thing for style, it's always the first thing she notices about people.
"AH look at you ms thing!!" alice yelled walking into her best friends room. Alice was always such a good hype girl, she always had your back.
"ali. look at you." bia replied in awe of her best friend.
"alrighttt let's stop gushing and let's go." Alice replies back to the girls compliment.

loud chatter rose against the two girls as they walked into the bar. going out was not bias thing, she preferred to stay home and watch a movie, call her boring but boy when that girl got lose she was a whole new person.
"ALI!!!BIA!!!" nika screamed over top of the music waving her hand to follower her.
the two girls walked hand in hand towards the group. pagie noticing the two girls holding hands shifted in her seat.
"hey, pagie right?" the blondes ear perked up at the mention of her name.
" yeah, bia right?" pagie replied turning her body towards the girl.
pagie took a look at what bia was wearing. she had good style. maybe a little good of style.
the two girls fell into a light chatter blocking out all the noise in the bar. the two girls found each other easy to talk too. their conversation didn't go unnoticed by the group, they all grinned at each other. Paige usually never talked to any new person this easily but something was different with bia. bia was an easy person to talk to. the group walked off leaving the girls alone to talk.


"where'd everyone go?" bia said looking around not seeing alice or anyone else.
"guess they left. good thing I drove myself here. come on I'll give you a ride home." pagie offered holding her hand out for the brunette to grab. bia gladly took her hand in hers as she was led out of the bar towards pagies car. the two girls got in and started on the road.
"here you want the aux? we still have a 10 minute drive." pagie said turning to the girl.
"absolutely." bia said excitedly taking the girls aux cord and plugging it into her phone. bia picked cola by Lana del Rey to start her off.
"you like lana?" paige said as she turned up the volume.
"yeah, she's on of my favorites" bia replied setting her phone in her lap but keeping her playlist open. the two girls sat quietly but not uncomfortably until they got to bias dorm.
"thanks for the ride paige, it's very appreciated." bia said giving her a warm smile.
"anytime b." paige said returning the smile.
bia walked into her dorm with a smile brighter than the moon. maybe bias first year at uconn would go better than expected.


hi I hope you like the very first chapter!!! idk how well I like it but anyways want to put a few disclaimers here!!!

1. I'm not assuming anyone's sexuality it's purely for the book!
2. there may be slight sexual content but not smut, it will be mentioned but not wrote mostly because idk how to write them... I may read them but can't write them HAHA

okay yeah that's it

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